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Sloan Digital Sky Survey at the CFA Data Release 6GETSPECID - get spectra from archiveThe getspecid program, located in /data/oiropt/bin, expects a starbase table as its standard input and decodes the specObjID column to determine the plate number, date (as MJD) and fiber ID. If the specObjID is zero for a given row, that row is ignored. Getspecid then locates the appropriate multi-spectrum FITS file in the Spectro directory hierarchy and writes that fiber's spectrum to a FITS file in the user's area. There are a number of options that may alter this default behavior, including using the command line arguments instead of standard input.Usage: getspecid [options] [specID_1 specID_2 ...] If non-option args are present, they are taken as specObjIDs to be decoded. The -t, -l, -c, and -a flags are then ignored. Options: -t - Take specObjID's from STDIN as starbase table (default) -l - Take specObjID's as simple list from STDIN, one per line -d . - set output directory path -f <id> - use fiberID=<id> -m <mj> - use mjd=<mj> -n - Print source file path+name, fiberid only -s - Print source file name, fiberid only -p <pl> - use plate=<pl> -c specObjID - Column name to use from starbase table -o <name> - Output file name instead of default. -a /data/astrocat/SDSS-dr6/Spectro - Path to SDSS data -v - verbose output -x - Print this message and exit. Output is file in directory "dirpath", which is "." by default. File name is of form: spPlate-<plate>-<mjd>-<fiberID>.fits
Example:To gather candidate Hypervelocity Stars for his project, Warren Brown (see Brown et al.) searched the SDSS catalog for late B-type objects. An approximate replication of the search would be the following script ( see explanatory notes): Note that the multiple row statements are really for clarity and could be combined into a single command. Running this script (call it hvsearch) as:#! /data/oiropt/bin/ksh echo 18.25 | fldtotable psfMag_g | search /data/astrocat/SDSS-dr6/PhotoPrim.db -C1 psfMag_g 1.25 | row 'type == 6 && and(flags, 0x03000810U) == 0x10U && and(flags2,0x80441044U) == 0' | row 'psfMag_g_r > -0.38 && psfMag_g_r < -0.28' | row ' (2.67 * psfMag_g_r) + 1.30 < psfMag_u_g && psfMag_u_g < (2.67 * psfMag_g_r) + 2.0' | row ' -0.5 < psfMag_r_i && psfMag_r_i < 0.0 && 17.0 < psfMag_g && psfMag_g < 19.5' | column -a l b | compute '[ l, b ] = eqgal(ra/15.,dec); if(b > 180.) b = (b % 180)-180' | row 'abs(b) > -l/5. + 50 || abs(b) < l/5. - 50.' generates hvstars.db with 563 rows. That table can be piped straight into getspecid to pull out all the objects with observed spectra:hvsearch >hvstars.db for a total of 39 spectra, of which only 2 do not appear to be late B-type stars.getspecid -v <hvstars.db Extract fiber 304 to ./spPlate-0339-51692-304.fits Extract fiber 261 to ./spPlate-0332-52367-261.fits Extract fiber 175 to ./spPlate-0372-52173-175.fits ... Extract fiber 373 to ./spPlate-0543-52017-373.fits Extract fiber 358 to ./spPlate-0439-51877-358.fits Extract fiber 533 to ./spPlate-0497-51989-533.fits A test run of this script took about 3 hours 52 minutes on the tdc computer, of which all but 7 minutes was the initial search with the condition 17.0 < psfMag_g > 19.5, which passed 6.8 million rows on to the pipeline of row statements.