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Starbase Data Tables
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starbase - an ASCII relational database for UNIX.
Starbase is a set of filter programs and an ascii table format for UNIX.
The current release contains over 95 programs for manipulating data tables.
The ascii database concepts are outlined in the book
Unix Relational Database Management
by Manis, Schaffer and Jorgensen. This implementation
has been written at the
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
and contains many extensions for use with scientific and astrophysical data
- Top Level README
- Download Starbase Data Tables
- A Paper I wrote: Starbase: A User Centered Database for Astronomy
- Summary Pages
- Simple web based starbase demonstrations.
- Starbase Programs Functional Listing
Row Programs:
- compute - compute new values for starbase data table
- row - select rows from a starbase data table.
- select - select rows from a starbase data table.
- validate - validate the rows of a table.
- check - check for column errors in a starbase database.
Column Programs:
- column - project columns from a starbase data table.
- project - project columns from a starbase data table.
- trim - trim columns of an starbase data table.
Header Access:
- dashline - print the dashline from a starbase data table.
- headoff - remove the header from a starbase data table.
- header - print the header from a starbase data table.
- headline - print the headline from a starbase data table.
Database - Sets, Relations, Searching, Sorting and Indexing:
- appendtable - append rows to the end of a table
- classifytable - group together rows in a table into similar classes.
- cprodtable - create the cartesian product of N tables.
- diffrtable - subtract to starbase data tables.
- domaintable - convert the domain of a column from one set to another
- edittable - Table driven indexed editing of a starbase data table.
- index - index a starbase data table for fast access
- indexsorttable - output a table in the odrer of and indexed column.
using the search command.
- intertable - intersect two starbase data tables.
- jointable - join two starbase data tables on matching key columns.
- pastetable - join N tables by row number.
- search - quickly search an indexed starbase data table.
- sorttable - sort a starbase data table by specified columns.
- uniontable - produce the union of two starbase data tables.
Astronomical Programs:
- precess - precess coordinates
- fk45z - convert ra, dec columns from fk4 to
fk5 assuming zero proper motion.
- fk54z - convert ra, dec columns from fk5 to
fk4 assuming zero proper motion.
- fk425 - convert ra, dec columns from fk4 to
fk5 with proper motion, paralax and
recession velocity.
- fk524 - convert ra, dec columns from fk5 to
fk4 with proper motion, paralax and
recession velocity.
- galeq - convert ra, dec columns from galactic to fk5.
- eqgal - convert ra, dec columns from fk5 to galactic.
- ge1950 - convert ra, dec columns from galactic to fk4.
- eg1950 - convert ra, dec columns from fk4 to galactic.
- s2tptable - spherical to tangent plane conversion
- tp2stable - tangent plane to spherical conversion
- radecbox - select an ra, dec box from a catalog table.
- radeccirc - select an ra, dec circle from a catalog table.
- xytotng - place circle regions at X, Y points on saotng
image display.
Beyond Compute:
- coproctable - run a coprocess on the rows of a table.
- jiggletable - add a random gausian distribution to a column.
- radialsort - sort the rows of a table in by the distance from a point.
- resampletable - resample numeric columns in a table.
- reseqtable - resequence a numeric column in a table to a monotonicly ascending sequence
- rotatetable - rotate two columns of a table representing cartesian coordinates.
- rttoxytable - convert a pair of columns in polar coordinates to cartesain coordinates.
- scaletable - scale two columns of a table representing cartesian coordinates.
- shifttable - add an offset to columns.
- xytorttable - convert a pair of columns in cartesain coordinates to polar coordinates.
- simplexfittable - coefficient fit of a an expression to a dependent column.
- svdfittable - fit any set of columns to with linear coefficients on arbitrary basis functions.
- xyfittable - fit two pair of columns with a linear model of translation, scale, rotation and optional shear.
Combining Lab Data Tables:
- avg3dtable - stack several similar tables, compute the average value in each cell
- compute3dtable - stack several similar tables, evaluate statements for each cell
- expr3dtable - stack several similar tables, evaluate the expression for each cell
- fun3dtable - run a 3d function over a stack of similar datasets
- rms3dtable - stack several similar tables, compute the rms for each cell
- sub3dtable - stack two similar tables, compute the difference for each cell
- sum3dtable - stack several similar tables, compute the sum for each cell
- statstable - compute basic stats about the columns of a table.
- agvtable - compute the average of each column of a table.
- prectable - compute the precision of each column of a table.
- mintable - compute the max of each column of a table.
- maxtable - compute the min of each column of a table.
- medtable - compute the median of each column of a table.
- rmstable - compute the rms of each column of a table.
- rngtable - compute the range of each column of a table.
- sumtable - compute the sum of each column of a table.
- tottable - compute the total of each column of a table.
- total - compute the total of each column of a table.
- histtable - compute the histogram of a column in a table.
Table Input
- cvstattable - display CVS stat as a table.
- daophototable - convert a daophot table to starbase
- fitsbase - create a starbase database from fits files
- fitshdr - create a starbase table for each input fits file
- fixtotable - convert a fixed column ascii table into a
starbase data table.
- fldtotable - convert a field column ascii table into a
starbase data table.
- gridtable - create a table with columns representing cartesian coordinates.
- jottable - print a table of sequential or random data
- listtotable - convert an /rdb list format file to a starbase
data table.
- sextotable - inport a sextractor table to starbase.
Table Output
- justify - justify columns of a starbase data table.
- extracttable - execute a program for each matching table in the input
- formattable - justify a table according to predefined arguments given in the table header
- report - create a report from a table.
- tabletodaophot - convert a table to a DAOphot table.
- tabletofits - convert a table to a FITS binary table.
- tabletohtml - convert a table to HTML.
- tabletolist - convert a starbase data table to /rdb list
- tabletom4 - write a set of m4 substitution commands.
- tabletosed - write a set of sed substitution commands.
- headtable - use the head utility on a starbase data table.
- randtable - pick random rows from a starbase data table.
- tactable - use the tac utility on a starbase data table.
- tailtable - use the tail utility on a starbase data table.
- wctable - use the wc utility on a starbase data table.
File Substitution:
- grestable - table driven general regular expression
- tabletosed - convert a table to sed substitutions.
- trantable - table driven token substitution.
- tabletom4 - convert a table to m4 substitutions.
Associated Programs and Documentation:
- calc - a command line calculator.
- filebytes - output a specified byte range from a file
- mawk - an implementation of the awk programming
language by Mike Brennan (brennan@boeing.com).
- tawk - awk language extensions implemented at SAO.
- reckon - execute a block of awk program statements.
- table - a program for manipulating starbase data tables.
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