search - search a table using a fast access method.
search table [options] < keytable
The search program may be used in combination with the index program to find
data rows in large tables very quickly. First the table must be indexed.
Index may sort the data table or create an auxillery index file depending on
how it is run. Search will use the created index to find rows in the table
that match the given options.
Program Options:
C2 is a column from the table to be searched. This is generally the indexed table. C1 is a column from the table of input keys. These are the values to be searched for. The examples are given along with the specification of each type of search option.
Search for the exact value (string of number) given in the key column.
Search for rows with column XPixel equal to the column XPixel in
john@panic: search XPixel <
Search for rows with column XPixel equal to the column XPosition in
john@panic: search XPixel:XPosition <
Listing several column will cause an exact match for each column. Search for rows with column XPixel equal to the column XPosition in and matching OBJECT columns.
john@panic: search XPixel:XPosition OBJECT <
Search for a range of values in a one, two or three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. The dimension is specified by a 1, 2 or 3 immedietly following the 'C' option character. The units of all columns specifying the coordinates must match. If The column name in the key table (C1) is missing from the coordinate column specification the columns in each table are assumed to have the same name.
This option uses the input key pair of column coordinate and returns the rows in the searched table that are within the specified range (distance) of the input point.
Search for all the targets within 4 pixels of X,Y from the key table.
john@panic: search -C2 X:XPixel Y:YPixel 4 <
Search in a cartesian coordinate system sphere of 1500 units raduis.
john@panic: search -C3 X Y Z 1500 < XYZ.key X Y Z Data Mag RA Dec ------- ------- ------- ---- --- --------- --------- 2875.33 3921.35 4284.41 Obj7 22 0:43:37.32 41.245383 3368.52 3523.19 4311.07 Obj5 21 0:43:15.42 41.190227
Invert the search, output all rows that do not match.
Search for a range in a one or two dimensional spherical coordinate system. The dimension is specified by a 1 or 2 immedietly following the 'S' option character. A two dimensional coordinate system is the default. The units of each column in a two dimensional system may be optionally indicated by three following characters. A 'h' indicated hours, a 'd' indicated degrees and a 'r' indicated radians. The units indicated are in order, RA column, Dec column and the range value units. The default units are 'hdd'. The units specification for a one dimensional coordinate system only determines where axis wraps over to zero, no units conversion is done between the column and range values. If The column name in the key table (C1) is missing from the coordinate column specification the columns in each table are assumed to have the same name. In the examples below the range value is given in decimal degrees, it may also be convienient to use sexagesimal notataion to specify ranges (0:00:30 for 30 seconds).
Search in a spherical coordinate system box of 1 degree square. The units for a one dimensional spherical coordinate system should be explicitly set. The default units for the first axis in a spherical search is hours (RA). Search uses the units of a spherical axis to compute the axis wrap point.
john@panic: search -S1d RA 0.1 -S1d Dec 0.1 < range.key X Y Z Data Mag RA Dec ------- ------- ------- ---- --- --------- --------- 3476.18 3935.77 3500.07 Obj8 18 10.794499 41.247551 3992.21 3500.07 4854.75 Obj4 18 10.699151 41.187092
Search in a spherical coordinate system circle of 0.1 degree raduis. Here the units of RA are in hours (the default) while the units of Dec are degrees (the default). The spherical coordinate system option knows how to combine columns of a spherical system with different units.
john@panic: search -S2 RA Dec 0.1 < range.key X Y Z Data Mag RA Dec ------- ------- ------- ---- --- --------- --------- 3476.18 3935.77 3500.07 Obj8 18 0:43:10.68 41.247551 3992.21 3500.07 4854.75 Obj4 18 0:42:47.80 41.187092 4365.01 4509.67 5888.78 ObjC 18 0:42:31.26 41.327306
Search in a spherical coordinate system circle of 0.16 degree raduis. This command sets the spherical coordinates system units to degrees for each axis and the search radius. The RA, Dec and the search range will be in degrees.
john@panic: search -S2ddd RA Dec 0.16 < range.key X Y Z Data Mag RA Dec ------- ------- ------- ---- --- --------- --------- 2875.33 3921.35 4284.41 Obj7 22 10.905480 41.245383 3368.52 3523.19 4311.07 Obj5 21 10.814261 41.190227 3390.06 3035.48 3476.18 Obj2 18 10.810160 41.122493
Search for an anular range in a one or two dimensional spherical coordinate system. This is identical to the -S option above but allows an additional range to specify an inner radius of the annulus.
Search a spherical coordinate system circle of 0.16 degrees raduis, and limit the output with an absolute range of magnitude.
john@panic: search -S2ddd RA Dec 0.16 -R Mag 18 20 < range.key X Y Z Data Mag RA Dec ------- ------- ------- ---- --- --------- --------- 3390.06 3035.48 3476.18 Obj2 18 10.810160 41.122493 3476.18 3935.77 3500.07 Obj8 18 10.794499 41.247551 3992.21 3500.07 4854.75 Obj4 18 10.699151 41.187092