resample - resample numeric columns in a table
resample controltable keycol[:controlkeycol] col1 ... [coln] [< input]
resampletable is used to resample numeric columns in a table to a set of
points specified by a column in a control table. The resampling is done using
linear interpolation. Both tables must be sorted on the key column before
calling this program. The keycol and col1...coln are written to the output.
The number of rows in the output table is equal to the number of rows in the
control table. If the control value is outside the range of the key values in
the input file, the output value is linearly extrapolated using the end
% cat newxtab NEWX ---- 0 3 6.5 11 %cat oldxtab OLDX Y1 Y2 ---- -- -- 2 20 0 4 40 40 6 60 60 8 80 80 10 100 500 % resampletable newxtab OLDX:NEWX Y1 Y2 < oldxtab OLDX OLDX Y1 Y2 ---- -- -- 0 0 -40 3 30 20 6.5 65 65 11 110 710