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Starbase Programs Alphabetical Listing
- appendtable - append rows to the end of a table
- avg3dtable - stack several similar tables, compute the average value in each cell
- calc - a command line calcutator
- check - check for column errors in a starbase database.
- classifytable - group together rows in a table into similar classes.
- column - project columns from a starbase data table
- compute - compute column values for the rows of a starbase data table
- compute3dtable - stack several similar tables, evaluate statements for each cell
- coproctable - run a coprocess on the rows of a table.
- cprodtable - compute the cartesian product of a list of input tables.
- cvstattable - display CVS stat is a table.
- daophototable - convert a daophoto table to starbase
- dashline - output the dashline of a starbase data table.
- diffrtable - compute the difference of two starbase data table.
- domaintable - convert the domain of a column from one set to another
- edittable - Fast indexed editing of a starbase data table.
- expr3dtable - stack several similar tables, evaluate the expression for each cell
- extracttable - execute a program for each matching table in the input
- filebytes - output a specified byte range from a file
- fitsbase - create a starbase database from fits files
- fitshdr - create a starbase table for each input fits file
- fixtotable - convert a file of fix format columns to a starbase data table.
- fk425 - convert ra, dec columns from fk4 to fk5 with proper motion,
- fk45z - convert ra, dec columns from fk4 to fk5 assuming zero proper motion.
- fk524 - convert ra, dec columns from fk5 to fk4 with proper motion,
- fk54z - convert coordinates from FK5 to FK4
- formattable - justify a table according to predefined arguments given in the table header
- fldtotable - convert a whitespace delimited file of columns to an starbase data table.
- gridtable - create a table with columns representing cartesian coordinates.
- header - output the header of a starbase data table
- headline - output the headline of a starbase data table.
- headoff - remove the header of a starbase data table and output the data part.
- headtable - use the head utility on an ascii tab table.
- histtable - compute the histogram of a column in a table.
- index - index a starbase data table for fast access using the search command.
- indexsorttable - output a table in the odrer of and indexed column.
- intertable - compute the intersection of two starbase data table.
- jiggletable - add a random gausian distribution to a column.
- jointable - join two starbase data tables on matching key columns.
- jottable - print a table of sequential or random data
- justify - justify the columns of a starbase data table.
- listtotable - convert a /rdb compatible list to a table.
- maxtable - compute the min of each column of a table.
- avgtable - compute the mean of each column of a table.
- medtable - compute the median of each column of a table.
- mintable - compute the max of each column of a table.
- pastetable - join starbase data tables by row number
- precess - Precess the ra and dec columns from one equinox to another.
- prectable - compute the precision of each column of a table.
- project - project columns from a starbase data table
- radecbox - Search an starbase data table catalog for targets in an ra dec
- radeccirc - Search an starbase data table catalog for targets in an ra dec
- radialsort - sort the rows of a table in by the distance from a point.
- randtable - pick random rows from an starbase data table .
- reckon - execute a block of awk program statements.
- report - create a report from a table.
- resampletable - resample numeric columns in a table
- reseqtable - resequence a numeric column in a table to a monotonic sequence
- rms3dtable - stack several similar tables, compute the rms for each cell
- rmstable - compute the rms of each column of a table.
- rngtable - compute the range of each column of a table.
- rotatetable - rotate two columns of a table representing cartesian coordinates.
- row - select rows from a starbase data table
- rttoxytable - convert a pair of columns in polar coordinates to cartesain coordinates.
- s2tptable - convert a pair of columns in spherical coordinates to tangent plane coordinates.
- scaletable - multiply columns by a scale factor.
- search - search a table using a fast access method.
- select - select rows from a starbase data table
- sextotable - inport a sextractor table to starbase.
- simplexfittable - coefficient fit of a an expression to a dependent column.
- shifttable - add an offset to columns.
- sorttable - sort a starbase data table on specified columns.
- statstable - compute basic stats about the columns of a table.
- sub3dtable - stack two similar tables, compute the difference for each cell
- sum3dtable - stack several similar tables, compute the sum for each cell
- sumtable - compute the sum of each column of a table.
- svdfittable - Fit one set of columns to another set with a set of linear coefficients on arbitrary basis functions.
- table - run an awk program with a starbase data table as input.
- tabletodaophot - convert a table to a DAOphot table.
- tabletofits - convert a table to a FITS binary table.
- tabletohtml - convert a table to HTML.
- tabletolist - convert a table to a /rdb compatible list.
- tabletom4 - write a set of m4 substitution commands.
- tabletosed - write a set of sed substitution commands.
- tactable - use the tac utility on a starbase data table.
- tailtable - use the tail utility on an ascii tab table.
- tawk - extension to the awk programming language.
- total - compute the total of each column of a table.
- tottable - compute the total of each column of a table.
- tp2stable - tangent plane to spherical conversion
- trantable - table driven string substitution.
- trim - removes extra white space from the columns of a table.
- uniontable - compute the union of starbase data tables.
- validate - validate and fix column values of a starbase data table
- wctable - use the wc utility on an starbase data table.
- xyfittable - Fit one pair of X, Y columns to another pair with a linear model of translation, scale and optional shear.
- xytorttable - convert a pair of columns in cartesain coordinates to polar coordinates.
- xytotng - Place circle regions at X, Y points on saotng image display.
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