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simplexfittable - coefficient fit of a an expression to a dependent column.


     simplexfittable < data.tab expression fit_column [-t tol] [-d] [-D] -[i iters] fit_variable=startmin:max%delta


simplexfittable fits a expression to data in column. The expression is evaluated for each input row and may contain column and header values from the input table.



A simple fit of measured data in column Y to actual position column X. The first line of the example uses jottable to creates some data to fit. The second line fits the data with simplexfittable and then neatens up the output table with justify
    john@panic : jottable X 5 | column -a Y | compute 'Y = X + gresid(.1)' > foo.tab
    johntdc : simplexfittable < foo.tab 'A*X' Y A=5 | justify

    simplexfittable A*X             Y               A=5.000000

    RMS_Y   0.0950815

    Coeff   1.00683593750000000

    X       Y               Y_Fit           Y_Res
    -       --------        --------        ---------
    1       0.995285        0.995285         0.011551
    2       2.08891         2.08891         -0.075238
    3       2.98061         2.98061          0.039898
    4       4.05656         4.05656         -0.029216
    5       5.00588         5.00588          0.0283


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