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Starbase Data Tables - An Ascii Relational Database for UNIX


This distribution is made up of five independent parts. Each was developed by a different author and comes with its own licensing arangements. The distribution contains a set of command line filter programs and a library of subroutines to read/write and operate on data tables.

Documentation is provided at:


A top level configure script is provided. It should suffice to run it and then run make. Each of the lower level directories will be configured and compiled from here.

        > configure
        > make
        > make install prefix=xxxx

  1. tablelib, tablesrc, utillib - starbase library and program source code. This source was written at SAO and is distributed under Smithsonain Astrophysical Observatory Copyright

    A configure script is provided.

    The source code should compile on any reasonable unix system. The only real system dependent parts are in file system directory access (in utillib). Macros from autoconf are used to do this.

  2. tawk - a modified version of the mawk programming language This code was written by Mike Brennan at Boeing and is distributed under a Gnu General Public License.

    A configure script is provided.

  3. gnu sort/join - a modified version of the gnu textutils. This code was written by the GNU Project and is distributed under a Gnu General Public License.

    A configure script is provided.

  4. bsd derrived source - the jot program. A Makefile.in was written at SAO to config and compile jot.c

    This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.

  5. slalink - The Star Link Astrometry Library.

    This code was written by P.T Wallace at the Star Link Project in Great Britian. There may be binaries of the slalink module available from time to time at the starbase website. To compile slalink you must obtain a source code copy of slalib from the author.

    To include slalib in the installation of starbase you must separately compile the library in its own directory and then set the environemnt variable SLALIB to point at the directory containing libsla.a.

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