Archive Access Software

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rspec prints one-line-per-spectrum summaries of the contents of TDC spectrum archive files. Archived spectral data has most commonly been accessed through ASCII databases maintained by Bob Davis (echelle data) and Susan Tokarz (Z-machine data). While it may be desirable in the long run to move this information to a database manager such as Ingres, it seems reasonable to keep the familiar mode available. There are currently 7 output formats, and more can be added as needed. Column headers may be printed, if desired using -h, and output lines may be grouped with blank lines separating them using -nlg and page feed (^L) separating them using -nlp. -ncr should usually be set. To report on an archive file outside of the archive, set the archive root pathname to the directory in which the archive file resides. When the command rspec is typed with no arguments, the following explanatory message is displayed on the terminal:
Parameters read from "/home/mink/Defaults/rspec.par"
RSPEC converts  a binary spectrum archive file  or series
of binary archive files into an ASCII file or files.  The
files to be transferred are specified on the command line.
In addition, several switches may be set:
  <number> reduced file number of archive file (35707)
  <list>   reduced file numbers of archive file
  @<file>  file of reduced file numbers of archive file
  -d <pathname> archive root pathname (/)
  -i <instrument> instrument directory name (echelle)
  -r <number> report mode (0-7) (  0)
  -nlp <number> number of lines per page (  10)
  -nlg <number> number of lines per group (  0)
  -f(nf)   replace(keep) blanks in strings (off)
  -h(nh)   print(don't) heading on each page (on)
  -cr(ncr) omit(print) carriage returns (on)
  -v(nv)   turns on(off) verbose mode (off)

The default parameter file looks like this:

Parameter file for RSPEC
DIAG=F           / flag for diagnostic printing
FILL=F           / switch for blank filling
NLOG=0           / Logging interval
REPMODE=0        / reporting mode (0-6)
SPECROOT='/'     / root directory of spectrum archive
SPECINST='zmach' / default instrument (zmach mmt echelle mmtech oroech)
SPECRFN=112      / default reduced file number (ignored)
RFNLIST=''       / list of reduced file numbers
RFNFILE=''       / file of reduced file numbers
HEADING=F        / Print page heading every NPAGE lines if true
NPAGE=0          / number of reduced files per page
NGROUP=0         / number of reduced files per group
PIPED=T          / If true, print only LF at end of line instead of CR LF

The eight report formats available using -r print various combinations

    of the following parameters for each reduced file:
  1. Reduced file number. This is unique for each instrument at each observatory.
  2. Instrument/observatory code. This is the name of the directory in which the reduced file resides. Current instruments are zmach, mmtspect, echelle, oroech, and mmtech.
  3. 3. Object Name. This 12-character name is extracted from the archive file ASCII header
  4. Right Ascension. Though currently in the form hh:m:ss, decimal places could be added if needed.
  5. Declination. Currently this is in the form dd:mm:ss.
  6. Epoch. While this is usually 1950.0, it can be otherwise.
  7. Principal Investigator. This comes from the comment field of the Nova data files, and is not aways accurate.
  8. Date. A numerically sortable 12-digit number yymmddhhmmss. It is currently EST for Oak Ridge and MST for Mt. Hopkins. Should it be UT?
  9. Program numbers. Each reduced file may be used in up to 3 programs, so three fields are used; the unused fields are filled with 0.
  10. Blue limit of the wavelength reduction in Angstroms. This is for the fifth-order fit for echelle data; otherwise it is from the seventh-order fit.
  11. Red limit of the wavelength reduction in Angstroms. This is for the fifth-order fit for echelle data; otherwise it is from the seventh-order fit.
  12. Calibration lines attempted (number) in the wavelength reduction.
  13. Calibration lines accepted (number) in the wavelength reduction.
  14. R-value for the strongest correlation function. This is redundant with the template section, but is useful for short reports.
  15. Velocity from the strongest correlation function. This is corrected by the heliocentric velocity and the template heliocentric velocity and tshift.
  16. Velocity standard deviation from the strongest correlation function. This is redundant with the template section, but is useful for short reports.
  17. Julian Day. This is the heliocentric Julian Day for the middle of the observation and comes from the TDC archive file header.
  18. Observer. This comes from the comment field of the file.
  19. Object category. A 2-3-digit code for the object type.
  20. Exposure time. The total of all combined object exposures in seconds.
  21. Heliocentric Velocity. This is the heliocentric or barycentric velocity correction in the direction of the object.
  22. Level. Data level for center half of spectrum.
  23. Emission velocity. Velocity from emission line shifts.
  24. Emission velocity error. Standard deviation for velocity from emission line shifts.
  25. Combined velocity. Velocity from emission line shifts and cross-correlation.
  26. Combined velocity error. Standard deviation for velocity from emission line shifts and cross-correlation.
  27. Quality character. Q for OK, ? for questionable, X for bad.
  28. Raw file name. This is the file number for new data and the tape number.file number for old data.
  29. Raw directory name. For new data only, this is the date-based directory name which may be different from the date field.
  30. Object file numbers for spectra from original tape.
  31. Telescope code 1=illegal, 2=MHO 60", 3=MMT, 4=ORO

(The following fields are repeated for each template.) T1. Template name in 8 characters. T2. Template tshift. This velocity shift needed to reference all measurements to the known velocity of the twilight sky. It only changes once per month (or when the spectrograph as had a major adjustment), but is different for each template. T3. Correlation radial velocity. This velocity is the peak fit to the correlation to this template. It is the fit velocity, and needs to be corrected by the template and object heliocentric velocities and the tshift. T4. Correlation standard deviation of the correlation fit in velocity. T5. Correlation R-value for the fit.

The eight formats produced are:

        0:  All parameters
                1-22, T1-T5 for each template
        1:  Echelle .TEM list
                1,2,3,4,5,16,17,18,9,19,20,22, T1,T3,T5 for each template
        2:  Echelle SKY list
                1,2,17,19,9, T1,T2,T3,T5 for each template
        3:  Echelle .PEI list
                1,2,3,4,5,7,17,18,9, T1,T3,T4,T5 for each template
        4:  Echelle .FTS list
                1,2,3,17,19,9,20,22, T1,T3,T4,T5 for each template
        5:  Z-machine list
        6:  Z-machine and MMT spectrograph ZCAT report
        7:  Z-machine and MMT spectrograph ZCAT report with file numbers