Archive Access Software[aspec] [dspec] [espec] [pspec] [rspec] |
If your search path is set as described above, just type dspec, and the following help message will appear on your terminal and a parameter file, dspec.par, will be created in your current working directory.
DSPEC plots or lists a binary spectrum archive file or series of binary archive files. The files to be plotted may be specified on the command line and the switches below may be set.sets reduced file number to plot (01000a) -d sets archive root pathname (/ret) -i sets instrument name (zmach) -average sets averaging interval -smooth sets smoothing interval -sample sets sampling interval ( 1) -o sets order of wavelength solution ( 7) -w0 sets starting wavelength in Angstroms ( 0.0) -ws sets wavelength span in Angstroms ( 0.0) -nv(v) turns off(on) verbose mode -np(p) turns off(on) plotting mode -w(nw) turns on(off) wavelength mode -nk(k) turns off(on) cursor after plot