Archive Access Software

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pspec plots archived spectra. The following help message will appear on your terminal when you type pspec, and a parameter file, pspec.par, will be created in your current directory.
Parameters read from "/home/mink/Defaults/pspec.par"
PSPEC plots a binary spectrum archive file or series
of binary archive files.  The files to be plotted are
specified on the command line.  In addition, several
switches may be set:
  <num><a|b>    sets reduced file number to plot (09763a)
    or <list>   reduced file numbers of archive file
    or @<file>  file of archive reduced file numbers
  -d <pathname> sets archive root pathname (.)
  -i <instrument> sets instrument name (mmtspect)
  -average <num> sets averaging interval (  1)
  -smooth <num> sets smoothing interval
  -sample <num> sets sampling interval
  -o <number>  sets order of wavelength solution (  7)
  -w1 <number> sets starting wavelength in Angstroms ( 3000.0)
  -w2 <number> sets  final   wavelength in Angstroms ( 8000.0)
  -v(nv)       turns on(off) verbose mode (off)
  -w(nw)       turns on(off) wavelength mode (on)
  -m(nm)       turns on(off) menu after plot (off)
  -k(nk)       turns on(off) cursor after plot (off)
  -nhc(hc)      turns off(on) automatic hard copies
  -hcom <command> sets hard copy command (imtek)

     If you want to use the default values, all that you need to type is pspec <RFN>, where <RFN> is the reduced file number of the spectrum that you want to see plotted. You can specify whether you want to see the first or second spectrum in the file by adding an a or b after the reduced file number. To plot multiple spectra on one page, list several reduced file numbers separated by spaces. To plot multiple spectra one-per-page, give a list of RFNs or ranges of RFNs separated by commas with no spaces or the name of a file of RFNs with a "@" prepended. Automatic hardcopies of these plots may be made by setting the -hc switch.

     <list> may be a single number or ran ge or a comma-separated list of numbers and ranges. Each line of <file> may contain a number, a list, or a number followed by uninteresting stuff which will be ignored if separated by a space or period. Programs can thus be fed by any file which contains lines starting with reduced file numbers or reduced file names.

     If no arguments are typed, the arguments a re printed with the current or default values. To run with parameters unchanged, just type "pspec -x". The instrument/observatory may be set by typing -zm, -mmts, -mmto, -ec, or -or, as well as -i.

     If the starting wavelength is 0., the blue end of the fit as stored in the file header for the fit order specified by -o is used. If the ending wavelength is 0., the red end of the fit is used as the upper wavelength limit of the graph.

     If you select the menu using -m, a prompt will appear in the text window after the spectrum is plotted. For a list of options, type ? or <space>.

     If you select the cursor using -k, a list of single-character cursor commands can be seen by typing ?. You can zoom in on a portion of the spectrum using the 0 and 1 to set the zoomed area and z to zoom. u will unzoom, and - will exit from the program. The zoom is lost upon exiting the program.

     PSPEC's default parameter file look s like this:

Default parameter file for PSPEC

SPECROOT='/'     / root directory of spectrum archive
SPECORDER=7      / default order of wavelength fit to use
SPECINST='zmach' / default instrument (zmach mmt echelle mmtech oroech)
SPECRFN=1001     / default reduced file number (ignored)
SPECNUM=1        / default spectrum in file to plot
MODE='P'                 / display mode (P>lot or L>ist)

NPLOTS=1                 / number of data sets to plot
PCODE=1          / Current data set to modify
PCODE001=1       / First data set to plot

SPARCH=Y                 / Y if data set is from archive file rather than ASCII
SPECRFN=1000     / reduced file number for this data set
SPECNUM=1        / spectrum from file to plot
IYMIN001=0               / y-coordinate of bottom of this plot (0=default)
IYMAX001=0       / y-coordinate of top of this plot (0=default)
FMIN001=0.               /minimum pixel value for this plot (0=autoscale)
FMAX001=0.       /maximum pixel value for this plot (0=autoscale)
WAVESPACE=T      / If set to Y or T, label plot in wavelength, else in pixels
WSTART=0.        / starting wavelength in Angstroms (0=from first file)
WLENGTH=0.       / width of graph in Angstroms (0=from first file)
DATAMIN=-10000   / minimum acceptable data value
DATAMAX=50000    / maximum acceptable data value
NDSKIP=0                 / number of data points (pixels) to skip before reading
NDMODE='sample'  / sample or smooth or average plot
NDTYPE='hanning' / hanning or gaussian smoothing function
NDREAD=0                 / maximum number of pixels to plot
NDSAMP=1                 / number by which to increment pixels while reading
NDHALF=1                 / half-width of Gaussian smoothing
SAMPLE=y                 / If set to Y or T, sample rather than average over inc
DIAG=F           / flag for diagnostic printing

PLOTFILE='pspec.plot'  / plot logging file
CURSOR=N                 / if Y, stay in cursor mode after plotting
KEEPZERO=Y       / If N, ignore pixels with value of 0 when auto-scaling
SPLIT=Y          / separate graphics and text screens
LOGFILE='dspec.log' / Cursor log file

TIMELAB=2                / Size of time label characters; none if <0
XTIME=3300       / x-coordinate of time label
YTIME=2940       / y-coordinate of time label
DISPHRES=4096    / horizontal resolution of display
DISPVRES=3128    / vertical resolution of display
IPL=1                    / plot char (1=line,-1=points,2=circles,3=squares,4=tri
CAPSIZE=0                / size of axis coordinate labels
LABSIZE=1                / size of tick mark labels
LABFONT='S'      / label font (T>erminal, S>implex, D>uplex, C>omple
x, I>talic)
IYBOT=300                / y-coordinate of bottom of first graph
IYTOP=2900               / y-coordinate of top of last graph
IXMIN=300                / x-coordinate of left side of graph
IXMAX=4000       / x-coordinate of right side of graph

ZOOMED=F                 / True if zoomed
WSTARTZ=3000.    / Starting wavelength of original graph if zoomed
WLENGTHZ=4000.   / width in angstroms of original graph if zoomed
HCCOM='imtek'    / Hard copy command
HARDCOPY=n       / Make automatic hard copy of each plot if true