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Online Observing
Proposal Help


First Trimester/Semester 2021 (2021a)
MMT and FLWO proposals for January-April 2021
Magellan proposals for January 16-July 15 2021
Deadline: Noon on Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Get next proposal deadlines from the

Time Allocation Committee web site
  • Proposal Length: maximum of four pages You may join sections together as appropriate.
  • Large Programs (requests for more than six nights on the MMT or Magellan) The limit is three pages for the justification and design and two pages for figures, previous awards, etc. Large programs will be judged more critically.
  • Template layout and font size: Please do not change the default point size of the type (12 pt), the line spacing, or the size of the margins (1" on all sides).
    As long as you maintain the page limits, font size, and margins, you may use another font style or template if you prefer.

  • Sections: The proposal consists of these sections:
    • Scientific Justification and Experimental Design
      (up to 2 pages)
      1. Scientific Justification: Describe the background and goals for your project.
      2. Experimental Design:Describe the proposed observations and the targets.
    • References, Figures, Target List, and Publications
      (up to 2 pages)
      1. References: List references in a separate section or within the first two sections.
      2. Figures: Include several figures with captions. To insert figures into you LaTeX proposal use the includegraphics command.
      3. Target List: Include a table of targets if needed.
      4. Previous Time Awards & Publications:
        List recent and concurrent awards of time on CfA and other telescopes for all projects. If this proposal has been granted time in the past, please include a short progress (or weather) report. If appropriate, include references to several recent publications. You can also include a total number of publications.
      5. The TAC reserves the right to reject proposals that fail to meet these criteria.

  • Upload your Scientific Justification as a Postscript file that has been previously prepared using TeX or LaTeX and dvips, or your favorite word processor, such as OpenOffice, or Microsoft Word.
    Here is a good description of how to make PostScript files.
    If you use LaTeX or TeX, please use dvips -Ppdf -o file.dvi to generate better computer-viewable fonts.

  • Templates: Right-click "Save Link As" for local copy
    Download LaTeX template to use
    Download Microsoft Word template to use
    Templates for additional word processors are forthcoming.

  • Target List: You may include the following information about each of the objects you wish to observe (but such a table is not required):
    Priority Priority of observation, highest=1
    Object ID 20 characters maximum
    RA e.g., xx:xx:xx.x
    DECe.g., +-xx:xx:xx.x
    Comment20 characters maximum, include coordinate type
  • For assistance with the submission process, send email to the Telescope Data Center Staff.

Updated: 2010-Mar-09