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Web Observing Proposal Help

First Trimester/Semester 2021 (2021a)
MMT and FLWO proposals for January-April 2021
Magellan proposals for January 16-July 15 2021
Deadline: Noon on Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Get next proposal deadlines from the

Time Allocation Committee web site

General Instructions

Web submission is a 3-stage process.

  • To apply for CfA time on the MMT, Magellan, or Ridge Telescopes (1.5-m and 1.2-m), the CfA must be your primary affiliation and you must be resident at a CfA facility. CfA staff on leave or sabbatical may also apply for time.
    Check out our observing policies here.
    If you cannot apply from a CfA computer, mail the Telescope Data Center Staff for directions.

  • First, check the instrument status page to find out which instruments are actually available this trimester (and sometimes, when they are available).

  • Second, use the Web proposal form to create the cover sheet of your proposal.
    • Process and save it to be sure you have corrected any TeX errors.
    • Enter your abstract into the web abstract form. Process and save it.
    • View the PostScript or Acrobat version of the cover sheet to make certain that it looks the way that you wish the TAC to see it.
      If you want to keep a copy, print out the result.
  • Third, create an Acrobat (PDF) file offline of your proposed work and addendum. You may create the file using TeX or any word processor which can produce a PDF file. Upload this as part of your submission. If you use TeX, please use dvipdf [file].dvi [file].pdf to generate the PDF file.
  • There is no submit button! You can change any of your proposals for the current trimester right up to the deadline. Access them through the Proposal Options page which you get after you log in.
  • If you can't get your proposal in by the noon deadline, and you only need an hour or two, contact the Telescope Data Center Staff as soon as you know you'll be late. If you need more time than that, contact the TAC chair, Warren Brown.

  • For assistance with the submission process, send email to the Telescope Data Center Staff.

  • Cover Page

  • Enter general information about your proposal, such as telescope, instrument, investigator(s), and the amount and type of time requested in the Web proposal form. Together with the abstract, this will become the cover page of your proposal.

    The cover page target list is a two line entry that summarizes the number of objects and ranges in their magnitudes and coordinates.

  • Abstract

  • Type or paste a short summary of your project outlining its main goals into the space provided.
  • Do not exceed 100 words; It will be truncated.
  • Please do not use any special characters.
  • The abstract will appear on the bottom of the cover page.

  • Proposal and Addendum

    (Scientific Justification)

    Updated: 2020-Mar-12