![WCSTools Subroutines](wcsshead.gif)
- Subroutines to extract and use sky WCS information in FITS headers.
These subroutines are in wcssubs as well as libwcs.a,
the library part of WCSTools, and are used by the image display and browsing programs
SAOtng, and
for translating between image and sky coordinates.
For example, SAOimage allows
tracking and searching external databases in sky coordinates translated
from the cursor's position in the displayed image.
- Subroutines to extract stars in a specified region from the HST Guide
Star catalog, the USNO J Catalog, or a user-supplied Starbase-format
- Subroutines to read FITS and IRAF headers and images and to access
images with any datatype.
- Sburoutines used by the various WCSTools tasks, such as source finding
and WCS fitting.