Observing Preparation
Status as of 2005-11-14
- Get positions to better than 0.25 arcseconds
- From Catalogs
- You should use only a large catalog with good sky coverage and good
astrometry, such as the
USNO-B1.0, and the smaller
- The UCAC2 has more
accurate positions but is incomplete, so sources may appear where you
don't expect them.
- You may have problems using the GSC II as the STScI server
is often down on weekends and at other awkward times.
- The catalog from which you select positions should contain all program
objects plus guide stars.
- WCSTools scat
should be able to convert anything reasonable
into an acceptable input for the next step.
- Astrometric cluster catalogs are probably not OK because there usually
will not be available guide stars on the same system.
- From Images
- Use the procedure outlined on the
"Getting Good Coordinates" web page
to make catalogs for each image using WCSTools software using one
of the above catalogs as the reference catalog. The large catalog can
then provide guide star candidates.
- Software is still needed to merge catalogs into single project catalog.
- Find fiber assignments and select guide stars
Use John Roll's fitfibs or xfitfibs to create fiber
assignment tables to be taken to the telescope.
Read the
Fiber Assignment page to find out how to use them.
- Do not go to the telescope without prepared and checked
coordinate lists.
Modified 1-March-2006 by Doug Mink