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trim - removes extra white space from the columns of a table.
trim [-i input] [-o output] [column]
trim removes extra white space that may have been placed in a table by
justify. It trims white space from the beginning and ends of column values.
Any white space in the middle of a column value is unmodified.
All of the options of the column program are also availabe with trim.
- -i file Read input from file instead of the standard input.
- -o file Write output to file instead of the standard output.
- -t template Only the tables whose table names (first line in the table
header) match template are output. Care should be taken with this
option, unnamed tables are skipped if it is specified. This is the primary
mechanism for selecting a table from a multi-table file.
- column, project project columns from a starbase data table.
- justify justify columns of a starbase data table.
- trim trim columns of an starbase data table.
- check check the format of a starbase data table.
- header print the header of a table file.
- headoff print the body (data rows) of a starbase data table file wo/ the header.
- headline print the column headline of a starbase data table.
- dashline print the dashline from a starbase data table.
include starbase.seealso
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