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check - check for column errors in a starbase database.
check [-i input] [-o output] [-v]
check reads in a table file and checks that the number of columns in each
row is correct. check exits with a non-zero status at the first error
it detects.
- -v Verbose listing of any errors found to stdandard error
Here is an ok table. Nothing is printed.
john@panic : check < tab
Here is a table with a bad row:
john@panic : check -v -i tab
check : table ? row 1 has 4 columns (3 in header)
- column, project project columns from a starbase data table.
- justify justify columns of a starbase data table.
- trim trim columns of an starbase data table.
- check check the format of a starbase data table.
- header print the header of a table file.
- headoff print the body (data rows) of a starbase data table file wo/ the header.
- headline print the column headline of a starbase data table.
- dashline print the dashline from a starbase data table.
- starbase.1 starbase data table introduction.
- starbase.3 starbase data table C library.
- starbase.5 starbase data table file format.
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