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Latex Pointers

First Trimester/Semester 2021 (2021a)
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Deadline: Noon on Tuesday, October 13, 2020
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If you are new to LaTeX you may also find one of the Leslie Lamport books about LaTeX a handy guide.

The Basics

[Math] [Tables] [Errors] [Top]
This section covers what we think are the minimal LaTeX concepts needed for completing the Scientific Justification section of your proposal.

Math and Equations

[Basics] [Tables] [Errors] [Symbols] [Top]
LaTeX supports a "math" mode for inline mathematical equations, symbols, and equations set off from the text. Text input in math mode that appears to LaTeX to be mathematical variables will be italicized, but can be corrected by a font change, e.g.,$T_{\rm eff}$.


[Basics] [Math] [Errors] [Top]

Tabular data is often entered in the "Technical and Scientific Feasibility" section of the proposal. There are several LateX environments that work well for this information. Or you may wish to use the HTML formatted tables available to you with the "Enter Tables" button on the proposal form which will automatically format and append the tables to the end of your LaTeX proposal.

LaTeX Errors

[Basics] [Math] [Tables] [Top]

If you are new to LaTeX, the messages produced by the "Run LaTeX" button may look like gibberish, but they really can help you find the errors in formatting that need to be corrected in your text fields before the proposal can be submitted for review. The error messages have been massaged by us to help in this process. If it is not obvious from the messages on this output page what the errors might be, try pressing the "Check Proposal" or the "Save and Verify" buttons on any of the proposal form pages to see if this will isolate the errors so they may be found by you more quickly.

Listed below are a few common messages produced by LaTeX.
Errors are serious and must be fixed.
Warnings should be investigated and fixed if necessary.

If you cannot process your Scientific Justification without any error messages and cannot determine how to get rid of them, please contact your local LaTeX guru or email the Telescope Data Center Staff for assistance.

Updated: 2007-Jun-18