Proposed FITS Standard World Coordinate Systems
Twenty-five projections are supported by the FITS WCS standard, which
is documented by
Eric Greisen and Mark Calabretta
and implemented in Mark's
WCSLIB software library.
A twenty-sixth, NCP, which is supported by
classic AIPS software
is computed using the worldpos and worldpix subroutines
written by Bill Cotton and Eric Greisen of NRAO. That original source
code is available at the
The FITS data format is best described by the current FITS standard,
NOST 100-2.0 available from the
NASA FITS Support Office
as a
597K uncompressed Postscript,
239K gz-compressed Postscript, or
386K PDF
Steve Allen and Doug Mink proposed a method of specifying dependent
WCS projections in an unpublished appendix to Calabretta and Griesen's
paper, available in PDF
and Postscript.
Projections included in WCSLIB are
- AZP: Zenithal (Azimuthal) Perspective
- SZP: Slant Zenithal Perspective
- TAN: Gnomonic = Tangent Plane
- SIN: Orthographic/synthesis
- STG: Stereographic
- ARC: Zenithal/azimuthal equidistant
- ZPN: Zenithal/azimuthal PolyNomial
- ZEA: Zenithal/azimuthal Equal Area
- AIR: Airy
- CYP: CYlindrical Perspective
- CAR: Cartesian
- MER: Mercator
- CEA: Cylindrical Equal Area
- COP: COnic Perspective
- COD: COnic equiDistant
- COE: COnic Equal area
- COO: COnic Orthomorphic
- BON: Bonne
- PCO: Polyconic
- SFL: Sanson-Flamsteed
- PAR: Parabolic
- AIT: Hammer-Aitoff equal area all-sky
- MOL: Mollweide
- CSC: COBE quadrilateralized Spherical Cube
- QSC: Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube
- TSC: Tangential Spherical Cube
- NCP: North celestial pole (special case of SIN)
- GLS: GLobal Sinusoidal (Similar to SFL)
WCSTools versions 2.9 and later implement the use of multiple world
coordinate systems, with the WCS to which a keyword applies designated
by an appended character.
Thus CTYPE1 applies to the default WCS, which may be named using
WCSNAME. A second WCS would use keywords such as CTYPE1A
and WCSNAMEA. An additional nonstandard feature has been added,
the keyword WCSDEPx, which is set equal to the name of a WCS
which would be found in a WCSNAMEx keyword value or a single
character which is assumed to be the suffix for the WCS
Last updated 19 May 2014 by
Jessica Mink
[WCSTools WCS]
[SAOimage WCS]