siras finds objects in the
IRAS Point Source Catalog
within a specified region of the sky and lists their sky positions or lists
specific entries in that catalog.
It is a symbolic link to scat, and is
equivalent to running scat -c iras ....
By default, only the brightest 100 objects (or closest 100, if the -p
option is used) are returned. Use the -n option to increase this
Output is to standard out, unless the
-w flag is set, in which case it goes to objectname.iras
or search.iras. It is a link to scat
and is somewhat similar to
which can search from lists of coordinates but cannot sort the output.
This program automatically senses the byte order of the catalog and, if
necessary, swaps it to match the byte order of the machine on which it
is executing.
Set the environment variable WCS_BINDIR to the directory containing
the file IRAS for searching and for access by number.