siras Examples

Example 1. Search with results to standard output

Find the 10 brightest IRAS Point Source Catalog Stars in 1 degree square box centered on 10:00:00 +30:00:00 J2000 and sort them by magnitude.
siras -hn 10 -r -1800 10:00:00 +30:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
siras WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
IRAS PSC 10:00:00.000 +30:00:00.00 J2000 +- +00:34:38.5 +00:30:00.0 at epoch 2000.0000
IRAS PSC 09:57:06.660 +30:14:24.47 B1950 +- +00:34:38.5 +00:30:00.0 at epoch 1950.0000
IRASnum   RA2000       Dec2000   f10m   f25m   f60m   f100m Type  Arcsec
074720 09:59:37.016 +29:38:41.38  2.00   0.49   0.40L  1.00L  I2  1313.14
074672 09:59:09.795 +30:25:06.40  0.39   0.28L  0.40L  1.00L  I1  1640.97

Example 2. Search with results to a file

Find all IRAS Point Source Catalog stars within 40 arcminutes of M51 and write the results to a file
siras -wts -r -r 2400 -o m51 13:27:48.311 +47:27:28.98 B1950
produces the following in the file m51.iras:
catalog IRAS PSC
ra      13:27:48.311
dec     +47:27:28.98
radecsys        fk4
equinox 1950.0000
epoch   1950.0000
radsec  2400.00
catsort ra
program siras WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
iras_i  ra1950          dec1950         f10m    f25m    f60m    f100m   type    arcsec
------  ------------    ------------    -----   -----   -----   -----   ----    ------
098057  13:25:25.700    +47:54:38.00    0.25L   0.25L   1.82    2.75    I0      2174.30
098337  13:27:45.300    +47:27:25.00    1.37    2.38    31.92   122.46  I=      30.80
098356  13:27:52.800    +47:29:03.00    0.55L   0.76    0.40L   1.11L   I7      104.46
098357  13:27:52.900    +47:31:29.00    0.87    1.56    10.00   1.00L   I6      244.49

Example 3. Find closest star

Find the closest IRAS Point Source Catalog Star to 10:00:00 +10:00:00 B1950.
siras -ah 10:00:00 +10:00:00 B1950
produces the following:
siras WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO  Find closest star
IRAS PSC 10:00:00.000 +10:00:00.00 B1950 r= +01:23:20.0 at epoch 1950.0000
IRASnum  RA1950      Dec1950    f10m   f25m   f60m   f100m Type  Arcsec
075277 10:01:54.000 +10:39:18.00  0.25L  0.35L  0.93   2.25   I2  2896.59

Example 4. List selected stars from catalog

List IRAS Point Sources 100001 through 100010
siras -h 100001-100010
produces the following:
siras WCSTools 3.6.9, 6 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
IRASnum  RA1950      Dec1950      f10m   f25m   f60m   f100m Type
100001 13:41:08.700 -60:32:25.00  2.31   1.64   5.15  56.49   I0
100002 13:41:09.200 -75:35:05.00  0.57   0.34   0.40L  1.00L  I0
100003 13:41:10.200 -49:17:38.00  0.69   0.41   0.40L  1.54L  I0
100004 13:41:11.300 -65:56:09.00  0.37   0.27   1.08L 11.48L  I0
100005 13:41:11.800 +14:25:27.00  0.30   0.34L  0.40L  1.27L  I2
100006 13:41:12.100 -17:01:15.00  0.25L  0.60L  0.40L  1.63   I0
100007 13:41:12.300 -52:06:57.00  0.29L  0.25L  1.69   4.49   I1
100008 13:41:12.400 -59:48:48.00  0.30   0.60L  3.94L 42.85L  I0
100009 13:41:12.600 +49:48:53.00  0.38   3.19L  0.40L  1.00L  I1
100010 13:41:13.000 -59:29:53.00  1.18   0.47   0.99L 17.06L  I0
where the last column is the number of identifications.

Example 5. Match stars in input catalog

Match the stars in the input catalog to the IRAS Point Source Catalog and list them one match per line.
siras -l
produces the following:
240020 22:15:54.555 -11:36:56.13  9.80  __  235718 22:16:41.226 -11:39:20.53  0.43   0.30L  0.40L  1.00L I0  6   685.67  -144.40   700.71
267313 17:47:51.210 -22:58:17.35  9.10  A0  156937 17:47:58.546 -22:53:48.18  1.57   1.36   0.71L 14.45L I0  342   101.34   269.17   287.62
196784 13:42:07.204 -09:06:40.06  8.60  K0  099751 13:41:21.958 -09:08:51.10  0.25L  0.41L  0.49L  1.98  I0  12  -670.09  -131.04   682.78
127373 10:24:43.528 +11:21:21.15 10.20  K0  077378 10:23:31.473 +10:57:35.90  0.25L  0.42L  0.61   1.50  I4  12 -1060.40 -1425.25  1776.45
095438 06:07:46.792 +23:28:44.76 10.30  K0  040467 06:08:18.907 +23:31:01.32  3.40   1.07   0.40L  1.75L I1  64   441.78   136.56   462.41
where the columns are input catalog star name, RA, Dec, magnitude, spectral type, IRAS number, RA, Dec, 10, 25, 60, and 100-micron flux in milliJanskys (L indicates background limited), number of stars in the 5000-arcsec-radius default search radius, and catalog-search dra, ddec, and dr (in arcseconds).

Telescope Data Center

Last updated 11 July 2007 by Doug Mink

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