- Keyboard responses:
- Respond to prompts ending in "=" with an entry ending in return
- Respond to prompts ending in ":" or "?" with a single keystroke
- return with no entry always retains current value
- line feed (=) ctrl-j prints current value and reprompts
- \ reprompts, ignoring what has already been entered
- ctrl-r reprompts, retaining what has already been entered
- ?
- List available commands
- -
- Stop execution of skymap and return control to the system monitor.
Parameters are saved in an ASCII file named skymap.par unless -par is used in
the command line or the change option of "#" is selected.
- !
- Execute almost any UNIX command line that can be expressed in 50 characters
or less. You cannot change directories or terminal characteristics.
- >
- Set hard copy command and file for logging plotted output for hard copy.
There is no default hard copy command, but the default logging file is
skymap.plot in the working directory.
- @
- Print the currently displayed map using the display log file and
copy command that were set using the ">" command.
- =
- Set the directory containing the on-line help file
- <
- Set the name of the parameter file to which parameters should be
saved. It will be updated after each command. The default is
skymap.par in the working directory.
- #
- Read parameters from or write parameters to a specific parameter file.
- B
- Set background source catalog parameters
C Character to use when plotting sources
D Pathname of directory containing source catalog
F Source catalog file name (not complete pathname)
UJC, UAC, USAC, NVSS, and AGASC plot specific catalogs
If you type "-", no catalog will be searched
I Logging increment for searched and plotted sources
J Catalog in J2000 or B1950 coordinates
L Source lable font and position
M Faint and bright limiting magnitudes
N Name of this catalog
P Date for proper motion (if needed)
R First and last catalog number to read
all if first and last are equal
S Name of file to which to log plotted sources
= List values of catalog parameters
? List background catalog menu options
- C
- Set primary source catalog parameters
C Character to use when plotting sources
D Pathname of directory containing source catalog
F Source catalog file name (not complete pathname)
UJC, UAC, USAC, NVSS, and AGASC plot specific catalogs
If you type "-", no catalog will be searched
I Logging increment for searched and plotted sources
J Catalog in J2000 or B1950 coordinates
L Source lable font and position
M Faint and bright limiting magnitudes
N Name of this catalog
P Date for proper motion (if needed)
R First and last catalog number to read
all if first and last are equal
S Name of file to which to log plotted sources
= List values of catalog parameters
? List catalog menu options
- D
- Select data to display among datasets which have already been set up.
Options may include primary and background source catalogs, Guide Star
Catalog, planets, image, or Spacelab 2 IRT scans.
- E
- Edit the current parameter file (nominally skymap.par) using vi.
- F
- Set display format parameters
B Choose whether or not to plot the color bar
C Set X and Y coordinates for display caption
D mm/plot coordinate for plate scale
F Fonts for labels and captions
G Grid tick parameters or point spacing
I Choose whether to reverse X or Y axes of images.
The default is bottom left origin.
K Set parameters for cursor-mode (W command) labels
L Set font and character sizes for title, axis and tick labels
P Set plot character
R Set display resolution horizontally and vertically.
Nominally set to 4096 by 3128 for Tektronix-type displays.
S Star magnitude/size scaling, table font, and table coordinates
T Time stamp character size and coordinates
W Wait for keyboard input before displaying prompt
X Set horizontal screen display limits
Y Set vertical screen display limits
? List display format menu options
- G
- Set Hubble Space Telescope Guide Star Catalog parameters
C Character to use when plotting sources
D Pathname of directories where CD-ROMs are mounted
I Logging increment for searched and plotted sources
L Source label font and position
M Faint and bright limiting magnitudes
N Name of this selection from catalog
O Class of object (-1=all, 0=stars only, 3=nonstars only)
S Name of file to which to log plotted sources (- for no log file)
= List values of Guide Star Catalog parameters
? List Guide Star Catalog catalog options
- I
- Set image file plotting parameters
B Bin size of image in degrees
C Reverse image relative to sky coordinates
D Pathname of directory containing image
E Extension for image file name
F Name of file containing image
H Print header of current image
L Scaling power for multilevel display
N Number of gray levels and contour interval to display
P Select image display format
R Set range of image values to display
S Swap bytes in input image
= List values of image display parameters
? List image display menu options
- J
- Set diagnostic printing flag to show all parameter changes
- K
- Turn on terminal cursor and set skymap parameters by typing
the appropriate single character command after positioning the cursor.
- See Appendix F for cursor mode commands.
- L
- Draw lines connecting points in the specified catalog file which may
be ASCII or binary.
C Character to use when plotting lines
D Pathname of directory containing outline file
F Name of file containing outline coordinates
J File coordinates in J2000 or B1950
L Labels for outlines
N Caption for these outlines
R First and last outline points to read
= List values of outline display parameters
? List all possible menu selections
- M
- Mapping information.
B Convert map center coordinates from J2000 to B1950
C Set center coordinates in right ascension and declination or
latitude and longitude.
D Set plate scale of map. The plotter calibration is set
using the D option of the F command.
F Read grid and parameters from a file instead of recomputing it.
G Choose whether or not to plot a grid, whether to label it,
and what the grid spacing should be. The grid format is set
using the G option of the F command.
H Set half-width in right ascension or longitude and half-height
in declination or latitude.
I Select image row and column or sky coordinates.
Read mapping information from the image header if desired.
J Convert map center coordinates from B1950 to J2000
M Display in map or image coordinates
P Projection: A>itoff, M>ercator, G>nomonic, C>ylindrical, L>inear, or S>huttle
*Aitoff always shows the whole sky, disregarding half-width.
S Coordinate system: G>alactic E>quatorial, C>ecliptic, O>orbital
T Time for pole of orbital or Ecliptic projections
= List values of mapping parameters
? List mapping menu options
- P
- Display the current image, data, and/or axes.
- Q
- R
- Minimum and maximum image levels to display. For row, column,
or contour plots, pixels outside these limits will not appear;
in halftone displays, the pixel will be set to the limit its value
- S
- Select Spacelab 2 IRT scan data to be plotted:
T GSE tape number, sequence letter (a-z), source letter (A-Z)
D IRT data directory pathname
R Number of minor frames to read and number to skip between
S Number of minor frames to skip before reading
C Data code to read (2-11)
K Keep either flagged data points, unflagged data points,
or both while binning or plotting.
- T
- Planet plotting information
D Date of first planet position (yyyy.mmdd or year and day)
E Name of JPL ephemeris to be used
L Looping information for multiple planet positions
N Enter additional planets to plot (first may be entered with P)
P Planet name; it must be in the planet data base.
S Size and character for planet marker or box
T Time for first planet position (hh.mmssss)
= List values of planet parameters
? List planet menu options
- U
- Unzoom to full display as set by most recent "M" command or to what it was
when the last Zoom command was entered. Grid spacing always reverts to what
it was when the last Zoom command was entered.
- V
- Center from catalogued source position
D Pathname of directory containing source catalog
F Source catalog file name (not complete pathname)
I Set switches to read object name or planet time from catalog
ASCII catalog only
J Catalog in J2000 or B1950 coordinates
N Name of this catalog
P Date for proper motion (if needed)
R First and last catalog number to read
all if first and last are equal
S Number of source on which to center map
If you type "0", the center position entered in
the C option of the M command will be used.
= List values of center source parameters
? List center source menu options
- Z
- Zoom to selected region of display. A new grid spacing may be