MMT Observing Schedule
January-April 2007 (as of 16 February, 2007)

MMT schedule for the Month of January 2007 (as of 16 February 2007)

December 2006 January February March April May PDF MMT Programs Schedules

Date*    Day  Moon   Observer                f/5 Queue Obs     Instrument     f/5 Asst     2ndry   Operator   Program

1  (12.0) M   12.0   AO M&E                  ---               CLIO           ---          f/15    Alegria    UAO-E99
2   "     T   12.9   Apai                    ---               "              ---          "       McAfee     UAO-S31
3   "     W   13.9   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
4  (11.9) Th -13.2   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
5   "     F  -12.2   Heinze                  ---               "              ---          "       Milone     UAO-S15
6   "     S  -11.3   Mamajek                 ---               "              ---          "       "          SAO-2
7   "     S  -10.3   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
8   "     M   -9.4   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
9   "     T   -8.4   M&E                     ---               Red Channel    ---          f/9     "          M&E
10  "     W   -7.5   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
11  "     Th  -6.5   Thuan                   ---               Blue Channel   ---          "       "          UAO-G77
12 (11.8) F   -5.6   "                       ---               "              ---          "       McAfee     "
13  "     S   -4.6   Tremonti                ---               "              ---          "       "          UAO-S18,S19
14  "     S   -3.7   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
15  "     M   -2.7   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
16  "     T   -1.8   "                       ---               "              ---          "       Alegria    "
17  "     W   -0.8   Vilas                   ---               Red Channel    ---          "       "          Director
18 (11.7) Th   0.1   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "  
19  "     F    1.1   M&E/Zaritsky            ---               Megacam        ---          f/5     "          M&E/UAO-S20
20  "     S    2.0   Bianco/Zaritsky         ---               "              ---          "       "          SAO18/UAO-S20
21  "     S    3.0   "/"                     ---               "              ---          "       "          "
22  "     M    3.9   Bianco                  ---               "              ---          "       "          SAO-18
23 (11.6) T    4.9   Koenig (1/4)/Willman    ---               "              ---          "       McAfee     SAO-13/SAO-9
24  "     W    5.8   "/"                     ---               "              ---          "       "          "/"
25  "     Th   6.8   Brown                   ---               SWIRC          ---          "       "          SAO-3
26  "     F    7.7   "                       ---               "              ---          "       Milone     SAO-17
27  "     S    8.7   Koenig                  ---               "              ---          "       "          SAO-8
28 (11.5) S    9.6   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
29  "     M   10.5   M&E                     ---               ---            ---          f/15    "          M&E
30  "     T   11.5   McCarthy,Kulesa         ---               ARIES          ---          "       "          UAO-E33
31  "     W   12.4   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "  

*Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Schedule may be subject to further changes.

MMT schedule for the Month of February 2007 (as of 16 February 2007)

December 2006 January February March April May PDF MMT Programs Schedules

Date*    Day  Moon   Observer                f/5 Queue Obs      Instrument     f/5 Asst     2ndry   Operator   Program

1  (11.5) Th  13.4   Hinz et al.             ---               BLINC/MIRAC     ---         f/15    Milone    UAO-E35
2  (11.4) F  -13.7   "                       ---               "               ---         "       McAfee    "
3   "     S  -12.7   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
4   "     S  -11.8   Marengo                 ---               MIRAC/BLINC     ---         "       "         SAO-24
5   "     M  -10.8   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
6  (11.3) T   -9.9   Heinze/Potter (1/4)     ---               CLIO            ---         "       Alegria   UAO-S15/UAO-S17
7   "     W   -8.9   M&E                     ---               Blue Channel    ---         f/9     "         M&E
8   "     Th  -8.0   Landt                   ---               "               ---         "       "         SAO-19
9   "     F   -7.0   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
10  "     S   -6.1   Fan                     ---               Red Channel     ---         "       "         UAO-S12
11 (11.2) S   -5.1   Tegler                  ---               "               ---         "       "         UAO-S1
12  "     M   -4.2   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
13  "     T   -3.2   M&E/Chavarria           Kurtz             Hectospec      Berlind      f/5     McAfee    M&E/SAO-22
14  "     W   -2.3   Geller et al.           "                 "              "            "       "         SAO-4
15 (11.1) Th  -1.3   "                       "                 "              "            "       "         "
16  "     F   -0.4   "                       "                 "              "            "       Milone    "
17  "     S    0.6   Impey                   Trump,Gabor       "              Calkins      "       "         UAO-S74
18 (11.0) S    1.5   "                       "                 "              "            "       "         "
19  "     M    2.5   Koenig/TBS              Winston           "              "            "       "         SAO-23/TBS
20  "     T    3.4   Allen                   "                 "              "            "       "         SAO-10
21 (10.9) W    4.4   "                       "                 "              Berlind      "       "         "
22  "     Th   5.3   Hartman             Rhoads,Malhotra       Hectochelle    "            "       "         SAO-5
23  "     F    6.3   "                       "                 "              "            "       McAfee    "
24  "     S    7.2   Deliyannis              Deliyannis        "              "            "       "         PA-07A-0319
25 (10.8) S    8.1   "                       "                 "              Calkins      "       "         "
26  "     M    9.1   Furesz                  Jacobson          "              "            "       "         SAO-11
27  "     T   10.0   "                       "                 "              "            "       Alegria   SAO-11,15
28 (10.7) W   11.0   "                       Olszewski         "              "            "       "         SAO-15
*Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Schedule may be subject to further changes.

MMT schedule for the Month of March 2007 (as of 16 February 2007)

December 2006 January February March April May PDF MMT Programs Schedules

Date*    Day  Moon   Observer                f/5 Queue Obs      Instrument     f/5 Asst     2ndry   Operator   Program

1  (10.7) Th  11.9   Furesz                  Olszewski         Hectochelle    Berlind      f/5     Alegria   SAO-15
2   "     F   12.9   Furesz/Jacobson         Allen             "              "            "       "         SAO-15/PA-07A-0115
3   "     S   13.8   Jacobson                "                 "              "            "       "         PA-07A-0115
4  (10.6) S  -13.2   Allen                   "                 "              Calkins      "       "         SAO-12
5   "     M  -12.3   "                       Furesz            "              "            "       "         "
6   "     T  -11.3   "                       "                 "              "            "       "         "
7   "     W  -10.4   Baliunas                "                 "              "            "       "         SAO-26
8   "     Th  -9.4   Olszewski               "                 "              Berlind      "       Milone    UAO-S10
9   "     F   -8.5   "                       "                 "              "            "       "         "
10 (10.4) S   -7.5   Malhotra,Rhoads         Hartman           "              "            "       "         UAO-S80
11  "     S   -6.6   "                       "                 "              "            "       "         "
12  "     M   -5.6   M&E                     ---               "              Calkins      "       "         M&E
13 (10.3) T   -4.7   Murray                  Barmby            Hectospec      "            "       "         SAO-21
14  "     W   -3.7   Geller et al.           "                 "              "            "       "         SAO-4
15  "     Th  -2.8   "                       "                 "              "            "       "         " 
16 (10.2) F   -1.8   Hubbard                 ---               PISCES          ---         f/9     McAfee    UAO-S6
17  "     S   -0.9   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
18  "     S    0.1   Brown                   ---               Blue Channel    ---         "       "         SAO-1
19 (10.1) M    1.0   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
20  "     T    2.0   "                       ---               "               ---         "       Alegria   "
21  "     W    2.9   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
22 (10.0) Th   3.9   Bolton                  ---               "               ---         "       "         SAO-14
23  "     F    4.8   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
24  "     S    5.7   Herbert-Fort            ---               "               ---         "       "         UAO-13
25 (9.9)  S    6.7   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
26  "     M    7.6   Fan                     ---               Red Channel     ---         "       "         UAO-S12
27  "     T    8.6   G. Williams             ---               "               ---         "       McAfee    UAO-L32
28 (9.8)  W    9.5   M&E                     ---               "               ---         ---     "         M&E
29  "     Th  10.5   Lloyd-Hart              ---               LGS/PISCES      ---         f/15    "         UAO-E34 
30  "     F   11.4   "                       ---               "               ---         "       Milone    " 
31 (9.7)  S   12.4   "                       ---               "               ---         "       "         "
*Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Schedule may be subject to further changes.

MMT schedule for the Month of April 2007 (as of 16 February 2007)

December 2006 January February March April May PDF MMT Programs Schedules

Date*   Day  Moon   Observer                f/5 Queue Obs      Instrument     f/5 Asst     2ndry   Operator   Program

1  (9.7)  S   13.3   Lloyd-Hart             ---                LGS/PISCES     ---          f/15    Milone    UAO-E34
2   "     M  -13.7   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "         "
3  (9.6)  T  -12.8   McCarthy,Kulesa        ---                ARIES          ---          "       "         UAO-E33
4   "     W  -11.8   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "         "
5  (9.5)  Th -10.9   AO M&E                 ---                "              ---          "       "         UAO-E99
6   "     F   -9.9   "                      --                 "              ---          "       McAfee    "
7   "     S   -9.0   Mamajek                ---                CLIO           ---          "       "         SAO-2
8  (9.4)  S   -8.0   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "         "
9   "     M   -7.1   Heinze                 ---                "              ---          "       "         UAO-S15
10  "     T   -6.1   "                      ---                "              ---          "       Alegria   " 
11 (9.3)  W   -5.2   M&E                    ---                Hectospec      ---          f/5     "         M&E 
12  "     Th  -4.2   Hornschemeier          Hornschemeier      "              Berlind      "       "         PA-07A-0260 
13  "     F   -3.3   "                      "                  "              "            "       "         " 
14 (9.2)  S   -2.3   "                      "                  "              "            "       "         " 
15  "     S   -1.4   "                      "                  "              "            "       "         " 
16  "     M   -0.4   Barmby                 Rines              "              Calkins      "       "         SAO-16 
17 (9.1)  T    0.5   Rines                  "                  "              "            "       McAfee    SAO-7 
18  "     W    1.5   "                      "                  "              "            "       "         " 
19  "     Th   2.4   "                      "                  "              "            "       "         " 
20 (9.0)  F    3.3   Nulsen                 Hickox             "              Berlind      "       Milone    SAO-20 
21  "     S    4.3   Olszewski              Mateo              Hectochelle    "            "       "         UAO-S10 
22  "     S    5.2   "                      "                  "              "            "       "         " 
23 (8.9)  M    6.2   Nulsen                 Hickox             Hectospec      "            "       "         SAO-20
24  "     T    7.1   Murray                 "                  "              Calkins      "       "         SAO-21
25  "     W    8.1   Latham                 Baliunas           Hectochelle    "            "       "         SAO-25
26 (8.8)  Th   9.0   "                      "                  "              "            "       "         " 
27  "     F   10.0   Vilas                  ---                CLIO           ---          f/15    McAfee    Director 
28  "     S   10.9   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "         "  
29 (8.7)  S   11.9   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "         " 
30  "     M   12.8   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "         "
*Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Schedule may be subject to further changes.