Star Occulted by Saturn on December 3, 1999

Catalog information from locally-maintained copies of catalogs.

Digitized Sky Survey image of the star

ACT 230.05372

Coordinates (B1950): 02:37:32.294 +12:41:03.36
Coordinates (J2000): 02:40:15.712 +12:53:53.29
B Magnitude: 10.04 (9.86 corrected)
V Magnitude:  9.22 (9.14 corrected)
Spectral Type: G6 (assigned)
Proper motion(J2000 arcsec/year): -0.0177  -0.081

PPM 118428

Coordinates (B1950): 02:37:32.285 +12:41:02.23
Coordinates (J2000): 02:40:15.720 +12:53:51.63
V Magnitude:   9.20
Spectral Type: G0 
Proper motion(J2000 arcsec/year): -0.075  -0.059

SAO 93040

Coordinates (B1950): 02:37:32.235 +12:41:02.33
Coordinates (J2000): 02:40:15.646 +12:53:51.88
V magnitude: 8.60
Spectral Type: none
Proper motion(B1950 arcsec/year): -0.012  -0.022

GSC 645 1130

Coordinates (B1950): 02:37:32.286 +12:41:02.86
Coordinates (J2000): 02:40:15.737 +12:53:53.52
V magnitude: 9.04

In other catalogs

BD +12 368