December 3, 1999 Occultation by Saturn

Click on image for larger version
4-degree-square map showing 20 days of Saturn's motion around the occultation, plotted against a field of PPM Catalog stars. 1-degree-square map showing 5 days of Saturn's motion around the occultation, plotted against a field of labelled SAO Catalog stars.
15-arcminute-square map showing the path of Saturn across an HST Guide Star field for 24 hours before and after the occultation.
Geocentric view of occultation of PPM 118428 or SAO 93040 by Saturn
DSS image w/grid 15-arcminute-square Digitized Sky Survey image centered on the star with overlayed coordinate grid from NASA's SkyView image server. 15-arcminute-square Digitized Sky Survey image centered on the star. DSS image

Last update 1 December 1999 by Doug Mink

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