We request two days of total time spread out in small pieces throughout
the trimester for observatis of Earthshine and also some planet spectra.
The goal of this work is to expand on the Earthshine work we published
this last summer and which has attracted significant attention (in the
media at least). The long-term goal is to learn about planet spectra in
the context of Terrestrial Planet Finder, so that when we design an
instrument to look for planest, we will know what we should be looking
for, for Solar-System like planets, at a minimum. As we learn how to
make the Moon observations, I want to make them in pairs, before and
after the New Moon, so as to see the light mostly reflected off the
mostly Pacific area, and mostly North and South America and Africa
areas. These should show different spectral signatures, without and with
chlorophyll, for one thing. The "other planets" time is to fill in some
gaps in our existing portfolio. Publications on each of both types of
observations are planned. In March 2003 we submitted a proposal to NASA
to do a similar Earthshine project at the South Pole, where 24-hour
continuous observations are possible for at least 12 days per year,
which would lilft the restriction we currently have of observing light
reflected from the Earth over only selected longitudes; the work at Mt
Hopkins will form the basis of our experience for the Pole program if it
is funded.
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