Unless otherwise noted, commands can be run from any directory.
Create a local log file for one night in the raw directory,
and display the PDF file, camblog.pdf to the screen.
If no date is given, last night's data is assumed.
If the log file exists, it is not re-created. The PDF file of the log
is displayed, if possible.
Each observation is in a separate 2-dimensional FITS file with a
reduced file number (RFN=[nnnn]) assigned from 0001 for each night.
Postscript (camblog.ps) and PDF (camblog.pdf logs are
created from the FITS headers. Entries are added to the FAST raw
database and FAST raw object file database, which can be searched
using the -r option of fastsearch.
Run from the FAST home directory.
> cd /home/fast
> flog 2023.0122
Logging FAST data for night of 2023.0122
FASTLOG: arguments read, camblog, 2, no
islog=1 remake=no