WCSTools programs

Command Line Arguments

Name of IRAF image header file or FITS file. This must be present.
Name of file containing lines of the format
    xrange yrange value
where xrange and yrange are of the format n or n-n or n,n,n or n-n,n-n and value my be integer or floating point. value will be converted to the type of the image. If a range is 0, the entire row or column specified by the other non-zero range will be set to the indicated value. If both ranges are zero, the entire image will be set to the specified value. New in version 2.6.4.
xrange yrange value
Image coordinate x and y ranges and the value to which that region will be set. Either one of these triplets or a file of triplets, specified by @filename, must be present. xrange and yrange are of the format n or n-n or n,n,n or n-n,n-n and value my be integer or floating point. value will be converted to the type of the image. If a range is 0, the entire row or column specified by the other non-zero range will be set to the indicated value. If both ranges are zero, the entire image will be set to the specified value. Ranges new in version 2.6.4.
Print more information about the process
Write the output to a new file which is named by inserting an e before the file extension. The new file is always written to the current working directory.

Last updated 17 September 2003 by Doug Mink

Telescope Data Center [setpix Examples]