Use imucac3 to File the USNO UCAC3 Catalog Stars in an Image

Find the USNO UCAC3 catalog stars in image test.fts and write them to a file orted by right ascension.
imucac3 -ws test.fts
produces the following in the file test.fts.ucac3:
image   test.fts
catalog ucac3
rasort  T
radecsys        FK5
equinox 2000.0000
epoch   1995.8041
rpmunit mas/year
dpmunit mas/year
program imucac3 WCSTools 3.8.0, 18 November 2009, Doug Mink (
ucac3_id        ra              dec             magb    magr    magi    magj    magh    magk    magm    maga    pmra    pmdec   ni      nc      x       y    
----------      -----------     ------------    -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   ------  ------  --      --      ------  ------
319.043168      09:54:13.901    +69:01:02.80    17.64   16.11   15.37   14.32   13.83   13.70   16.02   16.05   -67.6   -23.2    4       2      988.49  469.69
318.046099      09:54:14.996    +68:57:57.61    15.66   14.99   14.65   13.81   13.61   13.48   14.86   14.96   -40.1    -7.6    2       2      981.30  208.53
319.043170      09:54:18.780    +69:02:38.44    16.42   15.11   14.57   11.23   10.75   10.68   12.80   12.75    -2.5   -30.1    7       2      951.01  604.39
319.043171      09:54:26.339    +69:00:25.70    17.99   16.09   15.10   13.60   12.97   12.74   16.18   16.31   -25.4     1.3    4       2      894.47  417.01
319.043178      09:54:31.703    +69:01:26.46    30.00   12.74   12.19   11.19   10.93   10.83   12.41   12.37   -27.1   -24.1    7       3      853.56  502.55
319.043179      09:54:33.036    +69:06:02.88    30.00   15.35   14.75   13.41   12.92   12.80   15.34   15.01     0.0     0.0    4       2      842.31  892.29
319.043181      09:54:42.302    +69:05:52.51    16.20   14.95   14.32   10.45   10.13   10.05   11.69   11.66    13.5   -24.3    5       3      772.43  877.48
318.046111      09:54:45.341    +68:56:59.10    13.09   12.18   11.81   11.16   10.86   10.79   12.26   12.23   -33.7    -0.7    6       3      751.12  125.30
319.043185      09:54:52.342    +69:06:51.47    99.99   99.99   99.99   16.04   15.70   15.33   17.08   16.95     0.0     0.0    1       1      696.54  960.46
319.043186      09:54:52.971    +69:07:02.47    99.99   99.99   99.99   15.36   14.84   14.88   16.70   16.98     0.0     0.0    1       1      691.77  975.96
319.043187      09:54:53.223    +69:03:48.27    17.80   16.27   15.46   13.16   12.84   12.77   14.45   14.47   -19.3    11.5    5       2      690.31  702.13
318.046115      09:55:00.980    +68:56:22.23    99.99   99.99   99.99    9.31    8.94    8.88   10.41   10.33     0.0     0.0    0       1      632.36  73.12
319.043190      09:55:01.424    +69:00:07.95    17.00   15.73   15.24   13.95   13.40   13.21   16.17   15.90   -15.1   -16.6    4       2      628.65  391.39
318.046116      09:55:02.637    +68:56:21.79    99.99   99.99   99.99    9.29    8.92    8.83   10.32   10.32     0.0     0.0    1       1      619.77  72.48
319.043196      09:55:15.739    +69:05:15.53    99.99   99.99   99.99   14.41   13.99   13.84   15.93   15.82     0.0     0.0    3       1      520.12  825.03
319.043198      09:55:17.388    +69:03:30.80    99.99   99.99   99.99   14.62   14.09   14.07   16.21   16.23     0.0     0.0    3       1      507.67  677.35
319.043201      09:55:23.375    +69:00:49.38    17.90   16.43   15.62   13.39   13.17   13.04   14.63   14.62    10.3    11.6   11       2      462.31  449.76
318.046131      09:55:40.825    +68:58:07.38    30.00   16.89   16.65   15.65   15.30   15.32   16.40   18.00     0.0     0.0    1       2      329.76  221.46
319.043203      09:55:41.390    +69:00:30.40    99.99   99.99   99.99   10.88   10.67   10.60   11.88   11.85   -26.2     1.8   11       2      325.80  423.13
319.043206      09:55:45.030    +69:01:45.78    99.99   99.99   99.99   10.40   10.13   10.06   11.35   11.33   -53.1     4.0    7       4      298.43  529.47
318.046134      09:55:45.257    +68:57:24.77    16.97   16.47   16.31   15.24   15.04   14.96   16.54   16.73    20.3   -14.8    2       2      296.00  161.45
318.046135      09:55:50.304    +68:56:31.74    30.00   16.53   16.37   15.10   14.75   14.82   16.52   16.79    19.2    -2.2    2       2      257.50  86.75
319.043208      09:55:52.626    +69:04:34.05    99.99   99.99   99.99   13.39   13.02   12.95   14.72   14.71     0.0     0.0    8       1      241.50  766.86
319.043209      09:55:58.591    +69:07:21.79    30.00   16.80   16.32   15.27   14.97   14.79   16.82   16.65     0.0     0.0    1       2      197.12  1003.51
318.046143      09:56:13.017    +68:59:17.61    17.01   16.78   16.21   15.30   14.90   14.97   16.70   16.67     0.0     0.0    1       2      85.79   321.16
319.043215      09:56:17.475    +69:06:05.08    30.00   16.05   15.86   14.16   13.74   13.69   15.90   15.71   254.3    16.1    2       2      54.34   895.84
319.043217      09:56:19.155    +69:02:42.04    18.23   16.92   16.02   14.55   14.21   13.99   15.88   15.75    22.1     9.7    2       2      40.45   609.59
319.043218      09:56:23.890    +69:06:01.40    16.86   16.49   16.11   15.13   14.81   14.75   16.30   16.31     0.8     1.7    1       2      5.92    890.85

Last updated 18 November 2009 by Doug Mink

Telescope Data Center [WCSTools] [WCSTools programs] [imcat] [imucac3]