Use imua2 to File the USNO UCAC2 Catalog Stars in an Image

Find the USNO A-2.0 Catalog stars in image test.fts and write them to a file orted by right ascension.
imucac2 -ws testxmbw.fits
produces the following in the file testx90mbw.fits.ucac2:
image	testx90mbw.fits
catalog	ucac2
rasort	T
radecsys	FK5
equinox	2000.0000
epoch	1995.4192
rpmunit	mas/year
dpmunit	mas/year
program	imucac2 3.5, 22 August 2003, Doug Mink (
ucac2_id  	ra      	dec           	magj 	magh 	magk 	magc 	pmra 	pmdec	x    	y    
----------	-----------	------------	-----	-----	-----	-----	------	------	------	------
243.072527	16:15:32.976	+31:25:03.38	14.34	14.03	13.94	15.50	-7.4	-4.6	986.22	506.68
244.071712	16:15:34.357	+31:30:06.37	12.34	11.95	11.87	13.37	-15.6	-19.5	959.87	977.66
243.072529	16:15:34.900	+31:24:43.06	12.76	12.29	12.22	13.91	-7.7	-11.4	947.93	475.14
243.072530	16:15:37.310	+31:23:51.77	13.70	13.39	13.30	14.66	-5.7	-7.5	899.83	395.44
243.072532	16:15:41.497	+31:26:37.36	13.42	12.95	12.81	14.85	-5.1	-10.2	817.26	652.92
243.072534	16:15:45.549	+31:27:48.29	12.06	11.62	11.49	13.19	7.1	-16.6	737.05	763.25
243.072535	16:15:49.362	+31:26:42.25	12.31	11.99	11.90	13.10	0.5	-2.3	661.02	660.70
243.072537	16:15:52.101	+31:27:54.15	14.04	13.56	13.45	15.68	0.8	-5.9	606.93	772.53
243.072538	16:15:52.979	+31:25:15.52	13.72	13.29	13.23	14.78	-12.3	5.7	588.76	525.98
243.072541	16:15:55.922	+31:19:58.24	12.91	12.61	12.56	13.59	3.8	-5.7	528.74	32.90
243.072550	16:16:08.366	+31:26:15.52	12.49	12.10	12.04	13.53	-14.6	1.8	283.31	619.78
243.072555	16:16:10.990	+31:21:42.52	13.89	13.52	13.46	15.00	6.8	-2.3	229.61	195.55
243.072558	16:16:12.144	+31:28:50.48	30.00	30.00	30.00	13.85	-45.5	-314.1	209.12	860.80
243.072564	16:16:21.165	+31:29:28.92	13.86	13.54	13.47	14.78	1.5	6.8	30.20	920.98
243.072565	16:16:21.709	+31:26:44.83	14.32	13.94	14.00	15.23	-21.9	5.0	18.37	665.95

Last updated 11 September 2003 by Doug Mink

Telescope Data Center [WCSTools] [WCSTools programs] [imcat] [imua2]