WCSTools Publications Exploring Space, Time, and Data with WCSTools Jessica Mink (2018), presented at the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS XXVIII) in College Park, Maryland, USA in November 2018 [WCSTools]

Exploring Space, Time, and Data with WCSTools

Jessica Mink
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

The WCSTools package, open-source software since 1996, is best known for its ability to set and utilize the world coordinate systems of image data and to search catalogs, but it contains other tasks to observe and manipulate the data and metadata in FITS files. Here are some of them, plus some upcoming additions to the package, including implementations of arbitrary-length keywords in FITS headers and the UCAC5, Atlas, SDSS, and GAIA catalogs. It's portable because it's all text!

Source code and online documentation for this library are available at URL http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/software/wcstools/.

The poster is available in HTML as with full text and as the proceedings paper.

The paper is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF file as the poster and the proceedings paper.