keyhead Command Line Arguments

Name of IRAF image header file or FITS file. At least one of these must be present for any values to be set. File names must have the .imh extension for either version 1 or version 2 IRAF files or be legal FITS files.
Name of file listing IRAF image header file and/or FITS files. If this is present, there should not be any other file names on the command line.
Keyword names may be entered in either upper or lower case; they will be automatically translated to upper case by the program. Each keyword should be followed by an equal sign and a second keyword. keyword1 must already exist in the header. If the -r flag is set, the value of keyword2 is assigned to keyword1; if not, the name of keyword1 is changed to keyword2.
Name of a file listing image file names (IRAF image header files and/or FITS files) or keyword reassignments. The program tests the first line to see whether it is a FITS or IRAf image file. If it is, any other file names on the command line will be ignored. If it is not an image file, this list file is assumed to contain keyword reassignments, one per line. Two arguments, one of each type, files or keywords, are allowed on a single keyhead command line. In a keyword list file, all lines without an equal sign are ignored.
Reset the maximum number of files which can be read from the command line. This is useful if a wildcard is being used to change a directory or directories full of FITS or IRAF files and there are more than the default limit of 1000. If there are more than the limit, the program processes all of the files up to the limiting number, then skips the rest and prints an error message telling how many files it skipped. (Added in version 2.6, dropped in 2.6.4)
Add a HISTORY line to the header noting the version of keyhead, the current date and time, and the keywords whose values are set. If there are too many keywords to fit on one line, extra HISTORY lines are added tothe header to acommodate them. (Added in version 2.5)
Add a KEYHEAD keyword to the header with the value being a string noting the version of keyhead, the current date and time, and the keywords whose values are set. If there are too many keywords to fit on one line, later keywords are omitted from the list. (Added in version 2.5)
Reset the maximum number of keyword names which can be read from the command line. This is useful if the MAXKWD parameter in sethead.c is set to a small number and the values of more keyword need to be listed. (Added in version 2.6, dropped in 2.6.4)
Write to a new file, instead of overwriting the file. Make the name of the new file by adding an e before the extension.
-r letter
Replace the falue of keyword1 with the value of keyword2. (Added in version 2.5)
Print more information about the process.

Last updated 16 July 1999 by Doug Mink

Telescope Data Center