- X and Y first, followed by RA and Dec as hh mm ss.sss dd mm ss.ss
72.04 143.88 00 47 10.984 -11 53 18.92
114.91 185.80 00 47 09.153 -11 52 52.70
370.15 400.11 00 46 58.055 -11 50 36.60
325.49 191.93 00 47 00.064 -11 52 49.89
418.23 30.94 00 46 56.044 -11 54 32.13
- RA and Dec first as hh:mm:ss.sss dd:mm:ss.ss, followed by X and Y in the
TDC ASCII catalog format. /j/n/m
indicates to scat, imcat,
and any other WCSTools catalog-reading programs that the coordinates are J2000,
that no source number preceeds the coordinates, and that no magnitude is present.
#NGC 246 image star coordinates
00:47:10.984 -11:53:18.92 72.04 143.88
00:47:09.153 -11:52:52.70 114.91 185.80
00:46:58.055 -11:50:36.60 370.15 400.11
00:47:00.064 -11:52:49.89 325.49 191.93
00:46:56.044 -11:54:32.13 418.23 30.94
- X and Y first, followed by RA and Dec as hh:mm:ss.sss dd:mm:ss.ss
72.04 143.88 00:47:10.984 -11:53:18.92
114.91 185.80 00:47:09.153 -11:52:52.70
370.15 400.11 00:46:58.055 -11:50:36.60
325.49 191.93 00:47:00.064 -11:52:49.89
418.23 30.94 00:46:56.044 -11:54:32.13