Use imty2 to File the Tycho 2 Reference Catalog Stars in an Image

Find the Tycho 2 Reference Catalog stars in image test.fts and write them to a file orted by right ascension.
imty2 -ws test.fts
produces the following in the file test.fts.tycho2:
image	test.fts
catalog	Tycho 2
rasort	T
radecsys	FK5
equinox	2000.00
epoch	1995.80
program	imty2 2.9.4, 8 June 2001, Doug Mink (
tycho2_id 	ra      	dec           	magb  	magv  	type	ux    	uy   	x    	y    
----------	-----------	------------	-----	-----	-----	------	------	------	------
4383.20441	09:55:01.078	+68:56:22.73	11.50	10.67	K7	-62.20	-62.20	633.18	74.26
4383.11271	09:55:02.731	+68:56:22.22	11.51	10.73	K6	-62.10	-62.10	620.62	73.48
4383.05651	09:55:45.020	+69:01:45.76	11.86	11.46	F2	-15.80	-15.80	298.44	528.68

Last updated 8 June 2001 by Doug Mink

Telescope Data Center [WCSTools] [WCSTools programs] [imcat] [imty2]