Use imtmc to List the 10 Brightest 2MASS Point Sources in an Image

Find the 10 brightest 2MASS Point Sources in image test.fts and sort them by right ascension.
$ imtmc -hsn 10 test.fts

imtmc 3.4.0, 11 June 2003, Doug Mink (
test.fts: RA:  09:54:08.834 - 09:56:24.446 J2000
          Dec: +68:55:28.66 - +69:07:36.04 J2000
10 / 107 2MASS Point Sources MagK <= 11.2
2mass_id     RA2000        Dec2000    MagJ    MagH    MagK      X       Y   
1590.044944 09:54:31.706 +69:01:26.38 11.185  10.931  10.831   853.6  503.7
1590.044948 09:54:42.315 +69:05:52.41 10.452  10.130  10.048   771.0  878.3
1589.045947 09:54:45.351 +68:56:59.14 11.159  10.861  10.789   752.4  126.2
1589.045951 09:55:01.044 +68:56:22.52  9.310   8.941   8.876   633.4   74.0
1589.045953 09:55:02.704 +68:56:22.06  9.292   8.921   8.834   620.8   73.3
1590.044972 09:55:33.158 +69:03:55.05  9.642   8.961   8.434   387.8  711.2
1590.044977 09:55:34.416 +69:03:44.04 10.881  10.136L 10.947L  378.3  695.6
1590.044980 09:55:34.866 +69:03:45.69 10.885  11.470L  9.879   374.9  697.9
1590.044990 09:55:41.390 +69:00:30.29 10.882  10.670  10.601   326.1  422.3
1590.044992 09:55:45.022 +69:01:45.72 10.397  10.128  10.064   298.4  528.6
where the columns are zone.number, J2000 RA, J2000 Dec, J, H, and K magnitudes, image X and Y pixel coordinates computed using the image world coordinate system, the plate, unless from a catalog, and the distance in arcseconds from the center of the image. To write a file test.fts.tmc, use
imtmc -wn 10 test.fts

Last updated 18 June 2003 Doug Mink

Telescope Data Center Ex. 2: List the 2MASS Point Source Catalog stars in a FITS image to a file
Ex. 3: Plot 2MASS Point Source Catalog stars onto a FITS image
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