
Command Line Arguments

(also for imgsc, imgsca, imgsc2, imua2, imub1, and imusa2
WCSTools programs
Name of FITS or IRAF image file. This must be present.

-a rotation angle
Initial WCS rotation angle in degrees (default 0)

-b [right_ascension declination]
Output catalog positions in B1950 (FK4) coordinates no matter what system the catalog is in. If followed by a sky position which will override that in the image header, that position is assumed to be B1950 unless followed by a string denoting another system, such as J2000 or galactic.

-c catalog name
Name of catalog to search (ub1, tmc, gsc2, ucac, ty2, gsc, sao, ppm, iras, TDC ASCII or binary catalog file name, or tab table file name). Instead of using this argument, the program may be invoked, through a link or by renaming it, as imua2, imub1, imtmc, imgsc2, imgsc, imgsca, imty2, imact, imujc, imppm, imsao, or imiras. The program decides whether a named file is in TDC ASCII format or tab table format by checking for a tab in the first line.

Output RA,Dec positions in fractional degrees instead of sexigesimal.

-e [ecliptic_longitude ecliptic_latitude]
Output catalog positions in ecliptic coordinates no matter what system the catalog is in. If followed by a sky position that will override that in the image header, that position is assumed to be ecliptic longitude and latitude unless followed by a string denoting another system, such as J2000 or galactic.

-g [galactic_longitude galactic_latitude]
Output catalog positions in galactic coordinates no matter what system the catalog is in. If followed by a sky position that will override that in the image header, that position is assumed to be galactic longitude and latitude unless followed by a string denoting another system, such as J2000 or ecliptic.

Print heading with list of stars.

Print name from catalog instead of number in region file (for overplotting).

-j [right_ascension declination]
Initial center right ascension and declination in degrees or sexigesimal in J2000 (FK5). Sexigesimal coordinates are hours:minutes:seconds degrees:minutes:seconds.

-mnumber [bright magnitude limit,]faint magnitude limit
Only stars with their numberth magnitude brighter than faint magnitude limit are listed. If bright magnitude limit is given, stars brighter than it are omitted. The default is to list all stars.

-n number
Number of brightest stars to print

-o number
For GSC or GSC-ACT catalogs, print objects with this type only. 0=stars, 3=nonstars. The default is to print all objects.

-p arcsec
Set initial plate scale in arcseconds per pixel overriding header.

-q osdv+x[p]
Write SAOimage region file with this shape, o=circle, s=square, d=diamond, +=cross, and x=X, with the radius scaled with magnitude unless specified with a -r command line entry. v will cause stellar Guide Stars to plot with a + and nonstellar Guide Stars to plot with an x. If character is is preceded by p, the size specified by the -r command is assumed to be in pixels, not arcseconds. A p alone specifies a circle in pixels. (Added in version 2.5, pixels in 2.9.4)

-r arcsec[,arcsec]
Write SAOimage region file with shapes (default CIRCLE) of this radius in arcseconds. SAOimage can then read this file, with will have positions and radii in pixels and plot it over an image. If the radius is specified as zero, the output radii will scale between 5 and dim/100 over the range of magnitudes of sources found in the image area. If the -q option is specified with a 'p' in it, this number is assumed to be in pixels instead of arcseconds. If a second radius is given, the radius in pixels is scaled by magnitude between these limits over the range of magnitudes in the returned stars. (Added in version 2.5, pixels in 2.9.4)

Sort option. The default is to sort by flux. If -s appears with no argument, the output list is sorted by right ascension. Here are the possible arguments, which must follow an intervening space:
-s r for increasing RA -s d for increasing Dec
-s x for increasing X coordinate -s y for increasing Y coordinate
-s m[n] for increasing magnitude n(if present) -s n for no sort

(options other than RA added in version 3.0.4)

Use tab table (Starbase) output format for standard output as well as file.

-u plate number
When using UJ Catalog, accept reference star positions from this plate only

Print list of stars found to standard output. If neither v or w arguments are present, v is assumed.
-vv causes more complete debugging information to be printed.
-vvv prints the information returned from a web catalog search. ( web listing added in WCSTools 3.0.4)

Write list of stars found into a file imagename.cat with a Starbase tab-delimited format.
-x x-coordinate y-coordinate
Set reference pixel for WCS to this.
-y date
Set epoch of image to this date in FITS/ISO format or as a fractional year.
Use AIPS classic projection software instead of WCSLIB.

Last updated 23 February 2006 by Doug Mink dmink@cfa.harvard.edu

[imcat] [imua2] [imub1] [imgsc2] [imtmc] [imgsc] [imgsca] [imusa2] [imppm] [imsao] [imiras] [Telescope Data Center]