To install this package in your local IRAF system, take the following steps: 1) The package is distributed as a tar archive; IRAF is distributed with a tar reader. The tar archive may be obtained by magnetic tape or anonymous ftp. For magnetic tape go to step [2] and when reading the tar archive simply mount the tape and use the tape device name for the archive name in step [4]. To obtain the package via ftp (assuming a UNIX computer): % ftp login: anonymous password: [your user name] ftp> cd pub/iraf ftp> get wcstools-3.6.4.iraf.readme ftp> binary ftp> get wcstools-3.6.4.iraf.tar.gz ftp> quit % ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 mink xxxx xxx xx xx:xx wcstools-3.6.4.iraf.readme -rw-r--r-- 1 mink xxxxxx xxx xx xx:xx wcstools-3.6.4.iraf.tar.gz % 2) Create a directory to contain the WCSTools external package files. This directory should be outside the IRAF directory tree and must be owned by the IRAF account. In the following examples, this root directory is named /local/wcstools/. Make the appropriate file name substitutions for your site. 3) Log in as IRAF and edit the extern.pkg file in the hlib directory to define the package to the CL. From the IRAF account, outside the CL, you can move to this directory with the command: % cd $hlib Define the environment variable rvsao to be the pathname to the rvsao root directory. UNIX pathnames must be terminated with a '/'. Edit extern.pkg to include: reset wcstools = /wcstools-3.6.4/ task wcstools.pkg = wcstools$ Near the end of the hlib$extern.pkg file, update the definition of helpdb so it includes the rvsao help database, copying the syntax already used in the string. Add this line before the line containing a closing quote: ,wcstools$lib/helpdb.mip\ 4) Add to hlib$ the package description: wcstools - Utilities to manipulate FITS and IRAF image WCS 5) Unpack the tar file into the WCSTOOLS root directory. On a UNIX system, where ftpdir is the pathname of the directory into which the package was ftp'ed and irafpkg is the directory below which you wish to install wcstools % cd $irafpkg % cd .. % gzcat $ftpdir/wcstools-3.6.4.iraf.tar.gz | tar xvf - The archive file can be deleted once the package has been successfully installed. 6) If you already have WCSTools installed somewhere else on your system, simply cd to the new wcstools directory and ln -s bin.[arch] for example ln -s /usr/local/bin bin.solaris and skip to step 9. If you don't already have WCSTools installed on your system, cd to the wcstools directory you just filled, and then cd to Src/ . 7) To put compiled executables in the appropriate binary directory, ln -s ../bin. bin for the architecture of the computer you are using For Solaris, for example, ln -s ../bin.solaris bin 8) Make the package by typing % make all >&spool.make The spool file should be reviewed upon completion to make sure there were no errors. 9) Type "cl" or "ecl" to log in to IRAF, and "WCStools" to get the package. 10) Up-to-date hypertext help is available on the World Wide Web at