All Guide Stars in a box 10 arcminutes on a side, centered on
10 hours right ascension and 10 degrees declination are listed.
Note that the settings on the command line make three changes to
the distributed parameter file, in which the pathnames of the
two CD-ROMs are alread set for this machine.
$ rgsc -cra 10 -cdec 10 -box .05
Parameters read from "/home/mink/Defaults/rgsc.par"
HST Guide Stars B1950
Search at 10h 00m 00.000s 10d 00' 00.00" 0d10' x 0d10'
829.0323 9 59 47.236 10 00 57.82 13.26 0 1
829.0406 9 59 47.615 10 02 25.82 13.56 0 1
829.0516 9 59 46.152 10 00 50.08 14.99 3 1
829.0599 9 59 45.255 10 01 52.08 14.87 0 1
829.0655 9 59 50.943 9 55 19.77 10.62 0 1
830.0144 10 00 09.163 9 57 59.23 13.59 0 1
830.0200 9 59 58.941 9 57 43.45 15.23 0 1
830.0309 10 00 13.703 10 02 58.95 14.25 0 1
830.0419 9 59 54.025 10 03 55.69 12.45 0 1
830.1022 10 00 10.270 9 57 29.60 13.93 0 1