RGSC Example 1. Position of Individual Guide Stars

By typing a number of the form region . 4-digit number, any Guide Star may be extracted from the CD-ROMs. Multiple numbers, separated by spaces, may appear on the command line. A file of numbers, with one per line, may also be specified using the command line argument @filename.


By default, the J2000 coordinates of the Guide Star Catalog are converted to B1950.
$ rgsc 1.0001
Parameters read from "/home/mink/Defaults/rgsc.par"
HST Guide Stars B1950
   1.0001    0  01  23.347     2  03  22.06  14.56 0 2


A command line flag is needed to change the current default parameter file so that output is in J2000 coordinates. No conversion is actually done to the Guide Star coordinates as they are already J2000.
$ rgsc -j 1.0001
HST Guide Stars J2000
   1.0001    0  03  57.142     2  20  04.27  14.56 0 2


Galactic coordinates are always given in degrees.
$ rgsc -gal 1.0001
HST Guide Stars Galactic
   1.0001   99.84136   -58.39225  14.56 0 2


Ecliptic coordinates are always given in degrees.
$ rgsc -ecl 1.0001
HST Guide Stars Ecliptic
   1.0001    1.13675     1.74826  14.56 0 2