Set logging interval during search through GSC. If zero, progress of
the search is not logged. If -print is set, progress is not logged. (NLOG)
-b (-j)
Input and output coordinates in B1950 or J2000 coordinates. (INCOOR=B1950,J2000)
-bi (-ji)
Input search coordinates in B1950 or J2000 coordinates. (INCOOR=B1950,J2000)
-bo (-jo -gal -equ)
Output source positions in B1950, J2000, galactic, or equatorial coordinates.
-new (-app)
Start new or append to most recent output file. (APPEND=f,t)
-save (-nsav)
Save all plate positions with plate ID or average multiple plate
positions and magnitudes for a single source (error-weighted means).
Magnitude errors may be introduced when B and V plates are averaged
together. (SAVEALL=t,f)
-hms (-tab) (-col) (-deg)
Output source positions as h.mmss,d.mmss, hh mm ss.sss dd mm,
hh:mm:ss.sss, or fractional degrees. Galactic coordinates
are always ouput as degrees instead of hours. The GSC uses fractional
-plate (-nplate)
Output GSSS plate ID(s) for each star. (PPLATE=t,f)
-pdist (-npdist)
Output distance from search center in arcsec for each star. (PDIST=t,f)
-bp (-nbp)
Output plate bandpass(es) for each star. (PBAND=t,f)
-band number
Select plates with this bandpass code only (GSCBAND).
-1: all 10: IIa-D/GG495(ESO-GPO-V)
0: IIIa-J/GG395(SERC-J) 11: 103a-O/GG400(BlackBirch-B)
1: IIa-D/W12(Palomar-V1) 16: IIIa-J/GG495(Palomar-V5)
6: IIa-D/GG495(Palomar-V4) 18: IIIa-J/GG385(Palomar-J)
8: 103a-E/Red(Palomar-E)
-v (-nv)
Turn verbose mode on or off. Command line parameter changes will be
echoed if this is on, as well as additional progress logging. This is
useful if the program is apparently misbehaving. (VERBOSE=t,f)
Stop processing of command line and exit from program without performing
Guide Star Catalog search.