#!/bin/sh validate ' BEGIN { henear = "henear.db" henear_init = 0 fixedpi = "FixedPI.db" fixedpi_init = 0 fixedpr = "FixedPR.db" fixedpr_init = 0 Standard = "(SAO.*)|(AGK.*)|(M31)|(M32)|(HD.*)|(FEIGE.*)|(HZ..)" } { FixedPI = 0 FixedPR = 0 } TITLE ~ "henear" { if ( henear_init == 0 ) { print Header > henear print Dashes > henear } print > "henear.db" henear_init = 1 next } # Fix up the PI # toupper(PI) ~ /^ALL([ \t]|$)/ { PI="Calib"; FixedPI = 1; PROGRAM = 0 } toupper(PI) ~ "CALIB" { PI="Calib"; FixedPI = 1; PROGRAM = 0 } toupper(PI) ~ "CFA RED" { PI="JHuchra"; FixedPI = 1; PROGRAM = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "ASTRO" { PI = "ASTRO"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "BARMBY" { PI = "PBarmby"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "BARTON" { PI = "EBarton"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "CAO?LDWE" { PI = "NCaldwell"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "CALLAN" { PI = "PCallanan"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "CHALLIS" { PI = "RKirshner"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "DACOSTA" { PI = "LDaCosta"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "ELVIS" { PI = "MElvis"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "FANG" { PI = "JHuchra"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "FABRI" { PI = "DFabricant"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "GELL" { PI = "MGeller"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "GROGIN" { PI = "NGrogin"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "HAZ" { PI = "GHazenberg"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "HU?CH" { PI = "JHuchra"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "KIRSC?H" { PI = "RKirshner"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "KORANY" { PI = "DKoranyi"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "KUHN" { PI = "OKuhn"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "DOBRZ" { PI = "ADobrzycki"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "KENYO" { PI = "SKenyon"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "LATH" { PI = "DLatham"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "LUU" { PI = "JLuu"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "STAUFF" { PI = "JStauffer"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "DELL" { PI = "IDellAntonio"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "PROSSER" { PI = "CProsser"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "RAMELL" { PI = "MRamella"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "SCHACHTER" { PI = "JSchachter"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "SCHLEGEL" { PI = "ESchlegel"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "SEWARD" { PI = "FSeward"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "MCDOWE" { PI = "JMcDowell"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "MACKIE" { PI = "GMackie"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "MAHDAV" { PI = "AMahdavi"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "MOHR" { PI = "JMohr"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "FALCO" { PI = "EFalco"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "GREEN" { PI = "PGreen"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "VESTERG" { PI = "MVesterg"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "VANCU" { PI = "OVancura"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "GOODMAN" { PI = "AGoodman"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "BRICEN" { PI = "CBriceno"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "BERLIND" { PI = "PBerlind"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "PLUCINSKY" { PI = "PPlucinsky"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "GROGIN" { PI = "NGrogin"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "PANN?TOJA" { PI = "CPantoja"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "MCCLIN" { PI = "JMcClintock"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "CURIEL" { PI = "SCuriel"; FIxedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "WILKE" { PI = "BWilkes"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "WLIKE" { PI = "BWilkes"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "WEEK" { PI = "TWeekes"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(PI) ~ "3C273" { PI = "MGeller"; FixedPI = 1; PROGRAM = 5 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "TAURUS LOW MASS" { PI = "CBriceno"; FixedPI = 1; PROGRAM = 38 } toupper(PI) ~ "KIR" && PROGRAM ~ "2" { PI = "RKirshner"; FixedPI = 1 } toupper(TITLE) ~ "^SKY" { PI = "Calib" FixedPI = 1 PROGRAM = 0 FixedPR = 1 } toupper(TITLE) ~ "EVESKY" { PI = "Calib" FixedPI = 1 PROGRAM = 0 FixedPR = 1 } FixedPI == 0 && PI ~ " *" && toupper(TITLE) ~ Standard {PI = "Calib" FixedPI = 1 PROGRAM = 0 FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "99" { PI = "JHuchra"; FixedPI = 1; PROGRAM = 99 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "(KIRSH)|(CHALL)" { PI = "RKirshner"; FixedPI = 1; PROGRAM = 2 } FixedPI != 1 { print "Cant match PI for line " NR " : " PI " : "> "/dev/stderr" if ( fixedpi_init == 0 ) { print Header > fixedpi print Dashes > fixedpi } print $0 > fixedpi fixedpi_init = 1 } # Fix up the PROGRAM # toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "ASTRO" { PROGRAM = 99; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "CALIB" { PROGRAM = 0; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "REDSHIFT" { PROGRAM = 1; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "SYMBIO" { PROGRAM = 12; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "WARPFIRE" { PROGRAM = 17; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "^SN" { PROGRAM = 2; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "AGN[ _]MON" { PROGRAM = 6; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "CFA NEP SUR" { PROGRAM = 99; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "MISC" && PI == "JHuchra" { PROGRAM = 99; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "ROSAT" && PI == "JHuchra" { PROGRAM = 99; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "ROSAT" && PI == "BWilkes" { PROGRAM = 16; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "QSO" && PI == "BWilkes" { PROGRAM = 7; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "QSO" && PI == "OKuhn" { PROGRAM = 7; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "M67" && PI == "NCaldwell" { PROGRAM = 10; FixedPR = 1 } toupper(PROGRAM) ~ "CALDWELL" && PI == "NCaldwell" { PROGRAM = 10; FixedPR = 1 } PROGRAM ~ /^[#- ]*[0-9]+/ { match(PROGRAM, /[0-9]+/) PROGRAM = substr(PROGRAM, RSTART, RLENGTH); FixedPR = 1 } FixedPR != 1 { print "Cant match PROGRAM for line " NR " : " PROGRAM " : "> "/dev/stderr" if ( fixedpr_init == 0 ) { print Header > fixedpr print Dashes > fixedpr } print $0 > fixedpr fixedpr_init = 1 } FixedPI == 0 || FixedPR == 0 { next } '