MMT Observing Schedule
September-December 2013
(as of 29 July 2013)
MMT schedule for the Month of August 2013
(as of 29 July 2013)
September October
November December
January 2014
Date* Day Moon Observer Instrument Hecto Assistant Secondary Operator Program
1 (8.4) Th -4.0 Shutdown ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
2 " F -3.1 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
3 (8.5) S -2.1 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
4 " S -1.2 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
5 " M -0.2 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
6 " T 0.7 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
7 (8.6) W 1.7 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
8 " Th 2.6 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
9 " F 3.6 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
10 " S 4.5 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
11 (8.7) S 5.5 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
12 " M 6.4 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
13 " T 7.4 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
14 (8.8) W 8.3 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
15 " Th 9.2 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
16 " F 10.2 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
17 (8.9) S 11.1 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
18 " S 12.1 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
19 " M 13.0 " ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
20 (9.0) T 14.0 M&E ---- ---- f/5 Martin M&E
21 " W -13.1 Meibom/Flaherty Hectochelle Lacasse " " SAO-15/UAO-S19
22 " Th -12.1 Meibom " " " " SAO-15
23 (9.1) F -11.2 " " " " " "
24 " S -10.2 " " Berlind " " "
25 " S -9.3 Meibom/Flaherty " " " " SAO-15/UAO-S19
26 (9.2) M -8.3 Zaritsky MMTCam Calkins " " UAO-S16
27 " T -7.4 Berger/Zaritsky " " " Milone SAO-4/UAO-S16
28 (9.3) W -6.4 M&E/Berger Blue Channel ---- f/9 " M&E/SAO-7
29 " Th -5.5 Kuraszkiewicz/Berger " ---- " " SAO-18/SAO-7
30 (9.4) F -4.5 "/" " ---- " " "/"
31 " S -3.6 Berger " ---- " " SAO-7
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is
greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.
MMT schedule for the Month of September 2013
(as of 29 July 2013)
September October
November December
January 2014
Date* Day Moon Observer Instrument Hecto Assistant Secondary Operator Program
1 (9.4) S -2.6 Milisavljevic Blue Channel ---- f/9 Milone SAO-10
2 (9.5) M -1.7 Smith " ---- " " UAO-S33
3 " T -0.7 M&E " ---- " Gottilla M&E
4 " W 0.2 Williams " ---- " " DIR
5 (9.6) Th 1.2 McGreer Red Channel ---- " " UAO-S1
6 " F 2.1 " " ---- " " "
7 " S 3.1 " " ---- " " "
8 (9.7) S 4.0 " " ---- " " "
9 " M 5.0 Clement " ---- " " UAO-S9
10 " T 5.9 " " ---- " Martin "
11 (9.8) W 6.9 " " ---- " " "
12 " Th 7.8 M&E NGS/ARIES ---- f/15 " M&E
13 " F 8.7 Dupree " ---- " " SAO-8
14 (9.9) S 9.7 " " ---- " " "
15 " S 10.6 " " ---- " " "
16 " M 11.6 " " ---- " " "
17 (10.0) T 12.5 De Rosa " ---- " Milone UAO-S10
18 " W 13.5 Ward-Duong/De Rosa " ---- " " UAO-S11/UAO-S10
19 " Th -13.6 Guyon nlCWFS ---- " " UAO-S105
20 (10.1) F -12.6 Caldwell Hectochelle Berlind f/5 " SAO-9
21 " S -11.7 " " " " " "
22 " S -10.7 " " " " " "
23 (10.2) M -9.8 Meibom " " " " SAO-15
24 " T -8.8 Geller Hectospec Calkins " Gottilla SAO-6
25 " W -7.9 " " " " " "
26 (10.3) Th -6.9 Soderberg MMTCam " " SAO-2
27 " F -6.0 Scarlata Hectospec Berlind " " UAO-G94
28 " S -5.0 Kirshner " " " " SAO-5
29 (10.4) S -4.1 Flaherty Hectochelle Calkins " " UAO-S19
30 " M -3.1 Meibom " " " " SAO-15
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is
greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.
MMT schedule for the Month of October 2013
(as of 29 July 2013)
September October
November December
January 2014
Date* Day Moon Observer Instrument Hecto Assistant Secondary Operator Program
1 (10.4) T -2.2 Olszewski Hectochelle Berlind f/5 Martin UAO-S2
2 (10.5) W -1.2 " " " " " "
3 " Th -0.3 Massey Hectospec " " " UAO-S15
4 " F 0.7 " " Calkins " " "
5 (10.6) S 1.6 " " " " " "
6 " S 2.6 Dai/Benbow(0.1) " " " " SAO-16/SAO-11
7 " M 3.5 "/" " " " " SAO-16/SAO-12
8 (10.7) T 4.5 Wu/Berger Hectospec/MMTCam Berlind " Milone UAO-G101 / SAO-4
9 " W 5.4 Apai Hectospec " " " UAO-S6
10 " Th 6.3 Humphreys " " " " UAO-G91
11 " F 7.3 Humphreys/Geller " Calkins " " UAO-G91/SAO-6
12 (10.8) S 8.2 Geller " " " " SAO-6
13 " S 9.2 Kong/Geller " " " " UAO-G99/SAO-6
14 " M 10.1 Geller " " " " SAO-6
15 (10.9) T 11.1 M&E NGS/ARIES ---- f/15 Gottilla M&E
16 " W 12.0 " " ---- " " "
17 " Th 13.0 Stone " ---- " " UAO-E20
18 " F 13.9 " " ---- " " "
19 (11.0) S -13.1 " " ---- " " "
20 " S -12.2 Jones MMTPol ---- " " UAO-G92
21 " M -11.2 " " ---- " " "
22 (11.1) T -10.3 " " ---- " Martin "
23 " W -9.3 Elvis " ---- " " SAO-17
24 " Th -8.4 Jiang Red Channel ---- f/9 " UAO-S13
25 " F -7.4 " " ---- " " "
26 (11.2) S -6.5 Clement " ---- " " UAO-S9
27 " S -5.5 Williams SPOL ---- " " DIR
28 " M -4.6 " " ---- " " "
29 " T -3.6 " " ---- " Milone "
30 (11.3) W -2.7 Brown Blue Channel ---- " " SAO-1
31 " Th -1.7 " " ---- " " "
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is
greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: The MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.
MMT schedule for the Month of November 2013
(as of 29 July 2013)
September October
November December
January 2014
Date* Day Moon Observer Instrument Hecto Assistant Secondary Operator Program
1 (11.3) F -0.8 Brown Blue Channel ---- f/9 Milone SAO-1
2 (11.4) S 0.2 " " ---- " " "
3 " S 1.1 " " ---- " " "
4 " M 2.1 Berger " ---- " " SAO-7
5 " T 3.0 " " ---- " Gottilla "
6 " W 3.9 " " ---- " " "
7 (11.5) Th 4.9 Milisavljevic/Berger" ---- " " SAO-10/SAO-7
8 " F 5.8 "/" " ---- " " "/"
9 " S 6.8 Milisavljevic " ---- " " SAO-10
10 " S 7.7 Smith " ---- " " UAO-S33
11 (11.6) M 8.7 Williams " ---- " " DIR
12 " T 9.6 Caldwell Red Channel ---- " Martin SAO-14
13 " W 10.6 " " ---- " " "
14 " Th 11.5 " " ---- " " "
15 " F 12.5 Brown SWIRC ---- f/5 " SAO-13
16 (11.7) S 13.4 " " ---- " " "
17 " S -13.6 " " ---- " " "
18 " M -12.7 Caldwell Hectochelle Berlind " " SAO-9
19 " T -11.7 " " " " Milone "
20 (11.8) W -10.8 TBS/Liu Hectospec " " " TBS/UAO-G100
21 " Th -9.8 Beaton " " " " UAO-G90
22 " F -8.9 " " Calkins " " "
23 " S -7.9 " " " " " "
24 " S -7.0 Fang " " " " UAO-G98
25 " M -6.0 Geller " " " " SAO-6
26 " T -5.1 Soderberg MMTCam ---- " Gottilla SAO-2
27 " W -4.1 Lunnan " ---- " " SAO-3
28 (11.9) Th -3.2 Lunnan/Zaritsky " ---- " " SAO-3/UAO-S16
29 " F -2.2 Zaritsky " ---- " " UAO-S16
30 " S -1.3 " " ---- " " "
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is
greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: The MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.
MMT schedule for the Month of December 2013
(as of 29 July 2013)
September October
November December
January 2014
Date* Day Moon Observer Instrument Hecto Assistant Secondary Operator Program
1 (11.9) S -0.3 Flaherty/Kim Hectochelle Calkins f/5 Gottilla UAO-S19/UAO-S4
2 " M 0.6 Kim " " " " UAO-S4
3 " T 1.5 Flaherty " " " Martin UAO-S19
4 " W 2.5 Berger/Kuraszkiewicz Blue Channel ---- f/9 " SAO-7/SAO-18
5 " Th 3.4 Berger " ---- " " SAO-7
6 " F 4.4 " " ---- " " "
7 (12.0) S 5.3 " " ---- " " "
8 " S 6.3 Smith " ---- " " UAO-S33
9 " M 7.2 M&E NGS/ARIES ---- f/15 " M&E
10 " T 8.2 De Rosa/Ward-Duong " ---- " Milone UAO-S10/UAO-S11
11 " W 9.1 Ward-Duong " ---- " " UAO-S11
12 " Th 10.1 Guyon nlCWFS ---- " " UAO-S105
13 " F 11.0 Teske MAESTRO ---- f/5 " UAO-S14
14 " S 12.0 " " ---- " " "
15 " S 12.9 " " ---- " " "
16 " M 13.9 " " ---- " " "
17 " T -13.2 TBS Hectochelle Berlind " Gottilla TBS
18 " W -12.2 TBS " " " " TBS
19 " Th -11.3 Liu Hectospec " " " UAO-G100
20 " F -10.3 Apai " " " " UAO-S6
21 " S -9.4 TBS Blue Channel ---- f/9 " TBS
22 " S -8.4 Berger/Yang " ---- " " SAO-7/UAO-G97
23 " M -7.5 Berger " ---- " " SAO-7
24 " T -6.5 Closed ---- ---- ---- Martin Closed
25 " W -5.6 Berger Blue Channel ---- f/9 " SAO-7
26 " Th -4.6 " " ---- " " "
27 " F -3.7 " " ---- " " "
28 " S -2.7 Smith " ---- " " UAO-S33
29 " S -1.8 Milne " ---- " " UAO-S44
30 " M -0.9 " " ---- " " "
31 " T 0.1 Bian " ---- " Milone UAO-S8
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is
greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: The MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.