MMT Observing Schedule
January-April 2003 (as of March 12, 2003)

MMT schedule for the Month of January 2003

December January February March April May Programs Schedules
Date*    Day  Moon  Observer           Instrument   Operator  Staff     Program
 1 (7.8) W    -0.5  Zhao               Blue Channel Alegria             SAO-16
 2   "   Th    0.4  "                  "            "                   "
 3   "   F     1.4  Statler            "                                PA-02B-0342
 4   "   S     2.3  "                  "            "                   "
 5   "   S     3.3  Impey              "            "                   UAO-L2
 6   "   M     4.2  M&E                TBD          "                   M&E
 7   "   T     5.2  "                  "            Milone              "
 8   "   W     6.1  Schuler            Red Channel  "                   PA-02B-0252
 9 (7.9) Th    7.1  "                  "            "                   "
10   "   F     8.0  Leistra            PISCES       "         Foltz     UAO-S12
11   "   S     9.0  "                  "            "                   "
12   "   S     9.9  M&E                Adaptive     "                   M&E
13   "   M    10.8  "                  "            "                   "
14 (8.0) T    11.8  AO M&E             "            McAfee              UAO-E0
15   "   W    12.7  "                  "            "                   "
16   "   Th   13.7  "                  "            "                   "
17   "   F   -13.4  McCarthy           ARIES        "         Clark     UAO-E2
18   "   S   -12.4  "                  "            "                   "
19 (8.1) S   -11.5  "                  "            "                   "
20   "   M   -10.5  Hinz et al.        MIRAC/BLINC  "         West      UAO-S2
21   "   T    -9.6  "                  "            Alegria             "
22   "   W    -8.6  "                  "            "                   "
23 (8.2) Th   -7.7  "                  "            "                   "
24   "   F    -6.7  M&E                TBD          "                   M&E
25   "   S    -5.8  "                  "            "                   "
26   "   S    -4.8  Megeath     Blue or Red Channel "                   SAO
27 (8.3) M    -3.9  "                  "            "                   "
28   "   T    -2.9  Kirshner           Blue Channel Milone              SAO-19
29   "   W    -2.0  Gillespie et al.   "            "                   UAO-S9
30 (8.4) Th   -1.0  "                  "            "                   "
31   "   F    -0.1  Gillespie et al./Lee "          "                   UAO-S9/UAO
*Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Because of continued telescope work and instrument commissioning, the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.

MMT schedule for the Month of February 2003

December January February March April May Programs Schedules
Date*    Day  Moon  Observer           Instrument   Operator  Staff     Program
 1 (11.5) S    0.9  McLeod             Minicam      Milone    Clark     SAO-2
 2 (11.4) S    1.8  Kirshner           "            "                   SAO-5
 3   "    M    2.8  Stanek / Holman    "            "                   SAO-9/SAO-20
 4   "    T    3.7  " / "              "            McAfee              " / "
 5   "    W    4.7  " / "              "            "                   " / "
 6 (11.3) Th   5.6  Fan                "            "                   UAO-S15
 7   "    F    6.6  "                  "            "                   "
 8   "    S    7.5  M&E                Flamingos    "                   M&E
 9   "    S    8.4  McLeod             "            "                   SAO-17
10   "    M    9.4  Elston             "            "                   SAO
11 (11.2) T   10.3  C.Lada/Elvis       "            Alegria             SAO-10/SAO-13
12   "    W   11.3  "                  "            "                   " / "
13   "    Th  12.2  "                  "            "                   " / "
14   "    F   13.2  "                  "            "                   " / "
15 (11.1) S  -13.9  "                  "            "                   " / "
16   "    S  -12.9  "                  "            "                   " / "
17   "    M  -12.0  Luhman/Barmby      "            "                   SAO-15/SAO-8
18 (11.0) T  -11.0  "                  "            Milone              "
19   "    W  -10.1  "                  "            "                   "
20   "    Th  -9.1  Elston             "            "                   SAO
21 (10.9) F   -8.2  "                  "            "                   "
22   "    S   -7.2  "                  "            "                   "
23   "    S   -6.3  "                  "            "                   "
24   "    M   -5.3  M&E         Top Box+Eng Mirror  "                   M&E
25 (10.8) T   -4.4  "         Blue Channel Checkout McAfee              "
26   "    W   -3.4  Schmidt, Smith     SPOL         "                   UAO-S32
27   "    Th  -2.5  "                  "            "                   "
28 (10.7) F   -1.5  Director           "            "                   Director
*Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Because of continued telescope work and instrument commissioning, the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.

MMT schedule for the Month of March 2003

December January February March April May Programs Schedules
Date*    Day  Moon  Observer           Instrument   Operator  Staff     Program
 1 (10.7) S   -0.6  Director           Blue Channel McAfee              Director
 2   "    S    0.4  Kennicutt et al.   "            "                   UAO-S8
 3   "    M    1.3  "                  "            "                   "
 4 (10.6) T    2.3  Izotov             "            Alegria             PA-03A-0091
 5   "    W    3.2  "                  "            "                   "
 6   "    Th   4.2  Impey et al.       "            "                   UAO-L2
 7   "    F    5.1  "                  "            "                   "
 8   "    S    6.1  Fan, Strauss       Red Channel  "                   UAO-L6
 9   "    S    7.0  "                  "            "                   "
10 (10.4) M    7.9  Finn et al.        PISCES       "         Trebisky  UAO-S13
11   "    T    8.9  "                  "            Milone              "
12   "    W    9.8  "                  "            "                   "
13 (10.3) Th  10.8  "                  "            "                   "
14   "    F   11.7  Egami et al.       "            "                   UAO-S1
15   "    S   12.7  M&E           f/5 Commissioning "                   M&E
16 (10.2) S   13.6  Fabricant et al.   "            "         Foltz     SAO-11
17   "    M  -13.4  "                  "            "                   "
18   "    T  -12.5  "                  "            McAfee              "
19 (10.1) W  -11.5  "                  "            "                   "
20   "    Th -10.6  "                  "            "                   "
21   "    F   -9.6  "                  "            "                   "
22 (10.0) S   -8.7  Impey et al.       Blue Channel "                   UAO-L2
23   "    S   -7.7  Kulkarni           "            "                   PA-03A-0452
24   "    M   -6.8  "                  "            "                   "
25 (9.9)  T   -5.8  "                  "            Alegria             "
26   "    W   -4.9  Impey et al.       "            "                   UAO-L2
27   "    Th  -3.9  "                  "            "                   "
28 (9.8)  F   -3.0  Kirshner           "            "                   SAO-19
29   "    S   -2.0  Caldwell           "            "                   SAO
30   "    S   -1.1  "                  "            "                   "
31 (9.7)  M   -0.1  Brown              "            "                   SAO
*Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Because of continued telescope work and instrument commissioning, the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.

MMT schedule for the Month of April 2003

December January February March April May Programs Schedules
Date*    Day  Moon  Observer           Instrument   Operator  Staff     Program
 1 (9.7)  T    0.8  Brown              Blue Channel Milone              SAO
 2   "    W    1.8  "                  "            "                   "
 3 (9.6)  Th   2.7  J. Lee             "            "                   UAO
 4   "    F    3.7  Hathi, Windhorst   "            "                   UAO-S31
 5 (9.5)  S    4.6  "                  "            "                   "
 6   "    S    5.5  Eisenstein, Pindor "            "                   UAO-S14
 7   "    M    6.5  Olszewski et al.   "            "                   UAO-S6
 8 (9.4)  T    7.4  "                  "            McAfee              "
 9   "    W    8.4  "                  "            "                   "
10   "    Th   9.3  M&E                TBD          "                   M&E
11 (9.3)  F   10.3  Egami et al.       PISCES       "         West      UAO-S1
12   "    S   11.2  "                  "            "                   "
13   "    S   12.2  "                  "            "                   "
14 (9.2)  M   13.1  Lee at al.         "            "                   UAO-S16
15   "    T  -13.9  "                  "            Alegria             "
16   "    W  -13.0  M&E f/5 Commissioning -         "                   M&E
17 (9.1)  Th -12.0  Fabricant et al.   "            "         Callahan  SAO-11
18   "    F  -11.1  "                  "            "                   "
19   "    S  -10.1  "                  "            "                   "
20 (9.0)  S   -9.2  "                  "            "                   "
21   "    M   -8.2  "                  "            "                   "
22   "    T   -7.3  "                  "            Milone              "
23 (8.9)  W   -6.3  M&E                "            "                   M&E
24   "    Th  -5.4  Zaritsky, Gonzales Blue Channel "         Gibson    UAO-S10
25   "    F   -4.4  Garnett et al.     "            "                   UAO-S11
26 (8.8)  S   -3.5  "                  "            "                   "
27   "    S   -2.5  Kirshner           Minicam      "         Pickering SAO-5
28   "    M   -1.6  Holman / Stanek    "            "                   SAO-20/SAO-9
29 (8.7)  T   -0.6  " / "              "            McAfee              " / "
30   "    W   -0.3  McLeod             "            "                   SAO-7
*Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Because of continued telescope work and instrument commissioning, the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.