MMT Observing Schedule
January-April 2001
(as of March 13, 2001)
MMT schedule for the Month of January 2001
January February
March April
Date Hours Day Moon Observer Instrument Operator Program
1 (12.0) M 6.9 Turnshek Blue Channel Milone PA-00B-0356
2 " T 7.8 Director " McAfee Director
3 " W 8.8 " " " "
4 (11.9) Th 9.7 M&E Red Channel " M&E
5 " F 10.7 " " " "
6 " S 11.6 " " " "
7 " S 12.6 " " " "
8 " M 13.5 " " " "
9 " T -13.5 " " Heller "
10 " W -12.6 " " " "
11 " Th -11.6 " " " "
12 (11.8) F -10.7 " " " "
13 " S -9.7 " " " "
14 " S -8.8 Stanek Minicam " SAO6
15 " M -7.8 " " " " (MLK Day)
16 " T -6.9 McLeod " Milone SAO7
17 " W -5.9 Holman " " SAO4
18 (11.7) Th -5.0 " " " "
19 " F -4.0 TBS/Odewahn " " SAO TBS/S3
20 " S -3.1 Kirshner " " SAO5
21 " S -2.1 M&E ------- " M&E
22 " M -1.2 Kirshner Blue Channel " SAO19
23 (11.6) T -0.2 Impey et al. " McAfee S7
24 " W 0.7 " " " "
25 " Th 1.7 Garcia " " SAO14
26 " F 2.6 " " " "
27 " S 3.6 Director " " Director
28 (11.5) S 4.5 M&E ------- " M&E
29 " M 5.4 McLeod et al. Flamingos " SAO2
30 " T 6.4 " " Heller "
31 " W 7.3 " " " "
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is
greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Because of continued telescope work & instrument commissioning,
the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.
MMT schedule for the Month of February 2001
January February
March April
Date Hours Day Moon Observer Instrument Operator Program
1 (11.5) Th 8.3 M&E Thermal Installation Heller M&E
2 (11.4) F 9.2 " " " "
3 " S 10.2 " " " "
4 " S 11.1 " " " "
5 " M 12.1 " " " "
6 (11.3) T 13.0 " " Milone "
7 " W 14.0 " " " "
8 " Th -13.1 " " " "
9 " F -12.1 " " " "
10 " S -11.2 " " " "
11 (11.2) S -10.2 " " " "
12 " M -9.3 " " " "
13 " T -8.3 " " McAfee "
14 " W -7.4 " Minicam " "
15 (11.1) Th -6.4 McLeod Minicam checkout " M&E
16 " F -5.5 Windhorst Minicam " L1
17 " S -4.5 " " " "
18 (11.0) S -3.6 " " " "
19 " M -2.6 Kirshner " " SAO5
20 " T -1.7 M&E " Heller M&E
21 (10.9) W -0.7 Gonzales/Kennicutt " " SAO10/S2
22 " Th 0.2 Gonzales " " SAO10
23 " F 1.2 " " " "
24 " S 2.1 Kirshner " " SAO5
25 (10.8) S 3.0 Olszewski Blue Channel " L5
26 " M 4.0 " " " "
27 " T 4.9 Zabludoff et al. " Milone S13
28 (10.7) W 5.9 " " " "
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is
greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Because of continued telescope work & instrument commissioning,
the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.
MMT schedule for the Month of March 2001
January February
March April
Date Hours Day Moon Observer Instrument Operator Program
1 (10.7) Th 6.8 M&E ------- Milone M&E
2 " F 7.8 Rieke, Hinz F-Spec " L4
3 " S 8.7 " " " "
4 (10.6) S 9.7 Emery/Impey " " S15/S7
5 " M 10.6 Corbin " " S1
6 " T 11.6 Meyer et al. " McAfee S6
7 " W 12.5 M&E " " M&E
8 " Th 13.5 Hinz, Hoffmann MIRAC/BLINC " E1
9 " F -13.6 " " " "
10 (10.4) S -12.6 Quillen et al. MIRAC " S16
11 " S -11.7 Marengo " " SAO8
12 " M -10.7 " " " "
13 (10.3) T -9.8 M&E ------- Heller M&E
14 " W -8.8 M.Rieke et al. PISCES " S21
15 " Th -7.9 " " " "
16 (10.2) F -6.9 Stansberry et al. " " S50
17 " S -6.0 " " " "
18 " S -5.0 Luhman " " SAO3
19 (10.1) M -4.1 M&E ------- " M&E
20 " T -3.1 Impey,Petry Blue Channel Milone S17
21 " W -2.2 " " " "
22 (10.0) Th -1.2 Brown " " SAO12
23 " F -0.3 Barth " " SAO1
24 " S 0.6 Kirshner " " SAO19
25 (9.9) S 1.6 " " " "
26 " M 2.5 de Jong " " L3
27 " T 3.5 " " McAfee "
28 (9.8) W 4.4 Szkody " " PA-01A-0362
29 " Th 5.4 M&E " " M&E
30 " F 6.3 Schmidt et al. SPOL " S20
31 (9.7) S 7.3 " " " "
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is
greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Because of continued telescope work & instrument commissioning,
the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.
MMT schedule for the Month of April 2001
January February
March April
Date Hours Day Moon Observer Instrument Operator Program
1 (9.7) S 8.2 Schmidt et al. SPOL McAfee S20
2 " M 9.2 Director " " Director
3 (9.6) T 10.1 M&E ------- Heller M&E
4 " W 11.1 " " " "
5 (9.5) Th 12.0 " " " "
6 " F 13.0 " " " "
7 " S 13.9 " " " "
8 (9.4) S -13.1 " " " "
9 " M -12.2 Finn et al. PISCES " E3
10 " T -11.2 " " Milone "
11 (9.3) W -10.3 Lin et al. " " S8
12 " Th -9.3 Dickinson " " PA-01A-0304
13 " F -8.4 " " " "
14 (9.2) S -7.4 " " " "
15 " S -6.5 Liu " " PA-01A-0361
16 " M -5.5 " " " "
17 (9.1) T -4.6 " " McAfee "
18 " W -3.6 M&E ------- " M&E
19 " Th -2.7 McLeod Minicam " SAO7
20 (9.0) F -1.8 Caldwell " " SAO9
21 " S -0.8 Holman " " SAO4
22 " S 0.1 " " " "
23 (8.9) M 1.1 Kirshner " " SAO5
24 " T 2.0 M&E " Heller M&E
25 " W 3.0 Kirshner Blue Channel " SAO19
26 (8.8) Th 3.9 Hinz, Rieke " " S22
27 " F 4.9 Falco " " SAO13
28 " S 5.8 " " " "
29 (8.7) S 6.8 Groot " " SAO11
30 " M 7.7 " " " "
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is
greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: Because of continued telescope work & instrument commissioning,
the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.