MMT Observing Schedule
January-April 1998
MMT Schedule for the Month of January 1998
January February
Date* Day Moon Observer Instrument Operator Program
1 (12.0) Th 3.4 Falco Blue Channel Milone SAO2
2 ( " ) F 4.3 " " " "
3 ( " ) S 5.3 Luhman/UAO TBS Red Channel " S26
4 (11.9) S 6.2 McNamara Blue Channel " SAO7
5 ( " ) M 7.2 " " " "
6 ( " ) T 8.1 Torres Echelle Heller SAO11
7 ( " ) W 9.1 " " " "
8 ( " ) Th 10.0 " " " "
9 ( " ) F 11.0 " " " "
10 ( " ) S 11.9 " " " "
11 ( " ) S 12.9 " " " "
12 (11.8) M 13.8 Latham " " SAO10
13 ( " ) T -13.2 " " Milone "
14 ( " ) W -12.3 " " " "
15 ( " ) Th -11.3 Stefanik " " SAO9
16 ( " ) F -10.4 Hinz et al. Mirac II " S11
17 ( " ) S -9.4 " " " "
18 (11.7) S -8.5 Director " " Director
19 ( " ) M -7.5 " " " "
20 ( " ) T -6.6 Green et al. Blue Channel McAfee S10
21 ( " ) W -5.7 " " " "
22 ( " ) Th -4.7 Green et al. " " S17
23 (11.6) F -3.8 Impey et al. " " S34
24 ( " ) S -2.8 " " " "
25 ( " ) S -1.9 Kirshner " " SAO5
26 ( " ) M -0.9 " " " "
27 ( " ) T 0.0 " " Heller "
28 (11.5) W 1.0 Burstein et al. Red Channel " S2
29 ( " ) Th 1.9 Impey et al. Blue Channel " S34
30 ( " ) F 2.9 " " " "
31 ( " ) S 3.8 Kulkarni et al. " " S3
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater
than 12 degrees below the horizon.
MMT Schedule for the Month of February 1998
January February
Programs Schedules
Date* Day Moon Observer Instrument Operator Program
1 (11.5) S 4.8 Kulkarni et al. Blue Channel Heller S3
2 (11.4) M 5.7 Caldwell " " SAO4
3 ( " ) T 6.7 " " McAfee "
4 ( " ) W 7.6 Barmby " " SAO8
5 ( " ) Th 8.6 Briceno " " SAO6
6 (11.3) F 9.5 Rieke,Biscaya F-Spec " S4
7 ( " ) S 10.5 Luhman/Riekes " " S26/S12
8 ( " ) S 11.4 "/" " " "
9 ( " ) M 12.4 "/" " " "
10 ( " ) T 13.3 Ivanov et al. " Milone S21
11 (11.2) W -13.7 " " " "
12 ( " ) Th -12.8 Meyer,Chen " " S6
13 ( " ) F -11.8 Meyer,Chen Red Channel " "
14 ( " ) S -10.9 Director " " Director
15 (11.1) S -9.9 " " " "
16 ( " ) M -9.0 Nominal Shutdown
Hinz (Conditional) Mirac II " S11
17 ( " ) T -8.0 " " Heller "
18 (11.0) W -7.1 " " " " "
19 ( " ) Th -6.2 " " " " "
20 ( " ) F -5.2 Kim " Blue Channel " SAO3
21 (10.9) S -4.3 " " " " "
22 ( " ) S -3.3 " " " " "
23 ( " ) M -2.4 Barmby " " " SAO8
24 ( " ) T -1.4
25 (10.8) W -0.5
26 ( " ) Th 0.5
27 ( " ) F 1.4
28 (10.7) S 2.4
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater
than 12 degrees below the horizon.
MMT Proposal Summary January-April 1998
January February
Programs Schedules
1 Garcia GRB OIR Counterparts SpecB+R 1G +++ 1.05
2 Falco Flat Spectrum Sources SpecB 2D 2D 1.00
3 Kim X-ray Selected Red Qsrs SpecB 3D +? -0.88
4 Caldwell PN in Dwarf Spheroidals SpecB 2D 2D -0.13
5 Kirshner SN Spectroscopy SpecB 3D 3D 1.18
6 Briceno Very Low mass PMS Stars SpecB 1G 1G 0.57
7 McNamara ROSAT Clusters SpecB 2D 2D -0.15
8 Barmby NGC 2403 Globs SpecB 2D 1G+? -0.82
9 Stefanik Hyades Binary Survey Ech 1G 1L -0.24
10 Latham Thick Disk Origins Ech 3L 3L -1.13
11 Torres Rosat PMS Candidates Ech 3L 3L -0.11
11 Torres ROSAT PMS - moved from 60" Ech 3L
Nights Requested: 14D + 3G + 6L
+++ Ask Scheduled Observers
+? time scheduled after nominal shutdown
MMT Observing Programs
January - February 1998
S2 Burstein, Li, Chen Is BATC 329-287 the Most
Metal-Weak Galaxy Known?
S3 Kulkarni, Bechtold, Ge Abundances and Ionization of
Elements in Damped Lyman Alpha
S4 G. Rieke, Biscaya Infrared Spectroscopy of Young
Stellar Objects: Study of Vari-
-ability in the First Overtone CO
Bands in Emission
S6 Meyer, Chen The Origins of Stellar Masses:
Constraining the Low Mass IMF in
the Mon R2 Stellar Cluster
S10 Green, Liebert, Peterson Blue Giants, Blue Stragglers, and
Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in
Old, Metal-Rich Open Clusters
S11 Hinz, Angel, Hoffmann, Nulling Interferometry
McCarthy, Woolf
S12 G. Rieke, M. Rieke, Vanzi Coronal Line Diagnostics for
Intermediate Line Regions
S17 Green, Liebert, Saffer Two Different Kinds of Binary
SdB Stars?
S21 Ivanov, Engelbracht, High Spatial Resolution Spectros-
G. Rieke, M. Rieke, - copy of Starburst Galaxies
Alonso, Kulesa
S26 Luhman, G. Rieke, Meyer The Low-Mass IMF in Young Clusters:
NGC 1333 and NGC 2024
S34 Impey, Petry, Liu Quasar Absorption Probes of the
Hubble Deep Field
SAO2 Falco, Kochanek, Muqoz A Redshift Survey of Flat-Spectrum
Radio Sources
SAO3 Kim, Elvis X-Ray Selected Red Quasars
SAO4 Caldwell, Armandroff, Jacoby Planetary Nebulae in Dwarf
Spheroidal Galaxies
SAO5 Kirshner, Jha, Garnavich, Supernova Spectroscopy
SAO6 Briceqo, Hartmann Search for Very Low Mass Pre-Main
Sequence Stars
SAO7 McNamara, Vikhlinin, Redshifts for Distant ROSAT
Forman, Jones Clusters
SAO8 Barmby, Huchra Globular Cluster Candidates in
SAO9 Stefanik, Latham, Torres Hyades Binary Survey
SAO10 Latham, Carney, Naoumov, Thick Disk Origins
Stefanik, Laird, Rose
SAO11 Torres, Neuhduser ROSAT Pre-Main-Sequence Candidates
Last updated 19 December 1997