MMT Observing Schedule
January-April 1996

MMT Schedule for the Month of January 1996

January February March April Programs Postscript Schedules
Date*    Day  Moon    Observer           Instrument    Operator   Program

 1 (12.0) M   10.7    Prosser             Echelle       McAfee     SAO18
 2 ( "  ) T   11.7       "                   "          Miller       "
 3 ( "  ) W   12.6     Latham                "            "        SAO20 (1995)
 4 (11.9) Th  13.5    Stefanik               "            "        SAO19        
 5 ( "  ) F  -13.5       "                   "            "          "   
 6 ( "  ) S  -12.6     Torres                "            "        SAO20
 7 ( "  ) S  -11.6       "                   "            "          "
 8 ( "  ) M  -10.7  Engineering              "            "         M&E
 9 ( "  ) T   -9.7   Eikenberry            SSPM         Heller     SAO15
10 ( "  ) W   -8.8       "                   "            "          "
11 ( "  ) Th  -7.8       "                   "            "          "
12 (11.8) F   -6.9       "                   "            "          "
13 ( "  ) S   -5.9   B. Green           Blue Channel      "         S51
14 ( "  ) S   -5.0  McClintock               "            "        SAO4
15 ( "  ) M   -4.0       "                   "            "          "
16 ( "  ) T   -3.1  Foltz, Chaffee      Red Channel     McAfee   Director
17 ( "  ) W   -2.1       "                   "            "          "
18 (11.7) Th  -1.2       "                   "            "          "
19 ( "  ) F   -0.2    Odewahn                "            "         L17
20 ( "  ) S    0.7    Hughes     Red Channel + Ap Plates  "        SAO7
21 ( "  ) S    1.7       "                   "            "          "
22 ( "  ) M    2.6       "                   "            "          "
23 (11.6) T    3.6  Chaffee,Foltz        Red Channel    Miller  Remote Demo
24 ( "  ) W    4.5  Bechtold, Aldcroft       "            "         L1
25 ( "  ) Th   5.5    Aldcroft           Blue Channel     "        SAO9
26 ( "  ) F    6.4  Bechtold/Aldcroft        "            "      UAO/SAO9
27 ( "  ) S    7.4    Stauffer           Red Channel      "        SAO2
28 (11.5) S    8.3       "                   "            "          "
29 ( "  ) M    9.3  Engineering             TBD           "         M&E
30 ( "  ) T   10.2     Latham             Echelle       Heller     SAO17
31 ( "  ) W   11.1       "                   "            "          "

 ***Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater
    than 12 degrees below the horizon.

MMT Schedule for the Month of February 1996

January February March April Programs Schedules
Date*    Day  Moon    Observer           Instrument    Operator   Program

 1 (11.5) Th 12.1      Latham             Echelle       Heller     SAO17
 2 (11.4) F  13.0        "                   "            "          "
 3 ( "  ) S  14.0        "                   "            "          "
 4 ( "  ) S  -13.1       "                   "            "          "
 5 ( "  ) M  -12.1     Luhman              F-Spec         "         S45
 6 (11.3) T  -11.2 Luhman/Campins            "          McAfee    S45/S2
 7 ( "  ) W  -10.2   Young, J. Liu           "            "         S49
 8 ( "  ) Th  -9.3       "                   "            "          "
 9 ( "  ) F   -8.3   Garnavich               "            "        SAO14
10 ( "  ) S   -7.4       "                   "            "          "
11 (11.2) S   -6.4    Bechtold          Red Channel       "         L2
12 ( "  ) M   -5.5       "                   "            "          "
13 ( "  ) T   -4.5      Rix                  "          Miller      S8
14 ( "  ) W   -3.6       "                   "            "          "
15 (11.1) Th  -2.6       "              Blue Channel      "         L7
16 ( "  ) F    1.7       "                   "            "          "
17 ( "  ) S   -0.7       "                   "            "          "
18 (11.0) S    0.2    Director               "            "       Director
19 ( "  ) M    1.2      Luu                  "            "        SAO1
20 ( "  ) T    2.1       "                   "          Heller       "
21 (10.9) W    3.1       "                   "            "          "
22 ( "  ) Th   4.0    Kirshner               "            "         SAO5
23 ( "  ) F    5.0       "                   "            "          "
24 ( "  ) S    5.9    B. Green               "            "         S51
25 (10.8) S    6.9    Odewahn           Red Channel       "         L17
26 ( "  ) M    7.8       "                   "            "          "
27 ( "  ) T    8.7    Latham              Echelle       McAfee     SAO17
28 (10.7) W    9.7       "                   "            "          "
29 ( "  ) Th  10.6  Engineering             TBD        Kindred      M&E

 ***Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater
    than 12 degrees below the horizon.

MMT Schedule for the Month of March 1996

January February March April Programs Schedules
Date*    Day   Moon   Observer           Instrument    Operator   Program

 1 (10.7) F   11.6  Lloyd-Hart et al.       AO          Kindred     E2
 2 ( "  ) S   12.5       "                   "             "         "
 3 ( "  ) S   13.5       "                   "             "         "
 4 (10.6) M  -13.6       "                   "             "         "
 5 ( "  ) T  -12.6       "                   "           Miller      "
 6 ( "  ) W  -11.7  Engineering    Red Channel, Special    "       RC Eng
 7 ( "  ) Th -10.7       "                   "             "         "
 8 ( "  ) F   -9.8     Wagner                "             "        V2
 9 ( "  ) S   -8.8       "                   "             "         "
10 (10.4) S   -7.9   B. Green           Blue Channel       "        S51
11 ( "  ) M   -6.9     Impey            Red Channel        "        S39
12 ( "  ) T   -6.0    McNamara          Blue Channel     Heller    SAO8
13 (10.3) W   -5.0       "                   "             "         "
14 ( "  ) Th  -4.1 UAO TBS/Turner            "             "        L4
15 ( "  ) F   -3.1 Shields, Hamann      Red Channel        "        S11
16 (10.2) S   -2.2    Kirshner          Blue Channel       "       SAO5
17 ( "  ) S   -1.2.      "                   "             "         " 
18 ( "  ) M   -0.3 Pascarelli et al.  Red Channel + AP     "        L16
19 (10.1) T    0.7       "                   "           McAfee      "
20 ( "  ) W    1.6    Director      Blue Channel X-Disp    "      Director 
21 ( "  ) Th   2.6       "                   "             "         "
22 (10.0) F    3.5 Bechtold, Siemiginowska   "             "        S31
23 ( "  ) S    4.5    Dinshaw                "             "        S28
24 ( "  ) S    5.4       "                   "             "         " 
25 ( 9.9) M    6.3       "                   "             "         " 
26 ( "  ) T    7.3 Siemiginowska, Bechtold   "           Miller    SAO11
27 ( "  ) W    8.2     Riekes             F-Spec           "        S5
28 ( 9.8) Th   9.2       "                   "             "         "
29 ( "  ) F   10.1       "                   "             "         "
30 ( "  ) S   11.1  Riekes et al.            "             "        S4
31 ( 9.7) S   12.0       "                   "             "         "

 ***Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater
    than 12 degrees below the horizon.

MMT Schedule for the Month of April 1996

January February March April Programs Schedules
Date*    Day  Moon    Observer           Instrument    Operator   Program

 1 (9.7) M   13.0  Bechtold et al.        F-Spec        Miller      S33
 2 ( " ) T   13.9  Kulesa, Riekes            "          Heller      S41
 3 (9.6) W  -13.1     Garnavich              "            "        SAO14
 4 ( " ) Th -12.2        "                   "            "          "
 5 (9.5) F  -11.2        "                   "            "          "
 6 ( " ) S  -10.3     McIntosh               "            "         S37
 7 ( " ) S   -9.3     UAO TBS                "            "       UAO TBS
 8 (9.4) M   -8.4      Zhao             Blue Channel      "        SAO3
 9 ( " ) T   -7.4        "                   "          McAfee       "
10 ( " ) W   -6.5   Vestergaard              "            "        SAO10
11 (9.3) Th  -5.5        "                   "            "          "
12 ( " ) F   -4.6  Kennicutt, Skillman       "            "         L9
13 ( " ) S   -3.6        "                   "            "          "
14 (9.2) S   -2.7      Turner                "            "         L4
15 ( " ) M   -1.7     Bechtold               "            "         S35
16 ( " ) T   -0.8  Shields, Hamann      Red Channel     Miller      S11
17 (9.1) W    0.2        "                   "            "          "
18 ( " ) Th   1.1     Caldwell          Blue Channel      "        SAO6
19 ( " ) F    2.1        "                   "            "          "
20 (9.0) S    3.0      Falco                 "            "        SAO12
21 ( " ) S    3.9        "                   "            "          "
22 ( " ) M    4.9        "                   "            "          "
23 (8.9) T    5.8        "                   "          Heller       "
24 ( " ) W    6.8        "                   "            "          "
25 ( " ) Th   7.7   Engineering         Engineering    Kindred      M&E
26 (8.8) F    8.7   Impey, Close            AO            "         S43
27 ( " ) S    9.6   Angel et al.             "            "         S54
28 ( " ) S   10.6        "                   "            "          "
29 (8.7) M   11.5  McLeod, Lloyd-Hart        "            "         S53
30 ( " ) T   12.5        "                   "          McAfee       "

 ***Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater
    than 12 degrees below the horizon.

MMT Proposal Summary January-April 1996

January February March April Programs Schedules

Prop.   P.I.             Title                    Inst.  Request  Award  Grade
  1   Luu            Distant Comets               SpecB    3D      3D     1.11
  2   Stauffer       Praesepe Low Mass Stars      SpecR    2D      2G    -0.14
  3   Zhao           Nova Vir 1929                SpecB   2D/G    1D+1G   0.70
  4   McClintock     A0620-00: Spotted Secondary  SpecB    3D      2D     0.10
  5   Kirshner       Supernova Spectroscopy       SpecB    4D     3D+1G   1.08
  6   Caldwell       Stellar Populations          SpecB    2D      2D    -0.01
  7   Hughes         Galaxy Dynamics              SpecR    4D      3D     0.91
  8   McNamara       Distant ROSAT Clusters       SpecR    2D     1D+1G  -0.18
  9   Aldcroft       Radio Loud Quasars           SpecB    2D     1.5G   -0.35
 10   Vestergaard    Emission Lines in Quasars    SpecB    1G      2G    -0.51
 11   Siemiginowska  Q1208+1011                   SpecB    1D      1G    -0.27
 12   Falco          Lensed Quasar Survey         SpecB    3D     2D+1G   0.88
 13   Falco          Faint Radio Sources          SpecB    3D      2D     0.14
 14   Garnavich      IR Spectra of Supernovae     F-SPEC   4L      5L     0.50
 15   Eikenberry     IR Neutron Star Studies      USER     4L      4L     0.87
 16   Latham         M67 Binaries                 Ech      2G     ----   -1.48
 17   Latham         Halo Binaries                Ech      6L      8L    -0.45
 18   Prosser        Xray Open Cluster Stars      Ech      2L      3L    -0.34
 19   Stefanik       Hyades Binaries              Ech      2L      2L    -1.26
 20   Torres         ROSAT PMS Stars              Ech      3L      2L    -0.73

Total Requested: 31 D +   4 G + 21 L

Total Available: 19.5 D   + 10 G + 19.5 L