FLWO 1.2-meter Observing Schedule
May-August 1997

FLWO 1.2-M Schedule for the Month of May 1997

May June July August Programs Postscript Schedules

MAY   1 THR  0.33   CCD  Hergenrother Marsden #4 Asteroids
MAY   2 FRI  0.26    "         "         "      "     "
MAY   3 SAT  0.19    "         "         "      "     "
MAY   4 SUN  0.13    "      Challis   Kirshner #9 Supernovae
MAY   5 MON  0.06    "      Barton    Barton #12  Close Pairs
MAY   6 TUE  0.01    "         "         "      "     "
MAY   7 WED  0.08    "         "         "      "     "
MAY   8 THR  0.15    "      Moraru    Moraru  #26 Stellar Pops
MAY   9 FRI  0.21    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  10 SAT  0.28    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  11 SUN  0.35    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  12 MON  0.42    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  13 TUE  0.48   CCD   Hergenrother Marsden #4 Asteroids
MAY  14 WED  0.55    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  15 THR  0.62   IRCAM*  Moraru    Moraru #23 Stellar Pops
MAY  16 FRI  0.69    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  17 SAT  0.76    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  18 SUN  0.82    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  19 MON  0.89    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  20 TUE  0.96    "    Kenyon/Kleyna K+K #24+#19 IRLF+Draco
MAY  21 WED  0.97    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  22 THR  0.91    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  23 FRI  0.84    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  24 SAT  0.77    "    Macri/Kleyna #22 IRTF galaxies +#19 Draco
MAY  25 SUN  0.70    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  26 MON  0.64    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  27 TUE  0.57    "         "         "      "     "  
MAY  28 WED  0.50   CCD  Hergenrother  Marsden #4 Asteroids
MAY  29 THR  0.43    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  30 FRI  0.36    "         "         "      "     "
MAY  31 SAT  0.30    "         "         "      "     "

IRCAM Obsevers are *required* to osberve standard stars on photometric
  nights for #15 Lada, and to observe Aql-X1 for #14 Garcia once during
  their run and GRS1915+105 for #25 Eikenberry, and Supernovae for
  #16 Garnavich as requested.(#14, #16 and #25  do not require photometric
  conditions.  Also try to obtain EUVE white dwarf observations for
  #17 Green if possible.

Monitoring: **ALL** Observers are requested to assist Kirshner
   et al in monitoring bright SN (#9) as required and Garcia etal
   Aql X-1 (#13) 15min V every other night (or nightly, if
   possible, and Garcia etal Gamma Ray Bursts (#27) as soon as
   possible after notification a 25 min R band exposure, and
   then nightly for a few nights.

 *** MOON is Moon phase at middle of night
 *** DATE is Standard Time at start of night

FLWO 1.2-M Schedule for the Month of June 1997

May June July August Programs Postscript Schedules

JUNE  1 SUN  0.23   CCD     Kirshner  Kirshner #9 Supernovae
JUNE  2 MON  0.16    "      Grogin    Grogin  #10 M-D relation
JUNE  3 TUE  0.09    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE  4 WED  0.03    "       Macri     Macri  #2 TF galaxies
JUNE  5 THR  0.04    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE  6 FRI  0.11    "      Koranyi   Koranyi #11 Poor Clusters
JUNE  7 SAT  0.18    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE  8 SUN  0.25    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE  9 MON  0.31    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 10 TUE  0.38    "    Hergenrother Marsden #4 Asteroids
JUNE 11 WED  0.45    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 12 THR  0.52   IRCAM Garnavich  Garnavich #16 Supernovae 
JUNE 13 FRI  0.58    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 14 SAT  0.65    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 15 SUN  0.72    "    Vaisanen  Vaisanen #20 Elais Raster
JUNE 16 MON  0.79    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 17 TUE  0.85    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 18 WED  0.92    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 19 THR  0.99    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 20 FRI  0.94    "       Mader  Huchra #21 2MASS Veification
JUNE 21 SAT  0.87    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 22 SUN  0.81    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 23 MON  0.74    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 24 TUE  0.67    "       Gomez    Gomez  #18 N7538
JUNE 25 WED  0.60    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 26 THR  0.54    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 27 FRI  0.47   CCD      Wood      Wood   #6 Rho Oph
JUNE 28 SAT  0.40    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 29 SUN  0.33    "         "         "      "     "
JUNE 30 MON  0.26    "         "         "      "     "

IRCAM Obsevers are *required* to osberve standard stars on photometric
  nights for #15 Lada, and to observe Aql-X1 for #14 Garcia once during
  their run and GRS1915+105 for #25 Eikenberry, and Supernovae for
  #16 Garnavich as requested.(#14, #16 and #25  do not require photometric
  conditions.  Also try to obtain EUVE white dwarf observations for
  #17 Green if possible.

Monitoring: **ALL** Observers are requested to assist Kirshner
   et al in monitoring bright SN (#9) as required and Garcia etal
   Aql X-1 (#13) 15min V every other night (or nightly, if
   possible, and Garcia etal Gamma Ray Bursts (#27) as soon as
   possible after notification a 25 min R band exposure, and
   then nightly for a few nights.

 *** MOON is Moon phase at middle of night
 *** DATE is Standard Time at start of night

FLWO 1.2-M Schedule for the Month of July 1997

May June July August Programs Postscript Schedules

JULY  1 TUE  0.20   CCD      Wood      Wood  #6  Rho Oph
JULY  2 WED  0.13    "         "         "      "     "
JULY  3 THR  0.06   CCD     Kirshner Kirshner #9 Supernovae
JULY  4 FRI  0.01    "      McNamara McNamara #3 Rosat Clusters
JULY  5 SAT  0.07    "         "         "      "     "
JULY  6 SUN  0.14    "         "         "      "     "
JULY  7 MON  0.21    "         "         "      "     "
JULY  8 TUE  0.28   CCD      TBS        TBS    TBS    TBS
JULY  9 WED  0.34    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 10 THR  0.41   CCD  Hergenrother  Marsden #4 Asteroids
JULY 11 FRI  0.48    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 12 SAT  0.55    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 13 SUN  0.62    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 14 MON  0.68  4SH/CCD  Szentgyorgyi +++  Engineering
JULY 15 TUE  0.75    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 16 WED  0.82    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 17 THR  0.89    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 18 FRI  0.95    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 19 SAT  0.98    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 20 SUN  0.91  4SH/CCD   Stanek    Stanek  #5 M31/M33
JULY 21 MON  0.84    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 22 TUE  0.77    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 23 WED  0.71    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 24 THR  0.64    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 25 FRI  0.57    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 26 SAT  0.50    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 27 SUN  0.44    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 28 MON  0.37    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 29 TUE  0.30    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 30 WED  0.23    "         "         "      "     "
JULY 31 THR  0.17    "         "         "      "     "

Monitoring: **ALL** Observers are requested to assist Kirshner
   et al in monitoring bright SN (#9) as required and Garcia etal
   Aql X-1 (#13) 15min V every other night (or nightly, if
   possible, and Garcia etal Gamma Ray Bursts (#27) as soon as
   possible after notification a 25 min R band exposure, and
   then nightly for a few nights.

 *** MOON is Moon phase at middle of night
 *** DATE is Standard Time at start of night

FLWO 1.2-M Schedule for the Month of August 1997

May June July August Programs Postscript Schedules

AUG   1 FRI  0.10  4SH/CCD   Stanek    Stanek  #5 M31/M33
AUG   2 SAT  0.03    "         "         "      "     "
AUG   3 SUN  0.04    "         "         "      "     "
AUG   4 MON  0.11    "         "         "      "     "
AUG   5 TUE  0.17    "         "         "      "     "
AUG   6 WED  0.24    "         "         "      "     "
AUG   7 THR  0.31    "         "         "      "     "
AUG   8 FRI  0.38    "         "         "      "     "
AUG   9 SAT  0.44    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  10 SUN  0.51    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  11 MON  0.58    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  12 TUE  0.65    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  13 WED  0.72    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  14 THR  0.78    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  15 FRI  0.85    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  16 SAT  0.92    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  17 SUN  0.99    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  18 MON  0.95    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  19 TUE  0.88    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  20 WED  0.81    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  21 THR  0.74    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  22 FRI  0.68    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  23 SAT  0.61    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  24 SUN  0.54    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  25 MON  0.47    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  26 TUE  0.40    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  27 WED  0.34    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  28 THR  0.27    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  29 FRI  0.20    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  30 SAT  0.13    "         "         "      "     "
AUG  31 SUN  0.07    "         "         "      "     "

Monitoring: **ALL** Observers are requested to assist Kirshner
   et al in monitoring bright SN (#9) as required and Garcia etal
   Aql X-1 (#13) 15min V every other night (or nightly, if
   possible, and Garcia etal Gamma Ray Bursts (#27) as soon as
   possible after notification a 25 min R band exposure, and
   then nightly for a few nights.

 *** MOON is Moon phase at middle of night
 *** DATE is Standard Time at start of night

FLWO 1.2-m Proposal Summary May-August 1997

May June July August Postscript Schedules
 Prop.  P.I.         Title                     Inst. Request  Award  Grade

1 Szentgyorgyi 4 Shooter Engineering 4SH 4G 6G ---- 2 Macri Tully-Fisher Calibration CCD 2D 2D -0.04 3 McNamara ROSAT Clusters CCD 4D 4D -0.40 4 Marsden Asteroid Astrometry CCD 12G 13DG 0.16 5 Stanek Binaries in M31&M33 CCD 12D/G 15DGL 0.32 6 Wood Rho Oph CCD 5G 5G -0.09 7 Kim X-ray Peculiar Objects CCD 1D --- -1.73 8 Garcia X-ray Novae CCD 6D+mon mon 0.26 9 Kirshner SN Photometry CCD 3D+mon 3D+mon 0.85 10 Grogin Morphology-Density CCD 2D 2D 0.24 11 Koranyi Poor Clusters CCD 4D 4D -0.09 12 Barton Close Pairs CCD 3D 3D 0.40 13 Garcia Aql X-1 CCD mon mon -1.18 26 Moraru Stellar Pops CCD 5D 5D 0.03 27 Garcia GR Bursts CCD mon mon ----- IR Camera Proposals --- Suggested 14 Garcia Aql X-1 IRCAM mon mon -1.22 15 Lada IR Standard Stars IRCAM 3L 3L 1.94 16 Garnavich SN Light Curves IRCAM 4L 3L 0.71 17 Green EUVE White Dwarves IRCAM 3L 1L -0.58 18 Gomez NGC7538 IRCAM 3L/G 2L 0.07 19 Kleyna Draco Dwarf IRCAM 5L 2L -0.21 20 Vaisanen ELAIS Raster IRCAM 5L 4L -0.18 21 Huchra 2MASS Verification IRCAM 5L 3L -0.30 22 Huchra IRTF Galaxies IRCAM 5L 4L -0.14 23 Moraru Stellar Pops IRCAM 5L 4L 0.01 24 Kenyon IR LF of Clusters IRCAM 2.5L 2L 0.20 25 Eikenberry GRS1915+105 IRCAM mon mon -0.05
Total Requested: 37D + 27G + 40.5L + monitoring Total Available: Approx 40D + 12G + 22L Note: IR Camera time has been scheduled with individual observers, but efforts should be made to obtain observations especially for the standard star program and the several monitoring programs. Please stay in contact with each other! Thanks. -JH