Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
MMT Hectospec Programs
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2005A-SAO-23AllenHigh Mass Star Formation and Infrared PDRs
2005C-SAO-17AllenThe All Orion Spectroscopic Survey
2006A-SAO-9AllenThe All Orion Spectroscopic Survey: Ages and Masses of the Pre-Main Sequence Populations
2006C-SAO-6AllenThe All Orion Spectroscopic Survey: Masses, Ages and Disk Frequencies
2007A-SAO-10AllenThe All Orion Spectroscopic Survey: Masses, Ages and Disk Frequencies
2007C-SAO-6AllenThe All Orion Spectroscopic Survey:Masses, Ages, and Disk Frequencies
2008A-SAO-4AllenThe All Orion Spectroscopic Survey: Masses, Ages, and Disk Frequencies
2008C-SAO-19AllenThe All Orion Spectroscopic Survey: Masses, Ages and Disk Frequencies
2009A-SAO-12AllenThe All Orion Spectroscopic Survey: Masses, Ages and Disk Frequencies
2009A-SAO-22AllenIndependent Constraints on Cluster Membership: Spectral Types and Lithium in the Orion Nebular Cluster (ONC)
2009C_PA_09B_0449AllenHectospec and Hectochelle Spectroscopy of the Cep OB3b Cluster
2010C-PA-10B-0436AllenHectospec and Hectochelle Spectroscopy of the Cep OB3b Cluster
2013B-PA-13A-0423AllenHectochelle and Hectospec Spectroscopy of the Cep OB3b Cluster
2011A-UAO-S4AmmonsFinding the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec and Magellan LDSS3
2011B-UAO-S6AmmonsFinding the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec and Magellan IMACS-GISMO
2011C-UAO-S3AmmonsFinding the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec
2012A-PA-11B-0538AmmonsFinding the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec
2013B-UAO-S15ApaiCATSS The CfA-Arizona Transiting Planets Spectroscopy Survey: Pathfinder Observations
2013C-UAO-S6ApaiACCESS - The Arizona-CfA-Catolica Exoplanets Spectroscopy Survey
2011C-UAO-S23BagleyA Survey of Young Stellar Objects in the W3 and W4 Star-Forming Regions
2007C-UAO-S12BaiSpectroscopic Follow-Ups of the MIPS Observations of X-Ray Underluminous Clusters
2008A-UAO-S13BaiSpectroscopic Follow-Ups of the MIPS Observations of X-Ray Underluminous Clusters
2008B-UAO-S15BaiAre X-Ray Underluminous Clusters Nascent Systems?
2006B-SAO-17BarmbyX-Ray and Infrared-Selected AGN in the Extended Groth Strip
2007A-SAO-16BarmbyAGN in the Extended Groth Strip
2012A-SAO-11BaylissA Dynamical Study of 27 Strong Lensing Selected Galaxy Clusters
2011C-UAO-G76BeatonThe Tangential Motion of M31
2013C-UAO-G90BeatonAging the M31 Halo with AGB Stars
2012A-SAO-6BenbowDetermining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2012B-SAO-8BenbowDetermining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2012B-SAO-15BenbowParallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2012C-SAO-8BenbowDetermining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2012C-SAO-9BenbowParallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2013A-SAO-4BenbowDetermining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2013A-SAO-5BenbowParallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2013B-SAO-5BenbowDetermining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2013C-SAO-11BenbowParallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2013C-SAO-12BenbowDetermining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2013B-SAO-7BenbowParallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2014B-SAO-15 Benbow Parallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2014B-SAO-16 Benbow Determining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2014C-SAO-16 Benbow Parallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2014C-SAO-17 Benbow Determining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2015A-SAO-19BenbowDetermining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2015A-SAO-20BenbowParallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2015B-SAO-7 Benbow Parallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2015B-SAO-11 Benbow Determining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL
2008C-SAO-16BergerGamma-Ray Bursts: From Progenitors to Probes
2008C-SAO-18BergerThe Diversity of GRB Supernovae
2009A-SAO-4BergerGamma-Ray Bursts: From Progenitors to Probes
2009A-SAO-7BergerThe Diversity of GRB Supernovae
2009C-SAO-11BergerExotic Explosions and Eruptions: New Transient Phase-Space with Pan-STARRS (using Hectospec)
2010A-SAO-13BergerExotic Explosions and Eruptions: New Transient Phase-Space with Pan-STARRS
2010C-SAO-1BergerThe MMT Spectroscopic Survey of Pan-STARRS Transients
2011B-SAO-7BergerThe MMT Spectroscopic Survey of Pan-STARRS Transients
2011C-SAO-9BergerThe MMT Spectroscopic Survey of Pan-STARRS Transients
2012A-SAO-12BergerThe MMT Spectroscopic Survey of Pan-STARRS Transients
2012B-SAO-10BergerThe MMT Spectroscopic Survey of Pan-STARRS Transients
2012C-SAO-11BergerThe MMT Spectroscopic Survey of Pan-STARRS Transients
2014C-UAO-S44 Bezanson Spanning the Gap: Dissecting Galaxy Bimodality and Quenching with a Deep Survey of Galaxy Absorption Lines at z ~ 0.5
2009A-UAO-S15BianA Group of Luminous Quasars at z 3: Tracing the Largest Structure at the Peak of Quasar Epoch
2008A-PA-08A-0432BrinkThe Kinematics of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Stream
2008B-UAO-S3BianA Group of Luminous Quasars at z ~ 3: Tracing the largest Structure at the Peak of Quasar Epoch
2010B-SAO-12BourkeAccurate Distance Measurements to Dark Clouds
2005B-SAO-4BrownStar Streams in the Milky Way Halo
2006C-SAO-2BrownHyper-Velocity Stars I
2010A-SAO-1BrownHectospec Parallel Program: Halo F Stars
2011C-SAO-5BrownHypervelocity Stars and Merging White Dwarfs
2011C-SAO-7BrownM31 Hypervelocity Star Candidates
2012C-SAO-1BrownA Rapid Imaging Camera for the f/5 MMT
2005C-SAO-4CaldwellM31's Surprising Populations
2006C-SAO-11CaldwellEvolution of Star Clusters and Streams in M31
2007C-SAO-3CaldwellSearch for Hypervelocity Stars in M31
2009B-SAO-6CaldwellThe Mass-to-Light Ratios of Intermediate Age Star Clusters
2009B-SAO-6CaldwellThe Mass-to-Light Ratios of Intermediate Age Star Clusters (Hectospec)
2010B-SAO-7CaldwellA Comprehensive Spectroscopic Survey of Virgo
2011C-SAO-17CaldwellOpen Clusters in M31
2013A-SAO-12CaldwellM87 and the Virgo Cluster
2014B-SAO-1 Caldwell M87 and the Virgo Cluster
2014C-SAO-6 Caldwell Finding Thousands of Symbiotic Stars - Type Ia Supernova Progenitors?
2005A-SAO-16CalvetThe Star Formation History of Orion and its Environs
2008C-PA-08B-0448CarlinA New Method to Determine the Local Standard of Rest Velocity Using Sagittarius Tidal Debris
2009A-UAO-G47CarlinKinematics of Newly-Discovered Milky Way Tidal Streams and Dwarf Galaxies
2009B-UAO-G59CarlinKinematics of Newly-Discovered Milky Way Tidal Streams and Dwarf Galaxies
2005C-PA-05B-0245 ChandarAncient Clusters in M33: Clues to Galaxy Formation
2005C-SAO-19ChavarriaDetermining Spectral Types in Massive Star Forming Regions Imaged with Spitzer
2006C-SAO-26ChavarriaAges, Masses, and Disk Frequencies in Massive Star Forming Regions
2007A-SAO-22ChavarriaAges, Masses, and Disk Frequencies in Massive Star Forming Regions
2004C-UAO-S42Clowe/ZaritskyTracking Early-Type Galaxies Throughout the Cosmic Web
2005C-UAO-S22Clowe,ZaritskyTracking Early-Type Galaxies Throughout the Cosmic Web
2013A-UAO-S10CohenAn H-band Selected Redshift Survey in the HST CANDELS-COSMOS Legacy Field (+BlueChannel)
2007B-UAO-S13CoilTracking AGN Evolution Through Clustering
2008A-UAO-S28CoilTracking AGN Evolution Through Clustering
2008C-SAO-32ConstantinTowards an Accurate Census of the Local Growing Supermassive Black Holes
2013A-PA-13A-0405CoveyA Coordinated Optical/NIR Survey for Low-Mass Pre-Main Sequence Binaries in NGC 2264
2006C-SAO-16CurrieAccretion Signatures and Cluster Membership in h and chi Persei
2007C-SAO-11CurrieAccretion Signatures and Cluster Membership in h and chi Persei
2008A-SAO-25CurrieAccretion Signatures and Cluster Membership in h and chi Persei and NGC 1960
2008B-SAO-21CurrieAccretion Signatures and Cluster Membership in NGC 6871 and NGC 1960
2008C-SAO-25CurrieCluster Membership in NGC 1960 and NGC 2232: Constrains on the Evolution of Debris Emission from Planet Formation
2010C-SAO-13DaiStudying the FIR Properties of Quasar SEDs with Hectospec
2013A-SAO-17DaiCompleting the Redshift Survey for 24 m Selected Targets in the LH Field
2013C-SAO-16DaiComplete the Redshift Survey and "Magic-Trio" in the XMM-LSS Field
2015A-SAO-10DamjanovThe Origin of Intermediate-Redshift Compact Quiescent Galaxies
2010A-UAO-S3DavéThe Galaxy Population and the Galaxy-Quasar Relation in a Dense Environment at z~1: Wide-Field Spectroscopy
2012B-PA-12A-0353DeyMapping the Cosmic Web at z~2.7
2012B-UAO-S6DeyA Search for the Most Actively Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 3.7
2013B-UAO-S11DeyMapping the Cosmic Web at z ~ 2.7
2008B-SAO-13DrakeHectospec/IPHAS Study of the Stellar Content and Dynamics of Cyg OB2
2008C-SAO-17Drake, IPHAS CollaborationHectospec Exploitation of IPHAS: A Powerful New Test of the Galactic Rotation
2009A-SAO-16DrakeHectospec Exploitation of IPHAS: A Powerful New Test of the Galactic Rotation Law
2011C-SAO-14DrakeA Powerful New Test of the Galactic Rotation Law: Hectospec Exploitation of IPHAS
2008C-UAO-S27EgamiLoCuSS: Joint Hectospec/GALEX/HST/Subaru/Spitzer/Herschel Study of Star-Formation & Assembly Histories of Clusters
2009A-UAO-S20EgamiLoCuSS: Joint Hectospec/GALEX/HST/Subaru/Spitzer/Herschel Study of Star-Formation & Assembly Histories of Clusters
2009B-UAO-S24EgamiLoCuSS: Joint Hectospec/GALEX/HST/ Subaru/Spitzer/Herschel Study of Star-Formation and Assembly Histories of Clusters
2009C-UAO-S15EgamiLoCuSS: Joint Hectospec/GALEX/HST/Subaru/Spitzer/Herschel Study of Star-Formation & Assembly Histories of Clusters
2010B-UAO-S75EgamiLoCuSS: Joint Hectospec/GALEX/HST/Subaru/Spitzer/Herschel Study of Star-Formation & Assembly Histories of Clusters
2004A-UAO-S58EisensteinA Spectroscopic Survey of the NOAO Deep/Wide Bootes Field
2004B-UAO-S33EisensteinA Spectroscopic Survey of the NOAO Deep/Wide Bootes Field
2005A-UAO-S75EisensteinThe AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES): A Spectroscopic Survey of the NOAO Deep/Wide Boo"tes Field
2005B-UAO-S54EisensteinThe AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES): A Spectroscopic Survey of the NOAO Deep/Wide Bootes Field
2006A-UAO-S22EisensteinA Deep, Wide Area Survey for Mid/Far-Infrared Selected Quasars
2010A-SAO-12ElvisAGN Black Hole Masses from Reverberation Mapping in the COSMOS Field
2010A-SAO-21EspaillatThe Orion OB1 Hecto Survey: the Off-Cloud PMS Populations
2011C-SAO-13EspaillatTesting the Stellar Initial Mass Function in Orion
2012A-SAO-17EspaillatA Spectroscopic Study of Young Stellar Populations in the Orionis Star Forming Region
2005A-SAO-2FabricantHectospec Engineering
2005B-SAO-1FabricantHectospec Engineering
2006B-SAO-1FabricantHectospec Engineering
2004B-UAO-S25FanA Pilot Spectroscopic Survey of Faint Quasars and Early-Type Galaxies in the SDSS Deep Stripe
2004C-UAO-S27FanA Pilot Spectroscopic Survey of Faint Quasars and Early-Type Galaxies in the SDSS Deep Stripe
2005C-UAO-S18FanA Spectroscopic Survey of Faint Quasars and Early-Type Galaxies in the SDSS Deep Stripe
2006C-UAO-S7FanSpectroscopic Survey of Faint Quasars at z > 2.2 in the SDSS Deep Stripe: A Pilot Study
2008C-UAO-S9FanEnabling the Era of Mid-z Quasar Surveys: Quasar Clustering and the Faint QLF at z ~ 3
2011C-UAO-S8FanEnabling Next-Generation Cosmological Surveys: A Comprehensive Census of Faint Quasars to Redshift z < 4
2012B-UAO-G51FangSpectroscopic Survey of Young Stars in North American and Pelican Nebulae
2013A-UAO-G6FangCharactering the Accretion and Stellar Properties of Young Stars in the Orion Molecular Cloud
2013C-UAO-G98FangCompleting the Spectroscopic Survey of Young Stellar Objects in the Orion Star-Forming
2014B-UAO-G10 Fang The Galactic Delinquents Survey: A Search for Massive Failures Around Milky Way Analogs
2012B-PA-12A-0238FineReverberation Mapping of ~1000 QSOs
2009A-UAO-S8FinkelsteinDirect Measurements of Metallicity, Dust Extinction and Out-flow Velocities of Lyman Alpha Galaxies at z ~ 0.3
2011A-UAO-S16FordA Survey of the Galaxy-IGM Connection at z 0 1
2012A-UAO-S12FordA Survey of the Galaxy-IGM Connection at z = 0 - 1
2009C-SAO-3FrebelSpectroscopy of the Metal-Poor Stellar Debris of Milky Way Progenitors
2010A-SAO-6FrebelThe Origin of the Monoceros Stream and Past Milky Way Mergers
2015A-UAO-S165FryeArclet Redshift Census in the Field of MACS0647
2004C-SAO-05GellerMapping the Mass Distribution in the Universe
2005A-SAO-5GellerMapping the Matter Distribution in the Universe
2005B-SAO-2GellerMapping the Mass Distribution in the Universe
2005C-SAO-3GellerMapping the Matter Distribution in the Universe (SHELS)
2006A-SAO-4GellerSHELS: Mapping the Matter Distribution in the Universe
2006C-SAO-3GellerSHELS: Mapping the Mass Distribution in the Universe
2007A-SAO-4GellerMapping the Matter Distribution in the Universe
2008C-SAO-8GellerThe Low Lx Constraint on the Cluster M-Lx Relation
2009A-SAO-3GellerSHELS II: Cluster Catalogs from Weak Lensing
2009B-SAO-7GellerSHELS II: Cluster Catalogs from Weak Lensing Surveys
2009C-SAO-14GellerMergers, Diffuse Light, and Luminous Cluster Galaxies
2010A-SAO-4GellerHectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.5
2010B-SAO-1GellerHectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.5
2011A-SAO-1GellerHectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.5
2011B-SAO-1GellerHectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.5
2011C-SAO-2GellerGalaxy Cluster Mass Profiles
2012A-SAO-3GellerHectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.5
2012B-SAO-3GellerHectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25<z<0.5
2013A-SAO-2GellerHectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.5
2013B-SAO-2GellerHectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.5
2013C-SAO-6GellerScaling Relations for a Planck SZE Selected Cluster Sample
2014B-SAO-3 Geller HectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.7
2014C-SAO-8 Geller Scaling Relations for an Optically Selected Cluster Catalog: HeCS-red
2015A-SAO-4GellerHectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.7
2015B-SAO-3 Geller HectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25 < z < 0.7
2010C-SAO-11GreenQSO Variability in the Pan-STARRS Medium Deep Survey
2011A-SAO-10GreenQSO Variability in the Pan-STARRS Medium Deep Survey
2010B-UAO-DIRHastieSpectroscopic Studies of Kepler Cluster NGC6866
2005C-UAO-S17Hester,LollSpectroscopy of Filaments in the Crab Nebula
2009A-SAO-14HickoxAGN Spectroscopy in the XBootes Deep Survey
2009A-SAO-18HickoxAGN Environments and Clustering in DEEP2 Field 2
2009B-SAO-8HickoxAGN Spectroscopy in the XBootes Deep Survey
2009C-SAO-18HickoxXDEEP2: Environment and Evolution of AGN
2010A-SAO-8HickoxAGN Spectroscopy in the XBootes Deep Survey
2011A-SAO-15HickoxAGN Spectroscopy in the XBootes DEEP Survey
2012C-PA-12B-0295HillenbrandConnecting Stellar Properties and Aperiodic Photometric Variability Origins in Young Stars
2012B-SAO-13HoraCharacterization of Cygnus-X Young Stellar Objects with Hectospec
2007A-PA-07A-0260HornschemeierExpanding the Spectroscopic Completeness of the Coma Cluster with Hectospec
2009A-SAO-6HuangMeasuring the Rest-Frame 35micron Luminosity Function with Hectospec
2006C-UAO-G19HumphreysSpectroscopy of Spitzer Sources in M33
2007B-UAO- G19HumphreysMapping the Asymmetric Thick Disk: The Kinematics
2007C-UAO-G25HumphreysMapping the Asymmetric Thick Disk: Star Counts and Kinematics
2008B-UAO-G21HumphreysMapping the Asymmetric Thick Disk - Star Counts and Kinematics
2008C-UAO-G35HumphreysMapping the Asymmetric Thick Disk - Star Counts and Kinematics
2010C-UAO-G22HumphreysUnstable Luminous Stars in M31 and M33
2012A-UAO-G19HumphreysLuminous and Unstable Stars in N2403 and M81
2012B-UAO-G45HumphreysLuminous and Unstable Stars in N4214 and M101
2012C-UAO-G91HumphreysLuminous and Unstable Stars in N2403
2013C-UAO-G91HumphreysUnstable Luminous Stars in M31 and M33
2014C-UAO-G6 Humphreys Unstable Luminous Stars in M31 and M33
2012C-SAO-10HwangThe Environments of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies at z<0.8
2008C-PA-08B-0127Im, AKARI-NEP Survey TeamDeep Spectroscopy of IR Sources in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Wide Survey Field
2004A-UAO-S29ImpeyQuasars in the COSMOS/HST Treasury Field
2007A-UAO-S74ImpeyCOSMOS: The Evolution of High Redshift Galaxies and Super-Massive Black Holes
2008A-UAO-S40ImpeyCOSMOS: The Evolution of High Redshift Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes
2008C-SAO-13JohnsonA Dynamical Analysis of the Merging Cluster Abell 115
2009A-SAO-9JohnsonA Dynamical Analysis of Two Strongly Merging Clusters
2008A-UAO-S15JustRevisiting the Rapid Evolution of S0 Galaxies
2013A-UAO-S1BJustIdentifying Strongly Star-Forming Galaxies in the Infall Regions of Clusters
2011A-SAO-4Kilic, BrownShort Period Binary White Dwarfs
2008C-UAO-S23KimMMT/Hectospec Observations of Young Stars in the W3/W4 Star Forming Regions
2009B-UAO-S25KimThe Very Low-Mass Population of the Young Cluster Tr 37
2009C-UAO-S13KimMMT/Hectospec Observations of Young Stars in the W3 Star Forming Region
2010B-UAO-S3KimThe Very Low-Mass Population of the Young Cluster Tr 37
2010C-UAO-S6KimMMT/Hectospec Observations of Young Stars in the W3 and W4 Star Forming Region
2011A-UAO-S14KimAccretion and Disk-Locking of Young Stars in L1641: A Follow-up Spectroscopic Survey
2011B-UAO-S18KimMMT/Hectospec Observations of Young Low Mass Stars in the Serpens Star-Forming Region
2012A-UAO-S18KimA Survey of Young Stellar Objects in the W3 and W4 Star-Forming Regions
2012C-DIRKimA Survey of Young Stellar Objects in the W3 and W4 Star-forming Regions
2013A-UAO-S20KimA MMT/Hectospec Survey of Young Stellar Objects in the W4 Star-Forming Region
2008C-SAO-21Kirshner, Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 TeamOptical Identifications of Point-like X-ray Sources in M33
2009C-SAO-21KirshnerSupernova Spectroscopy (using Hectospec)
2010A-SAO-23KirshnerSupernova Spectroscopy
2013C-SAO-5KirshnerPilot Program: Obtaining Redshifts for Photometrically-Identified Type Ia Supernovae
2014B-SAO-6 Kirshner Obtaining Redshifts and Host Galaxy Spectra for Supernovae in Pan-STARRS
2014C-SAO-5 Kirshner Obtaining Redshifts and Host Galaxy Spectra for Supernovae in Pan-STARRS
2015A-SAO-8KirshnerObtaining Redshifts and Host Galaxy Spectra for Supernovae in Pan-STARRS
2015B-SAO-8 Kirshner Obtaining Redshifts and Host Galaxy Spectra for Supernovae in Pan-STARRS
2005A-PA-05A-0150KochanekAGES: The AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey
2006C-SAO-30KoenigThe Star Formation History of the W5 Star Forming Region
2007A-SAO-23KoenigSequential Star Formation in W5
2007C-SAO-10KoenigDisk Lifetimes of A Stars in W5
2008A-SAO-9KoenigSequential Star Formation and the IMF in W5
2008C-SAO-30KoenigConstraining Triggered Star Formation and Disk Evolution in W5
2009C-SAO-26KoenigYoung AB Star Disks in Cygnus X with Hectospec
2010B-SAO-11KoenigClustered and Distributed Young Stars in Cygnus X
2013A-UAO-G7KongCompleting Spectroscopy of HII Regions in Nearby Galaxies (2012A-03)
2013C-UAO-G99KongSpectroscopic Observations of the Star Formation Regions in Nearby Galaxies
2011C-SAO-16KriekPhysical Properties of 0.5<z<1.1 Galaxies as Function of Spectral Type
2013A-PA-12B-0185KriekPhysical Properties of Galaxies as a Function of Spectral Type
2008B-PA-08A-0418LacyThe Luminosity Function of Dust Obscured Quasars
2012A-UAO-G80LiA Deep Spectroscopic Survey of the Milky Way Stellar Halo and the Enigmatic Cluster NGC 2419
2012C-UAO-G87LiA Deep Spectroscopic Survey of an Enigmatic Overdensity of Distant BHB Stars in the Milky Way Stellar Halo
2015A-UAO-G25LianSpectroscopy of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift in the COSMOS Deep Field
2009B-SAO-21LiuAn Exploratory MMT/Hectospec Study for Holmberg II-ULX
2011C-SAO-19LiuSpectroscopic Monitoring of Candidate Binary Massive Black Holes
2012A-SAO-10LiuSpectroscopic Monitoring of Candidate Binary Massive Black Holes
2012C-UAO-G86LiuMMT Hectospec Radial Velocities of Red Clump Stars II: Dynamics of the Galactic Disk
2013A-UAO-G5LiuMMT Hectospec Radial Velocities of Red Clump Stars III: Non-Axisymmetric Structure of the Milky Way Disk
2013C-UAO-G100LiuMMT Hectospec Radial Velocities of Red Clump Stars III: Non-Axisymmetric Structure of the Milky Way Disk
2014A-UAO-G13LiuMMT Hectospec Radial Velocities of Red Clump Stars IV: The Rotation Curve of the Milky Way's Inner Disk
2013A-PA-13A-0072LyInvestigating the Processes Driving Low-Mass Galaxy Evolution with Gas Metallicities of Starburst Galaxies
2006a-UAO-S26LollMapping the Crab Nebula Ejecta
2015A-SAO-15Lopez-MoralesProbing the Stellar Activity-Rotation Relation in Open Cluster M37
2008A-PA-08A-0391LyFollow-Up Spectroscopy for z ? 1.2 Emission-Line Galaxies in the Subaru Deep Field
2012A-SAO-13MaDynamics and Evolution in Merging Clusters
2005C-PA-05B-0517MajewskiExploring the Newly Discovered Halo of M31
2006C-UAO- G48MajewskiHectospec Observations of the Newly Discovered M31 Halo
2007C-PA-07B-0412MajewskiExploring the Newly Discovered Halo of M31
2009A-UAO-S10MalhotraSpectroscopic Confirmations of Bright Lyman alpha Galaxies at z=3.1
2008B-PA-08A-0539MarzkeThe Faint End of the Red Sequence in the Coma Cluster: A Comprehensive Spectroscopic Survey from the Core to the Virial Radius
2009A-PA-09A-0432MarzkeThe Faint End of the Red Sequence in the Coma Cluster: A Comprehensive Spectroscopic Survey from the Core to the Virial Radius
2007C-UAO-S5MasseyMassive Stars in M31: Filling in the Yellow Void
2008B-UAO-S9MasseyProbing the F-G Supergiant Content of Nearby Galaxies using the OI 7774 Triplet: A First Reconnaissance
2009C-PA-09B-0149MasseyMassive Star Evolution as a Function of Metallicity: Closing the Loop in the Local Group
2009C-UAO-S8MasseyProbing the F-G Supergiant Content of Nearby Galaxies Using the O I 7774 Triplet: A First Reconnaissance
2010C-PA-10B-0260MasseyMassive Star Evolution as a Function of Metallicity: Closing the Loop in the Local Group
2011C-PA-11B-0083MasseyThe Wolf-Rayet Content of M31
2013C-UAO-S15MasseyGetting the Masses of Wolf-Rayet Stars in M31 and M33
2014C-UAO-S26 Massey Getting the Masses of Wolf-Rayet Stars in M31 and M33: Round II
2011A-UAO-S18McLindenSpectroscopic Confirmation of Lyman-alpha Galaxies at z=3.1 in COSMOS
2005A-SAO-18MegeathBrown Dwarf Formation and Environment in the Orion Molecular Cloud
2014B-SAO-12 Meibom The Kepler Cluster Study: Exoplanets and Gyrochronology
2006B-SAO-7ModjazTarget of Opportunity: Spectroscopy of SNe Connected with GRBs
2006C-SAO-7ModjazTarget of Opportunity: MMT Spectroscopy of SNe Connected with GRBs
2006A-UAO-S67MomchevaLens Environments as Laboratories for Galaxy Evolution
2006C-SAO-29MuenchHectospec Observations of Young Stars in IC 348: Wide Field Membership
2005A-SAO-10MurrayThe AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES)
2005B-SAO-7MurrayThe AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES)
2006A-SAO-16MurrayUsing-X-Ray Selected Sources to Map Cosmic Structure
2007A-SAO-21MurrayUsing X-Ray and IR Selected Sources to Map Cosmic Structure
2007B-SAO-14MurrayUsing X-Ray and IR Selected Sources to Map Cosmic Structure
2008B-SAO-11MurrayXDEEP2: Environment and Evolution of AGN
2004C-UAO-S51MuzerolleMMT Spectroscopy for a Spitzer Survey of Young Stellar Clusters
2008C-PA-08B-0282MyersWhere's the Peak? The z ~ 2.5 Quasar Luminosity Function
2006A-SAO-20NantaisStar Clusters and HII Regions in M81
2006C-SAO-31NantaisSpectroscopy of Globular Clusters in M81
2007C-SAO-17NantaisGlobular Cluster Spectroscopy in M81
2007A-SAO-20NulsenOptical Signatures of Mergers in Two Cold Front Clusters
2009A-SAO-15NulsenAbell 2142: Dynamics of the Archetypal Cold Front Cluster
2010A-SAO-19NulsenDynamics, Galaxy Evolution and a Benchmark for a Cold Front Sample
2010B-SAO-9NulsenDynamics and Galaxy Evolution in MS1455.0+2232 and A2069
2011A-SAO-7NulsenDynamics and Galaxy Evolution in A2034 and A2069
2007C-SAO-20O'SullivanTracing Lenticular Evolution with Globular Cluster Kinematics
2004B-UAO-S65PapovichOptical Spectroscopy for the Spitzer First Look Survey: The Mid-Infrared Luminosity Function
2005A-UAO-S42PapovichOptical Spectroscopy of Spitzer Sources in the Lockman Hole: Evolution of the Infrared Luminosity Function
2008B-UAO-S13PapovichHectospec Survey of AKARI IR Sources in the North Ecliptic Pole
2014C-UAO-G3 Park A Spectroscopic Survey of Three Merging Galaxy Clusters
2014C-UAO-G4 Park Dynamics and Physics of Galaxy Satellite Systems
2015B-UAO-G101 Park Dynamics and Physics of Galaxy Satellite Systems
2009A-PA-09A-0313PengA Deep Spectroscopic Survey of the Virgo Cluster Core
2010A-PA-10A-0445PengNGVS-S: A Comprehensive Spectroscopic Survey of Virgo
2010C-UAO-S11PereiraLoCuSS: Joint Hectospec/GALEX/HST/Subaru/Spitzer/Herschel Study of Star-Formation & Assembly Histories of Clusters
2011A-UAO-S7PereiraA Spectroscopic Survey of Assembling Clusters and their Evolving Galaxy Populations from z ~ 0.15 0.55
2012B-UAO-S5PereiraA Spectroscopic Survey of Assembling Clusters and their Evolving Galaxy Populations from z ~ 0.15 0.6
2011C-UAO-S5PereiraA Spectroscopic Survey of Assembling Clusters and Their Evolving Galaxy Populations from z ~ 0.15 0.6
2014B-UAO-S9 Pereira Extending the Arizona Cluster Redshift Survey (ACReS) to Low Mass Systems
2006A-UAO-G87PetersonSpectroscopy of Pre-Main Sequence Star and Brown Dwarf Candidates in 3 Young, Embedded Clusters
2009B-UAO-S18PrescottA Massive Galaxy Overdensity Surrounding a Large Lyman-Alpha Blob
2010A-UAO-S5RiekeX-ray Underluminous Clusters: A New Perspective
2007B-SAO-4RinesEvolution of the Cluster Mass Function: Comparing X-Ray and Virial Constraint
2007C-SAO-2RinesEvolution of the Cluster Mass Function: Comparing X-ray and Virial Constraint
2008A-SAO-3RinesThe Most Massive Clusters at z = 0.2: Cosmology and Scaling Relations
2008B-SAO-12RinesThe Most Massive Clusters at z = 0.2: Cosmology and Scaling Relations
2011B-SAO-15SaarThe Nearest Old Open Cluster Ruprecht 147: Low Mass Members and Binaries
2006C-UAO-S32SandA Systematic Search for Supernovae in Galaxy Clusters
2007C-UAO-S9SandRevisiting the Rapid Evolution of S0 Galaxies
2009A-SAO-29SandA Systematic Search for Supernovae in Galaxy Clusters
2009B-SAO-23SandA Systematic Search for Supernovae in Galaxy Clusters
2009C-SAO-23SandA Systematic Search for Supernovae in Galaxy Clusters
2010A-SAO-14SandCombining and Comparing Lensing and Galaxy Dynamics in Abell 611
2011B-SAO-6SandType Ia Supernova Host Properties from the Multi-Epoch Nearby Cluster Survey
2013C-UAO-G94ScarlataRelative Escape Fraction of Ionizing Radiation from Ly# Emitters at z=3.3
2007B-SAO-12SethTracing the History of Spiral Galaxies with Globular Clusters, I
2011B-UAO-S21SmithComplete Spectroscopic Census of Variable Sources in Stripe 82
2011C-UAO-G82SmithFinding Fossils on Our Doorstep: Using the Milky Way to Probe Galaxy Evolution
2008C-SAO-10SoderbergRevealing Dust Formation in Naked Supernovae with MMT
2009A-SAO-24SoderbergRevealing Dust Formation in Naked Supernovae with MMT
2009C-SAO-15SoderbergRevealing Dust Formation in Naked Supernovae with MMT
2013A-UAO-G9SokalEmerging Wolf-Rayet Stars in Embedded Super Star Clusters
2007C-PA-07B-0322StanghelliniSearch for Metallicity Gradients in M33 through Hectospec Spectroscopy of Planetary Nebulae
2008C-PA-08B-0083StanghelliniSnapshots at Two Epochs of the Metallicity Gradient in the Spiral Galaxy M81: PNe and HII Regions
2005B-SAO-9SteeghsHectospec Follow-up of Halpha Sources from the IPHAS Survey
2005C-SAO-9SteeghsHectospec Follow-Up of Galactic Halpha Sources from the IPHAS Survey
2006B-SAO-5SteeghsHectospec Follow-Up of Halpha Sources from the IPHAS Survey
2006C-SAO-14SteeghsHectospec Follow-Up of Halpha Sources from the IPHAS Survey
2007B-SAO-13SteeghsHectospec Follow-up of Halpha Sources from the IPHAS Survey
2007B-PA-07A-0566SternA Complete Sample of Mid-IR Selected AGN
2009C-SAO-5StraderGlobular Clusters in M31 and M33: Continuing the Survey (II) (using Hectospec)
2010A-SAO-10StraderM87 and the Virgo Cluster: The Transition Region
2011A-SAO-5StraderM87 and the Virgo Cluster
2011A-SAO-11StraderGlobular Cluster Kinematics in the Benchmark Elliptical NGC 3379
2012A-SAO-5StraderM87 and the Virgo Cluster
2012B-SAO-2StraderM87 and the Virgo Cluster
2009C-SAO-24StubbsExtending the ESSENCE Survey: Host Galaxies of High-Redshifts Supernovae
2010A-SAO-9StubbsExtending the ESSENCE Survey: Host Galaxies of High-Redshift Supernovae
2010A-UAO-L23TrumpSupermassive Black Hole Masses with Reverberation Mapping
2010B-UAO-L19TrumpSupermassive Black Hole Masses with Reverberation Mapping
2009B-UAO-S16TylerMapping the Full Range of Star Formation in the Local Rich Cluster A2029
2005B-SAO-11van den BergLooking for Optical Counterparts to Chandra Sources in NGC6791
2010A-SAO-3VikhlininVirial Mass Estimates for High-z X-ray Selected Clusters
2013A-UAO-S4WangUnderstanding the Assembly History of the Outer Disk of NGC 2403
2008A-UAO-S21WeinerThe Clustering and Environment of IRLuminous Galaxies
2008B-UAO-S17WeinerThe Clustering and Environment of IRLuminous Galaxies
2009B-UAO-S13WeinerThe Clustering and Environment of IRLuminous Galaxies
2013B-UAO-S8WeinerLuminosity Functions of Satellite Populations Around Milky Way-like Galaxies
2015A-UAO-S186WeinerDwarf Satellite Populations Around Milky Way-like Galaxies: Luminosity Functions and Star Formation
2014C-UAO-S47 Weiner Luminosity Functions of Satellite Populations Around Milky Way-like Galaxies
2005A-UAO-S67K. WilliamsThe Importance of Lens Galaxy Environments
2008B-SAO-4WillmanKinematics of Localized Overdensities in the nearby Galactic Halo
2006B-UAO-S6WillmerSpectroscopy of MIPS 24 m Sources in the Extended Groth Strip
2007B-UAO-S10WillmerEvolution of the Infrared Luminosity Function using MIPS-Selected Galaxies
2008A-UAO-S20WillmerEvolution of the Infrared Luminosity Function using MIPS-Selected Galaxies
2014C-UAO-S35 Willmer A Search for Faint Galaxies Associated with Low-Redshift C IV Absorbers
2011A-SAO-13WillnerGas in Galaxies at z=0.32
2015A-UAO-S218WilsonA New Approach to Spatially Resolving the Circumgalactic Medium at z=0.2 - 0.9
2012B-UAO-S4WindhorstAbell 1882-SuperGroup: Galaxy Cluster Assembly at z = 0.14
2005C-SAO-18WinstonDisk Evolution in the First 3 Million Years
2006A-SAO-15WinstonDisk Evolution in the First 2 Million Years
2006C-SAO-19WinstonSpectral Typing of Clustered Young Stellar Objects in the Nearest 1kpc
2008C-SAO-33WinstonThe Effects of Clustered Star-Formation on Disk Evolution in IRAS20050
2012C-UAO-S16WongMapping the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec
2013A-UAO-S21WongMapping the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec
2014A-UAO-S10WongMapping the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec
2014C-UAO-S31 Wong Mapping the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec
2015B-UAO-S227 Wong Mapping the Most Powerful Gravitational Lens Telescopes with MMT Hectospec
2009B-SAO-18WrightThe Velocity Structure of Cygnus OB2
2011B-SAO-9WrightThe Stellar Content and Dynamics of Cygnus OB2
2012B-SAO-9WrightThe Stellar Content and Dynamics of Cygnus OB2
2012C-SAO-7WrightThe Stellar Content and Dynamics of Cygnus OB2
2013B-SAO-14WrightThe Stellar Content and Dynamics of Cygnus OB2
2014B-SAO-14 Wright The Stellar Content and Dynamics of Cygnus OB2
2012C-UAO-G88H. WuMMT Hectospec Redshift Survey of FIR/Sub-mm and MIR Sources in the H-ATLAS SDP Field
2013C-UAO-G101WuSpectroscopy of Quasars and Galaxies in a Two-Square Degree VIMOS Field
2011C-UAO-G80XueMMT Hectospec Radial Velocities of Red Clump Stars: Measuring the Galactic Rotation Curve Beyond the Solar Radius
2009A-UAO-S17YangNew Constraints on the Evolution of Ly-a-Emitting Galaxies
2004B-UAO-S52ZabludoffThe Importance of Lens Galaxy Environments
2004C-UAO-S38ZabludoffThe Importance of Lens Galaxy Environments
2014B-UAO-S12 Zabludoff MMT Spectroscopy of the NGVS: From the Sagittarius Stream to the Virgo Cluster
2004C-UAO-S42Zaritsky/CloweTracking Early-Type Galaxies Throughout the Cosmic Web
2005C-UAO-S22Zaritsky,CloweTracking Early-Type Galaxies Throughout the Cosmic Web
2006C-UAO-S10Zaritsky,CloweTracking Early-Type Galaxies Throughout the Cosmic Web
2012A-UAO-S21ZaritskySkewers Through Nearby Galaxy Halos
2013B-UAO-G10Zhang H.Exploring the Milky Way Dark Matter Halo and Sub Halo by Pal 5 Tidal Stream
2013B-UAO-G11Zhang, L.MMT/Hectospec Spectra for K-Dwarfs at the North Galactic Pole: Measuring the Local Dark Matter Density
2014B-UAO-G14 Zhang Exploring the Milky Way Dark Matter Halo and Sub Halo by Pa15 Tidal Stream II
2012B-UAO-S30ZhengLyman Alpha Emitters at z = 2.1: Evolution on both the Ly- Luminosity Function and the Spectral Energy Distribution?
Last modified on 2015-May-20
Comments or Questions? Contact Jessica Mink