Occultations of Space Telescope Guide Stars by 2060 Chiron: 1990-1995
- D.J. Mink
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- S.A. Stern
- U. Colorado/LASP
The minor planet 2060 Chiron appears to exhibit an extended
atmosphere or coma. Stellar occultations can be used to
probe the region around Chiron as they have the atmospheres
of the planets. A search of the Space Telescope Guide Star
Catalog was conducted along the projected path of 2060
Chiron from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1995. and 69
stars were found within
5 arcseconds of Chiron's path, after those
less than 45 degrees from the sun at the time of Chiron's
closest approach were eliminated.
Stars which Chiron approaches within 1 arcsecond include GSC
776.0612 (V=13.4) on 16 February 1991, GSC 800.0307
(V=14.69) on 9 January 1992, GSC 241.0175 (V=10.45) on 6
January 1993, and GSC 4930.0473 (V=13.87) on 13 February
1995. Further refinement of the ephemeris of 2060 Chiron is
needed to improve the accuracy of these predictions.
This work was redone with an improved Chiron ephemeris furnished by
Larry Wasserman of Lowell Obseravtory, and
46 stars were found within 5
arcseconds of Chiron's path.
Abstract published in the Bulletin of the A.A.S., Volume 22, page 1358.