From Planets to Stars to Galaxies: Putting things in their places (Mink et al., 2009)

From Planets to Stars to Galaxies: Putting things in their places

Doug Mink
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

Jimboree, a Symposium in honor of MIT Professor James Elliot, June 16, 2010

To show the influence of my work on occultations with Jim Elliot at Cornell and MIT, I presented my work in mapping planets and the sky from 1974 through 2010, from Mars with Tom McCord, mapping Uranus and stars with Jim, mapping the Milky Way with Giovanni Fazio at SAO, mapping exact star positions and comparing catalog accuracies, and mapping galaxy redshifts to study Large Scale Structure.

I got to present last as the earliest of his associates who attended.

PDF Presentation (unpublished)