listspec Parameters

Input Spectrum input specext specnum specband pix1 pix2 lambda1 lambda2 nsum Output Spectrum outfile heading verbose = no debug = no

Input [contents] [index]

input = "" Image file name or @list file or wild-carded file name(s)
specext = 0 Spectrum extension number in multiextension FITS image
specnum = 0 Spectrum number in multispec or 2-D image
specband = 0 Spectrum band in multispec image
pix1 = INDEF First pixel to list. If INDEF, start with first pixel in this spectrum.
pix2 = INDEF Last pixel to list. If INDEF, end with last pixel in this spectrum.
lambda1 = INDEF Starting wavelength to list. If INDEF, start with first defined wavelength in this spectrum.
lambda2 = INDEF Ending wavelength to list. If INDEF, end with last defined wavelength in this spectrum.
nsum = 1 Number of pixels to sum across dispersion

Format [contents] [index]

columns = "wf" Print n=aperture/order p=pixel w=wavelength f=flux v=velocity d=deltawave
numform = "%3d" IRAF format for spectrum number/aperture/order
pixform = "%4d" IRAF format for spectrum pixel number
fluxform = "%g" IRAF format for flux output
waveform = "%9.3f" IRAF format for wavelength/log wavelength output
renormalize = 0.0 Renormalize data to this number (neg mean pos max)
printlim = no Print values at only pix1 and pix2 if yes else pixels between
printmid = no Print center wavelength of spectrum if yes else not
printmid = no Print wavelength at center pixel of spectrum if yes else not

Output [contents] [index]

outfile = no If yes, write output to [input root].wav
heading = no If yes, include one line description at start of each file.
verbose = no If yes, print the name of the spectrum before listing its values.
debug = no If yes, print the name of the spectrum before listing its values.

LISTSPEC Parameters, Alphabetically

columns debug fluxform heading input lambda1 lambda2 nsum numform outfile pix1 pix2 pixform printlim printmid printctr renormalize specband specext specnum verbose waveform

Last updated January 28, 2020 by Jessica Mink

Telescope Data Center [listspec] [rvsao]